- tencentcloud-sdk-python-ump — Tencent Cloud Ump SDK for Python
- tencentcloud-sdk-python-vcg — Tencent Cloud Vcg SDK for Python
- tencentcloud-sdk-python-vclm — Tencent Cloud Vclm SDK for Python
- tencentcloud-sdk-python-vcube — Tencent Cloud Vcube SDK for Python
- tencentcloud-sdk-python-vdb — Tencent Cloud Vdb SDK for Python
- tencentcloud-sdk-python-vm — Tencent Cloud Vm SDK for Python
- tencentcloud-sdk-python-vms — Tencent Cloud Vms SDK for Python
- tencentcloud-sdk-python-vod — Tencent Cloud Vod SDK for Python
- tencentcloud-sdk-python-vpc — Tencent Cloud Vpc SDK for Python
- tencentcloud-sdk-python-vrs — Tencent Cloud Vrs SDK for Python
- tencentcloud-sdk-python-vtc — Tencent Cloud Vtc SDK for Python
- tencentcloud-sdk-python-waf — Tencent Cloud Waf SDK for Python
- tencentcloud-sdk-python-wav — Tencent Cloud Wav SDK for Python
- tencentcloud-sdk-python-wedata — Tencent Cloud Wedata SDK for Python
- tencentcloud-sdk-python-weilingwith — Tencent Cloud Weilingwith SDK for Python
- tencentcloud-sdk-python-wss — Tencent Cloud Wss SDK for Python
- tencentcloud-sdk-python-yinsuda — Tencent Cloud Yinsuda SDK for Python
- tencentcloud-sdk-python-youmall — Tencent Cloud Youmall SDK for Python
- tencentcloud-sdk-python-yunjing — Tencent Cloud Yunjing SDK for Python
- tencentcloud-sdk-python-yunsou — Tencent Cloud Yunsou SDK for Python
- tencentcloud-sdk-python-zj — Tencent Cloud Zj SDK for Python
- tencentcloud-simple-sign — Tencent Cloud Simple Sign SDK for Python
- TencentDocDownloader — A tool to download Tencent documents, currently supports Excel documents.
- TencentExmail — Python Tencent Exmail API
- tencheck — A library for pytorch layer testing.
- tencirchem-ng — Efficient quantum computational chemistry based on TensorCircuit
- tend-odoo — mr.bob templates for Odoo projects
- tenda — Unofficial Tenda Model N301 API
- tenda-everest — Python package to manage Tenda Everest router
- tenda4g09 — A small library for the Tender 4G09 router
- tendawifi — Python package that allows to manage tenda router AC15.
- tendenci — no summary
- tendenci-django-admin-bootstrapped — A Bootstrap theme for Django Admin
- tendenci-django-tagging — Generic tagging application for Django
- tendenci-group-on-email — Apply discounts and permissions to account groups based on email suffix eg. .edu.
- tendencia — no summary
- tendencia-utils — no summary
- tender — tender
- tendermint-chunked-genesis-download — Package for easily downloading a chunked Tendermint genesis from a RCP enabled node.
- tendkid-core-library — Collection of reusable Python components to share with Python projects integrating TendKid
- tendo — A Python library that extends some core functionality
- tendon — no summary
- tendril-async-utils-core — Core Utilities for the Asynchronous Tendril Stack
- tendril-config — Tendril Config Infrastructure
- tendril-connector-geda — gEDA connector for tendril
- tendril-connector-influxdb — Tendril Connector to InfluxDB
- tendril-connector-mq — Tendril Connector to RabbitMQ
- tendril-connector-tally — Tally XML interface connector for tendril
- tendril-conventions-electronics — Tendril Electronics Conventions
- tendril-conventions-motifs — Tendril Motifs Infrastructure
- tendril-conventions-series — Tendril Series Conventions
- tendril-conventions-status — Tendril Status Conventions
- tendril-costing — Tendril Costing Primitives
- tendril-devtooling — Generic Development Tooling from Tendril
- tendril-dox-labelmaker — Label generation infrastructure for tendril
- tendril-dox-render — Core document rendering primitives for tendril
- tendril-dox-wallet — Tendril Document Wallet
- tendril-eda — Tendril EDA Primitives and Infrastructure
- tendril-entities-base — Tendril Entity Primitives
- tendril-entity-base — Tendril Entity Primitives
- tendril-extensions-qtpl — Tendril Extensions for the QTPL Instance
- tendril-framework — An open-ended framework for handling information, to aid development, management, and production cycles
- tendril-identity — Tendril Identity Management
- tendril-metrics — Tendril package to manage metrics
- tendril-monitor-vcs — VCS monitoring and documentation generation server using Twisted for Tendril
- tendril-pricing — Tendril Pricing Infrastructure
- tendril-products — Tendril Products Infrastructure
- tendril-projects — Tendril Projects Infrastructure
- tendril-prototype-base — Tendril Prototype Primitives
- tendril-schema — Tendril Schema Management Infrastructure
- tendril-server-fs — XML-RPC Filesystem Server using Twisted and Pyfilesystems for Tendril
- tendril-server-prefab — JSON-RPC pre-assembled datasets server using Twisted for Tendril
- tendril-structures — Tendril Entity Structures and Associated Infrastructure
- tendril-structures-psl — Tendril Structure Support for PSLs
- tendril-utils-changelog — Changelog parser for tendril
- tendril-utils-core — Core utilities for tendril
- tendril-utils-db — Database utilities for tendril
- tendril-utils-files — File manipulation utilities for tendril
- tendril-utils-fsutils — Filesystem utilities for tendril
- tendril-utils-gerber — Gerber file manipulation utilities for Tendril
- tendril-utils-gschem-files — Gschem file manipulation utilities for Tendril
- tendril-utils-libreoffice — Libreoffice utilities for Tendril
- tendril-utils-markdown — Markdown utilities for Tendril
- tendril-utils-pdf — PDF utilities for Tendril
- tendril-utils-terminal — Terminal utilities for tendril
- tendril-utils-types — Type classes for tendril
- tendril-utils-vcs — VCS utilities for tendril
- tendril-utils-www — Internet utilities for tendril
- tendril-utils-yaml — YAML utilities for Tendril
- tendril-validation — Validation Infrastructure for Tendril
- tendril-validation-common — Common validation patterns for Tendril
- tendrils — (Cosmic) Tendrils is the generic API for (cosmic) FLOWS project and pipeline.
- tenduke-core — Shared code supporting 10Duke SDKs
- tenduke-scale — API client for 10Duke Scale.
- tendulkar-s3-aws — Python library for dashboard
- tenet — account manager
- tenetan — Temporal Network Analysis Library
- Teneto — Temporal network tools
- teneva — Compact implementation of basic operations in the tensor-train (TT) format, including TT-SVD, TT-ALS, TT-ANOVA, TT-CROSS, TT-truncate for approximation of multidimensional arrays and multivariate functions
- teneva-bm — Benchmarks library, based on the package teneva, for testing multivariate approximation and optimization methods