Reverse Dependencies of celery
The following projects have a declared dependency on celery:
- catchbot — Telegram bot to catch your hooks from Github, Gitlab and more
- cathpy — CathPy - Python Bioinformatics Toolkit for CATH (Protein Classification).
- cdci-data-analysis — A Python Framework for CDCI online data analysis
- celery-aio-pool — Celery worker pool with support for asyncio coroutines as tasks
- celery-amqp-backend — A rewrite of the original Celery AMQP result backend that supports Celery 5.0 and newer.
- celery-amqp-events — Distributed event handling on top of Celery
- celery-batches — Experimental task class that buffers messages and processes them as a list.
- celery-bundle — no summary
- celery-callback-service — 基于celery的回调服务。业务系统创建celery回调任务,celery-callback-worker执行回调任务,业务系统在回调任务中处理异步任务。
- celery-client-stubs — Client-side stubs for celery task execution
- celery-connectors — Celery Connectors
- celery-crossover — Celery Crossover aims to make it really easy to execute tasks in another service.
- celery-dashboard — A simple, extensible and full-featured dashboard for celery
- celery-debounce — celery debounce without cache
- celery-debug — celery debug tasks.
- celery-decorator-taskcls — Celery taskcls decorator
- celery-dill-serializer — Dill serializer for Celery 4.0+
- celery-director — Celery Director
- celery-dispatcher — An extension for celery to dispatch large amount of subtasks within a main task
- celery-dyrygent — Celery extension for workflows processing
- celery-enqueue — Command-line program to enqueue tasks within RabbitMQ for processing by Celery
- celery-eternal — Celery task subclass for jobs that should run forever
- celery-executor — A concurrent.futures.Executor implementation using Celery as backend
- celery-explorer — A Django app for managing celery tasks.
- celery-exporter — Prometheus metrics exporter for Celery
- celery-extra-schedulers — Extra schedulers for celery.
- celery-farmer — Farmer will monitor how the Celery cluster is behaving
- celery-flask-login — no summary
- celery-graphite — Simple Celery metrics exporter to graphite
- celery-gsheets — A celery package for gsheets
- celery-haystack-ng — An app for integrating Celery with Haystack
- celery-heimdall — Helpful celery extensions.
- celery-jalalicrontab — A Celery schedule corntab which is work with jalali calendar
- celery-loaders — Celery Application and Task Loader Examples
- celery-local-exporter — A Prometheus exporter that lives inside your Celery process.
- celery-logger — Python library for logging celery events
- celery-mock — celery-mock allows you to mock celery task and run them when you want
- celery-pantry — Monitor and archive Celery task information
- celery-pipeline — Runtime-configurable execution pipeline built on celery.
- celery-pool-asyncio — Celery pool to run coroutine tasks
- celery-prometheus — Celery with your own prometheus metrics
- celery-prometheus-exporter — Simple Prometheus metrics exporter for Celery
- celery_pubsub — A Publish and Subscribe library for Celery
- celery-queued-once — Celery base task de-duplicating tasks
- celery-redbeat — A Celery Beat Scheduler using Redis for persistent storage
- celery-redbeat-meideng — A Celery Beat Scheduler using Redis for persistent storage
- celery-redis-cluster — A Redis Cluster backend for Celery
- celery-redis-poll — A Redis Backend for Celery with polling instead of pub/sub
- celery-redisbeater — A Celery Beat Scheduler using Redis for persistent storage
- celery-rmq — Celery and RabbitMQ producer and consumer made easy with celery-rmq
- celery-sentinel — Redis-Sentinel transport for Celery
- celery-serverless — Celery worker deployed as a Serverless application
- celery-signal-receivers — Extension for the Django signal receivers to process them asynchronously as the Celery tasks.
- celery-singleton — Prevent duplicate celery tasks
- celery-skinos — Custom consumer for celery integration
- celery-slack — A Slack extension for Celery.
- celery-slack-webhooks — A Slack extension for Celery.
- celery-smartbase — An extension and improvement of the Celery package to avoid duplicate tasks and view pending tasks in Django.
- celery-spider — spider build on celery
- celery-sprout — Generate Web UI to run Celery tasks
- celery-sql-beat-reloader — A Celery beat scheduler in SQL
- celery-sqlalchemy-kit — Schedule tasks in an SQL Database and define Async Celery Tasks.
- celery-sqlalchemy-scheduler — A Scheduler Based SQLalchemy For Celery
- celery-sqlcommenter — instrument sql queries running on celery
- celery-sqlmodel-beat — Celery Periodic Tasks backed by the sqlmodel
- celery-starter — Django command to launch celery worker, beat, flower
- celery-statsd — Send various info to statsd for each Celery task
- celery-streaming-result — Celery任务结果分片管理
- celery-task-locker — Ensuring a task is only executed one at a time
- celery-task-manager — no summary
- celery-testutils — Run a monitored Celery worker for integration tests that depend on Celery tasks
- celery-tool — no summary
- celery-tools — celery tools
- celery_tryton — Celery integration with Tryton
- celery-typed-tasks — no summary
- celery-valkey-backend — A custom Celery result backend using Valkey as the storage engine
- celery-viestikanava — Asynkroninen toteutus Celeryn käyttämiseksi viestinvälitykseen
- celery-yaml — Easy configuration for celery app using Yaml file
- celery-yandex-serverless — Package for starting Celery worker inside Yandex Cloud Serverless Container
- celerybeat-sqlalchemy-scheduler — Celery Beat Scheduler which stores entries in a database.
- celerybeatmongo — A very simple Celery Beat Scheduler that stores status information in a MongoDB database.
- celerycontrib.sqlalchemyscheduler — SQLAlchemy-backed scheduler for Celery
- CeleryFlask — Extension Flask for integration with celery
- celerylog — Listens all the Celery events and forwards them to (Kinesis Firehose/EventPipe/Local log file)
- CeleryStalk — Change Large CSVs Faster with Easy Parallel Processing
- celeryviz — A tool for visualising execution of Celery tasks.
- chap-core — Climate Health Analysis Platform (CHAP)
- circuitree — Genetic circuit design using Monte Carlo tree search
- citrinedjangomodule — citrinedjangomodule
- cl-runtime — CompatibL Runtime Community Edition
- clean-python — Clean architecture in Python
- clearly — Clearly see and debug your celery cluster in real time!
- clickhouse-django-logger — Логгер Django для ClickHouse с интеграцией Celery.
- client-render — no summary
- cloudforet-core — SpaceONE core library
- cloudlaunch-server — CloudLaunch is a ReSTful, extensible Django app for discovering and launching applications on cloud, container, or local infrastructure
- cntr — ECommerce connector
- cnx-publishing — Application for accepting publication requests to the Connexions Archive.
- cob — Cob is a powerful framework for building full-stack web applications
- coca-tools — no summary