Reverse Dependencies of bump-my-version
The following projects have a declared dependency on bump-my-version:
- purl2vcs — purl2vcs is an add-on library working with the PurlDB to find the version control system (VCS) URL of a package and detect the commit, tags and path for a given version.
- purldb-toolkit — A toolkit and library to use the PurlDB and its API
- py-evm — Python implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine
- py-geth — py-geth: Run Go-Ethereum as a subprocess
- pyaligner — Automatic audio transcriptor and audi-text aligner
- pybaselines — A library of algorithms for the baseline correction of experimental data.
- pydantic-airflow — Pydantic models for Apache Airflow
- pydantic-supervisor — Pydantic models for supervisor
- pymetadata — pymetadata are python utilities for working with metadata.
- pyplexityai — A clean, lightweight, and modern Python client for the Perplexity AI API with OpenAI compatibility. Built with PyPy and JIT-GIL enhancements for optimal performance.
- pyprecag — A suite of tools for Precision Agriculture
- pyrkm — Machines learning to do machine-learning
- raydar — A perspective powered, user editable ray dashboard via ray serve
- rbx — A collection of common tools for Scoota services.
- rdt — Reversible Data Transforms
- refractiveindex2 — A python interface to the database.
- release-by-changelog — Release a new version of a software based on file.
- rio-stac — Create STAC Items from raster datasets.
- rio-tiler — User friendly Rasterio plugin to read raster datasets.
- rlp — rlp: A package for Recursive Length Prefix encoding and decoding
- royalflush — Royal FLush is a Python framework specifically designed to facilitate the development, execution and analysis of multi-agent systems (MAS) federated learning (FL) experiments.
- rustfluent — no summary
- rwskit — Utility methods I've found useful.
- s3psync — s3psync: A simple tool to sync files and directories to Amazon S3.
- sb-json-tools — Tools for working with JSON files.
- scrachy — Enhanced functionality for Scrapy.
- sdgym — Benchmark tabular synthetic data generators using a variety of datasets
- sdmetrics — Metrics for Synthetic Data Generation Projects
- sdv — Generate synthetic data for single table, multi table and sequential data
- sedate — Date/time helper functions used by various Seantis packages.
- seekwellpandas — SQL queries on Pandas data frames
- segmentmytif — Segment (georeferenced) raster data in an interactive fashion. Retrain models in seconds. Only small amounts of labeled data necessary because of our use of pretrained base models as feature extractors.
- shadowsocks-manager — A shadowsocks manager for multi-user and traffic statistics
- sigllm — LLMs for unsupervised time series anomaly detection
- sleepguard — Monitor system stats and prevent system sleep when significant activity is detected.
- Slurmize — TUI program that generated Slurm batch scripts.
- sofar — Maybe the most complete python package for SOFA files so far.
- SoL — Carrom tournaments management
- souk — SO:UK Data Centre documentation.
- sparsejac — Efficient forward- and reverse-mode sparse Jacobians using Jax.
- specarray — Working with hyperspectral data
- speckcn2 — Estimate Cn2 from Speckle patterns using machine learning
- ssz — ssz: Python implementation of the Simple Serialization encoding and decoding
- staging — Execute pipeline stages and steps
- starlette-cramjam — Cramjam integration for Starlette ASGI framework.
- stm32loader — Flash firmware to STM32 microcontrollers using Python.
- storynavigator — Narrative analysis add-on for the Orange 3 data mining software package.
- streamAPI — basics utility and stream processing functionality
- suitable — Suitable is a thin wrapper around the Ansible API.
- superstore — Data generation
- supervisor-pydantic — Pydantic models for supervisor
- temporal-cache — Time based function caching
- testcontainers-yt-local — Testcontainer for Yt
- tidy3d — A fast FDTD solver
- tilebench — Inspect HEAD/LIST/GET requests withing Rasterio
- tipg — Simple and Fast Geospatial OGC Features and Tiles API for PostGIS.
- titiler.pgstac — Connect PgSTAC and TiTiler.
- totypes — Custom datatypes useful in a topology optimization context
- tractorun — Run distributed training in TractoAI
- trie — Python implementation of the Ethereum Trie structure
- tulona — A tool to compare data from different sources.
- uc3m-pic — Helper package for UC3M PIC course
- ukb-atlas — Generate meshes from UK Biobank data
- unraphael — Decoding Raphael: Computational Study of the Production and Reproduction of Italian Renaissance Paintings.
- utitools — Utilities for working with Uniform Type Identifiers (UTIs)
- vbvarsel — Quickly identify clusters of variables by using a scalable, computationally efficienty annealed variational Bayesian algorithm.
- vcf2ldif — This tool is designed to convert *.vcf (vCard) contact files to *.ldif file, for further creation of shared phone books on LDAP server.
- vida_py — Python interface for Volvo's VIDA databases.
- wasabi.geom — 2D vector, line and polygon classes, and a spatial hash implementation
- xclim — Climate indices computation package based on Xarray.
- xdatasets — Easy access to Earth observation datasets with xarray.
- xhydro — Hydrological analysis library built with xarray.
- xhydro-temp — Hydrological analysis library built with xarray.
- xscen — A climate change scenario-building analysis framework, built with xclim/xarray.
- xsdba — Statistical correction and bias adjustment tools for xarray.
- xtal2txt — Package to encode and decode crystal structures into text representations
- yardang — Easily generate sphinx documentation
- zero-mech — A zero-dimensional mechanics solver
- zgw-consumers — Configuration for service (OpenAPI 3 or other) consumers
- zgw-consumers-oas — Tooling to deal with OpenAPI specifications, extracted from zgw-consumers.