Reverse Dependencies of celery
The following projects have a declared dependency on celery:
- opbeat — The official Python module for
- open-api-framework — A metapackage for registration components, that bundles the dependencies shared between these components and provides generic settings
- open-download-manager — no summary
- open-observe-tracking-django — no summary
- openagua-engine — Tools to connect a model engine to OpenAgua
- opencve — CVE Alerting Platform
- opendrift-leeway-webgui — Web GUI for Leeway simulations with OpenDrift
- openedx-certificates — A pluggable service for preparing Open edX certificates.
- openedx-completion-aggregator — an app that aggregates block level completion data for different block types for Open edX.
- openedx-event-sink-clickhouse — A sink for Open edX events to send them to ClickHouse
- openedx-events-sender — Send Open edX events to selected URLs.
- openedx-learning — Open edX Learning Core and Tagging.
- openfund-server — FastAPI struct
- openg2p-g2p-bridge-celery-beat-producers — OpenG2P G2P Bridge Celery Beat Producers
- openg2p-g2p-bridge-celery-workers — OpenG2P G2P Bridge Celery Workers
- openg2p-g2p-bridge-example-bank-api — OpenG2P G2P Bridge API
- openg2p-g2p-bridge-example-bank-celery — OpenG2P G2P Bridge Example Bank Celery
- openg2p-registry-celery-beat-producers — OpenG2P Registry Celery Beat Producers
- openg2p-registry-celery-workers — OpenG2P Registry Celery Workers
- openg2p-sr-celery-beat-producers — OpenG2P Social Registry Celery Beat Producers
- openg2p-sr-celery-workers — OpenG2P Social Registry Celery Workers
- openkongqi — Outdoor air quality data
- OpenREM — Open source patient radiation dose monitoring software
- opentelemetry-instrumentation-celery — OpenTelemetry Celery Instrumentation
- opentracing_instrumentation — Tracing Instrumentation using OpenTracing API (
- openwisp-utils — OpenWISP 2 Utilities
- orangutan — Automatic API Inspection and Adaptation System
- orchestrator-core — This is the orchestrator workflow engine.
- orchestrator-lso — LSO, an API for remotely running Ansible playbooks.
- ores — A webserver for hosting scorer models.
- organizations — A small organizations handler app for django
- orion-common — A small example package
- oshepherd — The Oshepherd guiding the Ollama(s) inference orchestration.
- osism — OSISM manager interface
- ot4-lib — Shared stuff for Outlaw projects
- oteapi-core — Open Translation Environment (OTE) API.
- outbox-streaming — no summary
- pacifica-cartd — Pacifica Cartd
- pacifica-dispatcher — Pacifica Dispatcher
- pacifica-ingest — Pacifica Ingest
- pacifica-notifications — Pacifica Notifications Service
- packtivity — packtivity - general purpose schema + bindings for PROV activities
- pano-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- pantos-client-cli — Client CLI for engaging with the Pantos system
- pantos-client-library — Client library for engaging with the Pantos system
- pantos-common — Common code for Pantos off-chain components.
- pantos-service-node — Pantos Service Node (reference implementation)
- pantos-validator-node — Pantos Validator Node (reference implementation)
- papermerge-core — Open source document management system for digital archives
- patchlab — A Django application designed to bridge Patchwork to GitLab
- pavo — PAthological Visualisation Obsession
- pdf2zh — Latex PDF Translator
- permabots — Connect chats bots to your API apps
- pescatore-cli — Pescatore client
- pgraph — Drawing graph of the dependencies of Python packages
- phovea_processing_queue — Process long-running tasks in the background using Celery.
- pipet — Open SQL
- pivotal-app-metrics — django-app-metrics is a reusable Django application for tracking and emailing application metrics.
- platform-plugin-aspects — Aspects plugins for edx-platform
- platipy — Processing Library and Analysis Toolkit for Medical Imaging in Python
- pnow — A restful client library, designed to access predictnow restful API.
- politico-civic-almanac — no summary
- politico-civic-campaign-tracker — no summary
- politico-civic-election-loader — Ingest election metadata and results from outside sources, the POLITICO way.
- politico-civic-election-night — no summary
- predictnow-api — A restful client library, designed to access predictnow restful API.
- preswald — A lightweight data workflow SDK.
- processing-pypelines — Framework to organize processing code outputs to/from disk, processing chaining and versionning with a common easy to use api
- production_request — Metric collector for production
- prometheus-celery-exporter — Prometheus metrics exporter for Celery
- prometheus-exporter-celery — no summary
- promgen — no summary
- protean — Protean Application Framework
- ProtoLLM — no summary
- protollm_sdk — no summary
- py-flowgrid — A simplified, powerful interface for distributed task management in Python, built on Celery.
- pyechonext — EchoNext is a lightweight, fast and scalable web framework for Python
- pyknot — A Python-based message bus system designed for message handling and crafted to integrate with dependency injection frameworks.
- pymbse-exec — Execution module for PyMBSE
- pyodhean-server — Optimization of District Heating Networks
- pyorchestra — Orchestra is a job scheduler on top of Celery
- pyramid_celery — Celery integration with pyramid
- pyramid-tasks — Bring parity to Pyramid and Celery by creating a full Pyramid application in the Celery worker and providing a request object for each task.
- pyrin — A rich, fast, performant and easy to use application framework to build apps using Flask on top of it.
- pytest-celery — Pytest plugin for Celery
- python-bridge — A Python tool to abstract your Django infrastructure.
- pyventus — A powerful Python library for event-driven and reactive programming.
- qiniu-ufop — Qiniu ufop development tool
- qronos-django — Django package for using the QRonos Python Client
- quackquack — Quack Quack: A simple application initializator
- quade — The friendly QA tool for Django.
- quantaxis-run — QUANTAXIS:Quantitative Financial Strategy Framework
- r-shepard — no summary
- rabbitmq-email-notifier — A set of utilities for placing a message onto a queue for an emailer listener to receive
- radiale — radiale
- rag — no summary
- ragstack-ai-langflow — RAGStack Langflow
- rapidpro-dash — Support library for RapidPro dashboards
- rapydo-http — HTTP API server working on top of the RAPyDo framework
- raveberry — A multi-user music server with a focus on participation