Reverse Dependencies of bs4
The following projects have a declared dependency on bs4:
- bandcamp-api — Obtains information from
- bandmap — Bandmap accessory for fdlogger and wfdlogger
- bane — cyber security library, penetration testing module
- banelib — cyber security library
- bank-of-ghana-fx-rates — A python client library used to extract the exchange rates of Bank of Ghana into CSV
- Bank-of-Tz — Gets data from the Bank of Tanzania
- BAproducetracker — Produce expiration tracker
- base-aux — collect all my previous modules in one package
- basecrawler — This is the crawler libray
- basic-web-scraper — Basic Web Scraper made with selenium and bs4
- basketball-reference-scraper — A Python client for scraping stats and data from Basketball Reference
- batframes — 可以配置将多个可执行文件和内部命令串接成一个完整命令执行的框架工具。(命令支持 多个option选项)
- bballRefWebScraper — A package that Grabs basketball data from basketball-reference
- bbook-maker — The bilingual_book_maker is an AI translation tool that uses ChatGPT to assist users in creating multi-language versions of epub/txt files and books.
- BBSpider — a web spider
- bcamp-dl — Download your collection from Bandcamp.
- bdtheme — Console BeautifulDiscord theme manager
- bearalpha — A Quantum Finance Analyze Toolkit
- beautifulsouppro — This project is dedicated to beautifulsoup
- beautifulworld — Package for visualizing data about cities
- bechdel-corpus — An annotated corpus of classic literature.
- beeb — A modern interface to the BBC Sounds radio catalogue
- benchlingapi — An unofficial python wrapper for the Benchling API
- BeraChainToolsPro — BeraChainTools 一个为 BeraChain 生态系统设计的工具集,旨在帮助用户轻松地进行各种交互和操作。
- berrycheck — Fornecer aos usuários uma maneira fácil e acessível de obter cotações atualizadas de várias moedas, incluindo as principais moedas do mundo, para fins de negociação, investimento ou outras finalidades financeiras. Além dos preços de ações das principais empresas brasileiras.
- besttags — Get the best hashtags for your post
- biblehub — A module to scrape, also cli app
- bibmancli — Simple CLI tool to manage BibTeX files.
- — Convert bibtex to html.
- bibverse — A simple cli tool to get the bible verse of the day
- bilibili-utils — Bilibili Utilities
- bilix — ⚡️Lightning-fast asynchronous download tool for bilibili and more
- billboardgetter — A small web scraping package
- bing-translation-for-python — Bing translation for python
- bingbong — Ping pong is a management library for LLM applied applications.
- bingwp — download wallpaper
- bingy — A simple module for searching on DuckDuckGo
- BiobankRead — UKBiobank Python pre-processing
- BiobankRead2 — Python scripts for UKB data
- bioCaption — Diagnostic Captioning
- bioig — BioAnalyzer is a module that allows you to extract personnals informations from an instagram profile bio such as : Religion, Hobbies, Ethnicity, Emails,, Snapchat, Twitter, Best Friends, Age, Location, Love Relationship, Love Relationship date, Facebooks, Astrologic Sign, Sexuality.
- bioinf-common — Aggregation of functionalities needed in multiple projects
- biorange — no summary
- birdhouse-toolbox — Command line tools to automate various processes
- birdseye — Graphical Python debugger which lets you easily view the values of all evaluated expressions
- bitcoinhisyprice — A package to retrive bitcoin history price data from coin market cap
- bjut-internet-login-tool — BJUT Internet Login Tool for command line
- blackmaria — no summary
- blender-addon-tester — Add-On Tester for Blender using Pytest
- blfs-pm — Package manager for Beyond Linux from Scratch (BLFS) system
- blivomdeler-api — A python library for doing all sorts of things on the site.
- blockapi — BlockAPI library
- blogger-cli — Blogger cli is a CLI tool to convert ipynb, md, html file to responsive html files.
- bluepy3 — A Python3 interface to Bluetooth LE on Linux.
- boa-web — boa_web is electron.js for python
- boardlib — Utilities for interacting with climbing board APIs
- boiler-simulation — boiler simulation software
- boj-tool — A tool for submitting to BOJ
- boj2md — Parse Baekjoon Online Judge Problem to Markdown
- bolster — Bolster's Brain, you've been warned
- bonbast — Get currencies exchange rates for IRR from
- bonch-schedule — Schedule Module for bonch
- bondai — An AI-powered console assistant with a versatile API for seamless integration into applications.
- Bookdl — Download books
- booli-crawler — A crawler of - a Swedish housing platform.
- boonli-api — API allowing you to fecth menus from
- boris-spider — A high-level Web Crawling and Web Scraping framework
- bossweb — GUI framework to develop web and desktop apps in pure python using html, css and scripting. Powered by PyQt5, flask, Brython, selenium and libsass
- bot-on-anything — 将 **AI模型** 接入各类 **消息应用**,开发者通过轻量配置即可在二者之间选择一条连线,运行起一个智能对话机器人,在一个项目中轻松完成多条链路的切换。该架构扩展性强,每接入一个应用可复用已有的算法能力,同样每接入一个模型也可作用于所有应用之上。
- botty-mcbotface — General purpose Slack-bot with personality
- boursocrawling — A module for getting Boursorama Data
- boxoffice-api — Unofficial Python API for Box Office Mojo
- bpb — Naver Blog Auto Posting Bot From Read Markdown File
- bplz —
- BPMN-RPA — Robotic Process Automation by running BPMN diagram flows.
- BRAD-Chat — This package connects large language models with bioinformatics workflows.
- brainyquote-api — UNOFFICIAL API for
- brandaniethical — A package for green consumers and investors to quickly get a view of fashion brands’ animal policy, rate, and animal material usage. and check trendy tickers esg from yahoo finance and esg api
- BRCurrencyPy — Um conversor de moedas e criptmoedas para a moeda brasileira.
- brevia — Extensible API and framework to build your Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and Information Extraction (IE) applications with LLMs
- bridge-markup — Bridge Markup Language for creating bridge (card game) bidding documents.
- briefed-people-utils — Tools to support collect and send publically available data to Briefed.
- BrowseDrive — no summary
- brute-force-attacker — A wrapper tool for mediainfo tool
- bs2json — Convert bs4 Tags into Json
- bs4tag — Generate HTML or XML in a pythonic way. Pure python alternative to web template engines. Based on BeautifulSoup parser. Can fill HTML forms with default values and error messages.
- bsdotpy — BSDotPy, A module to get a bombsquad player's account data.
- bselib — A package for stocks data listed on Bombay Stock Exchange
- btecli — Extensible CLI
- buildaspider — Build yourself a small site crawler.
- BundesligaPredictor — no summary
- BuoyanText — Normalizing English and Chinese Text
- burpy — Burp HTTP history parser
- buster-doctalk — Buster 🤖: A chatbot for retrieval-augmented generation
- busyboulder — Command line utility for checking how busy climbing gyms are.
- buzzheavier — Buzzheavier link generator
- byebyebots — Unsubscribe bot-like users from the Instagram account
- ByRequests — Helper to use proxy services with Requests
- c-binance-future-quant — 这是一套经过长时间实盘验证,有超过100亿美金交易量,包含币安合约的数据录入,风控,交易的架构实现,但不包含具体的策略,仅提供一个简单的交易实践演示数据读取,开仓,平仓,以及止盈止损,风控,还有前端数据展示和分析(前端板块为react+redux+antd,开源还在准备中,因为现在还有维护一个左侧策略,打算直接把这个左侧策略的数据释放出来示范,应该在7月25号前发布上来)你可以利用它简单,低成本的实现你的交易逻辑,其大量运用阿里云服务器进行分布式架构,多进程处理,以及飞书进行异常报错和交易信息披露...如果你愿意详细阅读该readme的所有信息,尤其是 [模块详细解析](#模块详细解析) ,那么他同时也会是一部关于币安合约的交易风控,设计架构的经验理解历史,总结了几乎本人所有成功和失败的经验,希望能让后人少踩些坑
- cadl — Creative Applications of Deep Learning with TensorFlow