Reverse Dependencies of bump-my-version
The following projects have a declared dependency on bump-my-version:
- agjax — A jax wrapper for autograd-differentiable functions.
- aibs-informatics-aws-lambda — Utility library for building validated and typed AWS Lambda functions
- aibs-informatics-aws-utils — Library of AWS utility code for informatics projects at the Allen Institute for Brain Science
- aibs-informatics-cdk-lib — CDK Library for AIBS Informatics services
- aibs-informatics-core — Core package for informatics projects at the Allen Institute for Brain Science
- aiproteomics — A package for MSMS spectral library prediction models from the field of (phospho-)proteomics, intended to facilitate the testing and comparison of different neural network architectures and existing models.
- airflow-balancer — Utilities for load balancing DAGs
- airflow-common-operators — Common operators and tasks for airflow
- airflow-config — Airflow utilities for configuration of many DAGs and DAG environments
- airflow-ha — High Availability (HA) DAG Utility
- airflow-laminar — Meta-repository for airflow-laminar tools
- airflow-priority — Priority Tags for Airflow Dags
- airflow-pydantic — Pydantic models for Apache Airflow
- airflow-supervisor — Supervisor operators and configuration for long-running tasks
- alphabase — An infrastructure Python package of the AlphaX ecosystem
- anatrans — A collection of analytical and semi-semianalytical solutions for hydrogeological transport phenomena
- ApiQlient — Quickly create REST clients
- argiletum-devtools — Argiletum development tools
- ARLBench — Python Boilerplate that contains all the code you need to create a Python package.
- atomic-counter — Atomic Counters
- audiozen — Audio ZEN is a library for audio/speech signal processing.
- autolingua — autolingua description
- BEM-prediction-models — package implementing BEM prediction models
- birdhouse-finch — A Web Processing Service for Climate Indicators.
- bor2diggs — Convert BOR files to DIGGS
- borfile — Small Python library to manipulate BOR files.
- bsb-arbor — Arbor simulation adapter for the BSB framework
- bsb-core — `bsb-core` is the backbone package contain the essential code of the BSB: A component
- bsb-hdf5 — HDF5 storage engine for the BSB framework.
- bsb-json — JSON parser and utilities for the BSB.
- bsb-nest — NEST simulation adapter for the BSB framework.
- bsb-neuron — NEURON simulator adapter for the BSB framework
- bsb-test — Helpers for better and more complete tests for component developers of the BSB framework.
- bsb-yaml — YAML parser for the BSB framework.
- captchai — Captchai is a python library for solving captchas using AI
- cardiac-geometries-core — Gmsh files for cardiac geometries
- cardiac-geometriesx — A python library for cardiac geometries
- cardiac-mps — Tools for working with caridac mps files
- ccflow — Composable Configuration Flow
- ccmaps — A few custom matplotlib colormaps.
- certipy — Utility to create and sign CAs and certificates
- chat-file — no summary
- check-bump — Check if pyproject.toml version was bumped
- chord-progressions — A Python package for working with chord progressions
- clep — A Hybrid Data and Knowledge Driven Framework for Generating Patient Representations
- clisops — CLISOPS - Climate simulation operations.
- cobalt-ai — ML model understanding and repair
- cog-worker — Scalable geospatial analysis on Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs.
- cogeo-mosaic — CLI and Backends to work with MosaicJSON.
- color-operations — Apply basic color-oriented image operations.
- combined-gene-caller — Combined gene caller for MGnify pipeline, to combine predictions from FragGeneScan and Prodigal
- compas — The main COMPAS framework library.
- COMPAS-AGS — COMPAS package for Computational Graphic Statics
- compas-assembly — no summary
- compas-bender — Form Finding of bending active structures using a modified dynamic relaxation method.
- compas-cadwork — COMPAS package for integrating with cadwork.
- compas-cra — no summary
- compas-dem — Discrete Element Models for Modern Masonry Design and Historic Masonry Assessment
- compas-dr — Constrained form finding using the Dynamic Relaxation Method.
- compas-fd — Constrained form finding using the Force Density Method.
- compas-fea2 — This package is the 2nd generation of Finite element Analysis tools for COMPAS.
- compas-gmsh — COMPAS wrapper for the PYthon bindings of GMSH
- compas-grid — Model of simple grid structures for multi-storey buildings.
- compas-ifc — High-level IFC interface for COMPAS.
- compas-invocations2 — A collection of reusable pyinvoke tasks.
- compas-model — This package provides a universal model datastructure for design, analysis, fabrication, and construction of AEC objects.
- compas-notebook — A COMPAS viewer for Jupyter notebooks based on PyThreeJS.
- compas-occ — COMPAS wrapper for the Python bindings of OCC.
- compas-rui — Collection of components to build user interface in Rhino using COMPAS
- compas-rv — COMPAS RhinoVAULT
- compas-session — Session management for COMPAS workflows and tools
- compas-skeleton — Mesh modelling using skeleton graphs.
- compas-tna — Form Finding of compression-only funicular networks, with vertical loads, using Thrust Network Analysis.
- compas-triangle — COMPAS-firendly wrappers for the Triangle library
- compas-viewer — Standalone viewer for COMPAS 2 based on PyOpenGL and PyQt6.
- compas-xr — COMPAS XR streamlines extended reality workflows to ease the implementation of human-machine collaborative applications in architectural research and educational environments.
- configparser-override — ConfigParser with environment variable and direct assignment overrides
- continuiti — Learning function operators with neural networks.
- cookie-composer — Create new projects from a composition of several templates
- copulas — Create tabular synthetic data using copulas-based modeling.
- cryoemservices — Services for CryoEM processing
- cryoforge — Metadata genrator for ITS_LIVE velocity scenes
- csp-adapter-slack — A csp adapter for slack
- csp-adapter-symphony — A csp adapter for symphony
- ctgan — Create tabular synthetic data using a conditional GAN
- cx_Freeze — Create standalone executables from Python scripts
- cybershell — The Shell That Shapes Your Code
- cyclic-classes — Allow creation of circular module dependencies between classes
- daops — Dataset-Aware Operations.
- dashing-next — Dashing allows to quickly create terminal-based dashboards in Python.
- data-annalist — Audit trail generator for data processing scripts.
- deepecho — Create sequential synthetic data of mixed types using a GAN.
- deeprank2 — DeepRank2 is an open-source deep learning framework for data mining of protein-protein interfaces or single-residue missense variants.
- demonstrable-whisperx-service — A standalone service for transcribing audio files using WhisperX
- djalgo — A music composition toolkit
- django-admin-index — Admin index for Django
- django-digid-eherkenning — A Django app for DigiD/eHerkenning authentication flows
- django-import-export-xml — An XML export format for django-import-export
- django-json-schema-model — JSON schema model for django.
- django-password-validators — Additional libraries for validating passwords in Django.