- tent — Github Automation Package in Python.
- tenta — Python client library for Tenta, a sensor network management tool
- tentacle-tentacle — Manage sensors and measurements
- tentacletk — no summary
- tentaclio — Unification of data connectors for distributed data tasks
- tentaclio-athena — A python project containing all the dependencies for schema awsathena+rest for tentaclio.
- tentaclio-databricks — A python project containing all the dependencies for the databricks+thrift tentaclio schema.
- tentaclio-databricks-pyodbc — A python project containing all the dependencies for schema databricks:pyodbc for tentaclio.
- tentaclio-gdrive — A python project containing all the dependencies for schema gdrive for tentaclio.
- tentaclio-gs — A python project containing all the dependencies for the gs tentaclio schema
- tentaclio-postgres — A python project containing all the dependencies for postgresql tentaclio schema.
- tentaclio-s3 — A python project containing all the dependencies for schema s3 for tentaclio.
- tentaclio-snowflake — A python project containing all the dependencies for schema snowflake for tentaclio.
- tentacular — M5Stack IoT Edge
- tentacule — "Tentacule is an uncomplicated library to deal with a pool of worker processes"
- tentakel — distributed command execution
- tentalog — Utility package for logging in Python
- tentamaker — TentaMaker
- tentativa-descricao — no summary
- tenten — AI Software Engineer
- tenuki — A set of development tools for go/baduk/wéiqí projects.
- tenuml — Library for reading/writing data in COMBINE archives
- tenvplate — Generate .env files from templates and secrets managers
- tenvs — no summary
- tenxbot — no summary
- teny — dnn framework
- tenyks-cli — Tenyks AI
- tenyks_sdk — Tenyks Python SDK
- tenzir — A security telemetry engine for detection and response
- tenzir-platform — Tenzir CLI
- teo — no summary
- teomim — Digital twin for generating and analyzing medical histories with deep comorbidity structures
- teon — no summary
- teos — no summary
- teos-client — Testing client for The Eye of Satoshi
- teos-common — Common library for The Eye of Satoshi
- teos10 — Unofficial Python implementation of the TEOS-10 properties of water
- tep — tep is a testing framework to help you write pytest more easily. Try Easy Pytest!
- tepet — Small timing tool to run performance analysis
- tepezza — Scrape doctor data from
- tephi — Tephigram plotting in Python
- tephigram — Tephigram plotting and profile integration
- tephiplt — plotting a tephigram
- tepimport — Utility for quickly downloading and loading the Tennessee Eastman Process data set
- teplotstyles — Pacakge for quickly implementing matplotlib styles.
- tepp — The Extension Pure Python
- teppan — Teppan is integrated for Sinopac Trading API - Shioaji.
- teqoa-water-use-equations-Teqoa — A package for calculating water use estimates for example: ETo, ET, Kcb, Kc
- teqp — Templated EQuation of state Package
- tequila — A minecraft server manager
- tequila-basic — A High-Level Abstraction Framework for Quantum Algorithms
- ter2 — Implementation of some rich-iterator concept
- Tera-CDP-ETL-dev — A small example package
- Tera-ETL-dev — A small example package
- tera-utils — Utils for fun
- terabhai — tu
- Terabit — no summary
- TeraBoxUtility — A python package for save file in TeraBox
- teradataexportcsv — teradataexportcsv package
- teradataml — Teradata Vantage Python package for Advanced Analytics
- teradatamlspk — Python package for running Spark workloads on Teradata Vantage
- teradatamlwidgets — Teradataml Widgets
- teradatamodelops — Python client for Teradata ModelOps (TMO)
- teradatasql — no summary
- teradatasqlalchemy — Teradata SQL Driver Dialect for SQLAlchemy
- teragpt — Paper - Pytorch
- terahertz — Toolbox for calibration of terahertz spectra in python
- terakaamhogyaeenjoymari — A basic hello package
- terakaamhogyaenjoymari — A basic hello package
- terality — The Data Processing Engine for Data Scientists
- teramesh-hardware-tester — Scripts to test Teramesh hardware.
- teranetpracticum — teranet practicum package test
- terapi-global-client — A Python client to easily integrate all Terapi Global services into your application.
- terapp — Ter is a simple CLI framework for Python App
- Teras — A Unified Deep Learning Library for Tabular Data
- TeraTTS — russian text to speech
- terbine-py-library — Python modules used to connect to Terbine's API
- tercol — TerCol is a library that colors your text.
- tercontrol — Lightweight POSIX terminal control library for python3
- TerCuz — Advance Terminal Customizer
- terekhin-latex-builder — no summary
- TeremokTSLib — Easy-to-use box ML solution for forcasting consumption
- terencePDF — This is the homepage of our project.
- TerevintoSoftware.PkceClient — A Python package to deal with OAuth PKCE authentication flow to generate JWT tokens from desktop apps.
- terfapdf — no summary
- terge — An easy-to-use Python library for merging PyTorch models.
- tergite — The SDK in the Tergite software stack for connecting to the Swedish quantum computer
- tergite-autocalibration — commandline application to calibrate the WACQT quantum computers automatically
- tergiversator — Run multiple duplicity backups from a central host
- teritori — Replications origin and terminus prediction in bacterial genomes
- teritorio — A library for country and currency ISO codes
- terkin — A flexible data logger for MicroPython and CPython
- terkin-micropython-libraries — Terkin MicroPython runtime libraries
- TerLMGrenetCryptedMessages — no summary
- term — An enhanced version of the tty module
- term-ascii-diagram — Build ASCII diagrams in terminal using keyboard.
- term-assist — An AI assistant for your terminal.
- term-background — Determinte if a shell has a light or dark background
- term-cheat — A text base UI for collecting and finding termial commands.
- term-from-nat — A remote term connect from one nat to another nat