Reverse Dependencies of celery
The following projects have a declared dependency on celery:
- 15five-snowplow-tracker — Snowplow event tracker for Python. Add analytics to your Python and Django apps, webapps and games
- a2ml — A powerful API to Automate Machine Learning workflows from multiple vendors.
- aa_airtable — Airtable integration for Django-based projects
- aa-intercom — Django integration for Intercom API
- abilian-core — A framework for enterprise applications (CRM, ERP, collaboration...).
- abutils — Utilities for analysis of adaptive immune receptor repertoire (AIRR) data
- account — no summary
- accounts — no summary
- accrete — Django Shared Schema Multi Tenant
- acoupi — Classifier for bioacoustic devices
- adapter-client — Клиент для взаимодействия со СМЭВ3 посредством Адаптера
- adarnauth-esi — Django app for accessing the EVE Swagger Interface.
- adimis-graph-builder — Core utilities for the Adimis toolbox.
- adjango — A library with many features for interacting with Django
- admin_logs — Admin logs for django like in Google Application Engine
- adsputils — ADS Pipeline Utils
- afex-logger — AFEX logger package
- affo-email-service — no summary
- affo-event-service — no summary
- agentserve — A framework for hosting and scaling AI agents.
- ai-butler-sdk — AI模型生产管理平台sdk
- aifori — aifori
- aio-agents — Opinionated template for building llm agents
- aio-snowplow-tracker — Asyncio Snowplow event tracker for Python. Add analytics to your Python and Django apps, webapps and games.
- aiondao — no summary
- alabamaEncoder — no summary
- aleksis-core — AlekSIS (School Information System) — Core
- alertadengue — AlertaDengue Package
- algonaut — The API toolkit for Algoneer.
- allianceauth — An auth system for EVE Online to help in-game organizations
- alo7-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- ambition-edc — Ambition Trial EDC (
- ambition-utils — Various utility packages used across Ambition projects.
- amsdal — AMSDAL
- amsdal-data — Data-layer for AMSDAL framework
- analytical — Python Server Side Analytics
- anoteai — An SDK for interacting with the Anote API
- antinex-core — AntiNex publisher-subscriber core for processing training and prediction requests for deep neural networks to detect network exploits using Keras and Tensorflow in near real-time.
- antinex-utils — AntiNex Utilities for Keras and Tensorflow
- aolab-bmi3d — electrophysiology experimental rig library
- apache-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- apache-airflow-backport-providers-celery — Backport provider package apache-airflow-backport-providers-celery for Apache Airflow
- apache-airflow-providers-celery — Provider package apache-airflow-providers-celery for Apache Airflow
- apache-airflow-zack — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- apiqa-storage — Apiqa user storage backend for django projects
- appenlight — appenlight
- applyx — ApplyX
- apyum — Adapter for Celery that implements JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol.
- arpakitlib — arpakitlib
- arxiv-submission-core — no summary
- asgi-correlation-id — Middleware correlating project logs to individual requests
- athena — Interact with your Hadoop cluster from the convenience of your local command line.
- atonixcore — At AtonixCorp, we're pioneering the future with cutting-edge technology solutions across agriculture, fintech, medical research, security, big data, and cloud computing. Our innovative approaches and dedicated expertise drive advancements and empower industries to reach new heights.
- — Auger ML predict python and command line interface
- auth-satvadev — Registration with confirmation by code and token authorization
- automagik — AutoMagik - Automated workflow management with LangFlow integration
- autoscale-queue-celery — Produces Celery queue metrics for the Agent
- autotm — Automatic hyperparameters tuning for topic models (ARTM approach) using evolutionary algorithms
- avaris — Task execution engine for data management and monitoring
- b2-forms — A useful package provided by B2BIT
- b2-utils — A useful package provided by B2BIT
- backflow — A simple crawler framework that implements both single run and distributed run based on Celery, allowing you to write your crawler code as you please
- background-workflows — Background Workflows for task processing
- bamboo-pipeline — runtime for bamboo-engine base on Django and Celery
- bambu-server — bambu-server: model provisiong tool for Bambu
- basi — Distributed tasks and signals
- basx-bread — Engine to create database applications based on Django and the IBM Carbon Design System
- battlecat — Django-based double entry accounting based on Hordak
- beam-ds — Beam Datascience package
- beatdrop — Simplified, scalable task scheduling with typechecking.
- beatlock — Celerybeat scheduler on redis-sentinel
- bel-commons — A web application exposing core PyBEL functionalities
- bemserver-core — BEMServer Core
- bflower — A Python package with a built-in web application
- bigchem — A distributed system for scaling and parallelizing quantum chemistry calculations
- bili_cli — no summary
- bk-plugin-runtime — bk plugin python django runtime
- bk-resource — Bk Resource
- blackcap — Shared library for Orchestra
- blink-celery — Library to create/execute celery tasks for blink cameras
- blinky — This is the Blinky project.
- bluedot-rest-framework — no summary
- bmds-ui — U.S. EPA Dose Response Modeling Software User Interface
- bmi3d — electrophysiology experimental rig library
- bodhi-server — Bodhi server
- body-organ-analysis — BOA is a tool for segmentation of CT scans developed by the SHIP-AI group at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine ( Combining the TotalSegmentator and the Body Composition Analysis, this tool is capable of analyzing medical images and identifying the different structures within the human body, including bones, muscles, organs, and blood vessels.
- bookserver — A new Runestone Server Framework
- botshot — A framework for creating stateful chatbots on Django.
- bpmailer — Mailing utility for Django
- bpnotify — Notification routing for Django
- bpp-iplweb — no summary
- burp-ui — Burp-UI is a web-ui for burp backup written in python with Flask and jQuery/Bootstrap
- buzzerboy-saas-tenants — A reusable Django package containing multiple apps
- byro — Membership and fees management for associations, clubs and groups
- cacahuate — The process virtual machine
- cacheless-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- cadasta-workertoolbox — Cadasta Worker Toolbox
- caluma-alexandria — Document management service
- camcops-server — CamCOPS server
- cancelchain — A Blockchain of Accountability, Forgiveness, and Support