- s3wm — Simple Window manager.
- s3workers — Helper to simplify concurrent access to object scanning in AWS S3 buckets.
- s3x — no summary
- s3zipda — Functionality to access data stored inside zip files, either locally or in S3
- s4 — Fast and cheap synchronisation of files using Amazon S3
- s4-clarity — A general purpose library for interacting with Clarity LIMS
- s4-design-sim-tool — CMB-S4 Design Simulation Tool
- s4-platform-api — A general purpose library for interacting with the Semaphore Platform API
- s4-torch — S4 - Pytorch
- s4d — S4D: SIDEKIT for Diarization
- s4dl — Simple async S3 downloader that handles pre-signed URLs
- s4f — no summary
- s4f-client-install-hooks — This is a dummy package
- s4f-clients — no summary
- s4f-comms-client — This is a dummy package
- s4f-dimension-processor-client — This is a dummy package
- s4f-healthcheck — no summary
- s4f-install-hooks — This is a dummy package
- s4f-order-client — This is a dummy package
- s4f-order-service-client — This is a dummy package
- s4f-payment-options-client — This is a dummy package
- s4f-payment-payflex-client — This is a dummy package
- s4f-returns-service — This is a dummy package
- s4f-returns-service-client — This is a dummy package
- s4g — Stupid Simple Static Site Generator
- s4gpy — S4G/discoverability API Wrapper.
- s4l-dti — Help pre-processing of DTI for use in Sim4Life
- s4s — Service for Script
- s4sdk — no summary
- s4u.image — 2Style4You image library
- s5 — SciNet Super Simple Secrets Server
- s5-pytorch — S5 - Simplified State Space Layers for Sequence Modeling - Pytorch
- S570 — GPL570 platform microarray analyse files
- s5a — Sentinel-5 Algorithms
- s5cmd — This project provides the infrastructure to build s5cmd Python wheels.
- s5cmdpy — python binding for using s5cmd to download and upload files to s3 efficiently
- s5commander — no summary
- s6r-bitwarden-cli — Interact easily with Bitwarden client
- s6r-hubspot — Hubspot API client
- s6r-odoo — Odoo RPC client
- s7 — Top-level package for Seven.
- s7-poetry-version-plugin — Poetry plugin for dynamically extracting the package version from a __version__ variable or a Git tag.
- s7r — An easy to use job runner.
- s7smaths — Synthesis math
- sa — Python split annotations package
- sa-app — Sentiment analyzer app
- sa-casbin — 基于casbin改写符合态势感知业务逻辑的规则引擎
- sa-csgo — A python application for ubuntu server that provides faster and user-friendly operations for cs:go server administrators via CLI or GUI.
- sa-decor — SQLAlchemy decorators for an optional connection/session dependency injection.
- sa-dump-engine — a mock engine to output SQL statements generated by SQLAlchemy
- sa-filters — A library to filter SQLAlchemy queries.
- sa-metameta — Dynamic SQLAlchemy Metadata Reflection of One or More SQLALchemy Engines
- sa-modelcrud — Model CRUD manager to handle databases with asynchronous SQLAlchemy sessions
- sa-package — no summary
- sa-pathfinding — A Python utility to execute single-agent search algorithms and represent search environments.
- sa-repository — Repository pattern for SQLAlchemy models
- sa-tools-core — SA Tools Core
- sa11y — The Selenium Accessibility Project
- sa2-seed-key — SA2 Seed/Key Authorization for Volkswagen AG Vehicles
- sa2django — Convert sqlalchemy database schemas to django database models at runtime.
- sa2schema — Convert SqlAlchemy models to Pydantic
- sa39menupack — no summary
- sa818 — SA818 Programming Software
- saa — Converting time into natural language phrases
- saa-contours-converter — no summary
- saadha-packages — no summary
- saadiahmed292 — An awesome package for demonstration purposes
- saagieapi — Python API to interact with Saagie
- saai — nlu components
- saaltfiish-boilerplate — Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.
- saaps — Single Amino Acids Polymorphism Statistics
- saarland — no summary
- saarsec — no summary
- saas — Screenshot as a service
- saas-co — no summary
- saashq-wrench — CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Saashq apps
- saasjoy — no summary
- saasless — no summary
- saasops — Package for handling recurring revenue reporting in SaaS startups
- saasyflow — no summary
- saat — Simulated annealing group allocation
- saate-matne — A library for formatted time display in English and Persian with Night and Day themes
- — A Python client for the JioSaavn API
- saavpedia — SAAVpedia python library
- saaya — Saaya is a Python framework based on Mirai
- sab — quick sab module
- saba-pipeline — A package for running data pipelines. It contains various types of source and sinks and handles many side operations
- sababa — Sababa PyPI Package
- sabac — Simple Attribute Based Access Control
- sabacan — Command Line Interface for various application servers
- sabaka — flexible python error messaging
- sabana — Classes to interact with Sabana. Meet us at
- sabapy — Misc functions used during my work
- sabarishkanna-pyc — helps to solve/assist small calculations and conversion
- sabarishpyca — helps to solve/assist small calculations and conversion
- sabath — no summary
- sabathdev — no summary
- sabbath-school-lessons — Python module for processing sabbath school bible study guides
- sabbaticas — sabbaticas - thoughts and methodology in code.
- sabcalculatorpy — helps to solve/assist small calculations and conversion