- safir — The Rubin Observatory SQuaRE framework for FastAPI services.
- safir-arq — arq support for the Rubin Observatory SQuaRE framework, Safir.
- safir-logging — Logging for the Rubin Observatory SQuaRE framework, Safir.
- safire — A flexible tool to create and delete Google / GSuite service accounts to be used with shared drives.
- SafirPy — A Safir wrapper for Monte Carlo simulations
- SAFIRshell — SAFIR shell
- safitty — Safitty. Wrapper on JSON/YAML configs for Python.
- SafoneAPI — Asynchronous Python Wrapper For SafoneAPI
- safpdf — no summary
- safpis — SAFPIS is a Python library to access the South Australia Fuel Pricing Information Scheme (SAFPIS) REST API.
- safrac — This is a fractal generator for geophysical models.
- safrs — SAFRS : SqlAlchemy Flask-Restful Swagger
- SAFT — SAFT: Self-Attention Factor-Tuning for Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning
- saft-model — no summary
- saftool — no summary
- safuaaaa — A package to fetch and display a PDF from GitHub.
- safucall — no summary
- SafuPy — Python module which provides password hashing and any other user data encryption and decryption.
- sag-calc — sag_calc
- sag-py-auth — Keycloak authentication for python projects
- sag-py-auth-brand — Keycloak brand/instance authentication for python projects
- sag-py-cache-decorator — A decorator to cache method call results with similar parameters
- sag-py-execution-time-decorator — A decorator for methods to log the execution time (sync and async)
- sag-py-fastapi-health — A library for fastapi health checks
- sag-py-fastapi-request-id — Adds an unique identifiert to fastapi requests
- sag-py-logging — Initialize logging from a configuration json
- sag-py-logging-logstash — Python logging logstash handler
- sag-py-web-common — Small helper functions for web projects
- sag-reader — Python app to read CISA Software Acquisition Guide Spreadsheets based on CISA format
- saga-framework — Mini-framework that helps implementing Saga pattern in microservices
- saga-framework-python — A python framework for implementing a saga pattern.
- saga-llm-evaluation — Versatile Python library designed for evaluating the performance of large language models in Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. Developed by Sagacify
- saga-vcs — saga is a version control CLI that handles many file formats
- sagace-sdk — Pacote de métodos usados para implementação da API de acesso ao SAGACE
- SaGaF-Email — Checking emails for any domain , for example : gmail,yahoo,aol,hotmail,outlook,mail_ru
- SaGaF-info — For developers
- sagah — Orchestrated, async sagas in Python
- sagala-framework — Test buat library python
- Sagan — Python library for interfacing with sagan board
- saganvm — Python library for simulating experiment results
- sagar — Structures of Alloys Generation And Recognition
- sagar-malaviya-greet — A sample Python project to greet
- sagar-module — My First Python Package
- sagarpackagesecond — My first Python package
- sagarpdf — no summary
- sagas — sagas ai stack
- sagasu — sagasu is search all my contents
- sagax — Sensu dashboard
- sagbescheid — systemd notification daemon
- sagbprojections — A module to query SAGB NBA daily fantasy projections
- sagda — Generating and Augmenting Agricultural Synthetic Data in Africa
- sage-aata — Package to implement standard Abstract Algebra computations in SageMath.
- sage-acsv — A SageMath package with algorithms for analytic combinatorics in several variables.
- sage-analysis — Ingests, analyses, and plots SAGE data products.
- sage-combinat-widgets — Jupyter widgets for SAGE Combinat
- SAGE-Core-X — Ядро системы плагинов для разработки расширяемых приложений.
- sage-data-client — Official Sage data client.
- sage-directory — sage-directory is a python package that offers a detailed overview of folder contents and streamlines the process of copying and managing directories.
- sage-engine — Sage: a preemptive SPARQL query engine for online Knowledge Graphs
- sage-evaluate — personal evaluate tool with offline support
- sage-explorer — Jupyter explorer widget for SAGE objects
- sage-flatsurf — Flat surfaces in SageMath
- sage-func — Folder-based functions for GPT 3.5/4 function calling with Pydantic support
- sage-importance — For calculating global feature importance using Shapley values.
- sage-lib — A library for advanced scientific calculations and visualization
- sage-package — Utilities for authoring SageMath packages
- sage-patchbot — bot for automatic test of sagemath trac tickets
- sage-rec-engine — Automated cloud deployment
- sage-sample — An example of a basic sage package
- sage-scan — My package description
- sage-setup — Sage: Open Source Mathematics Software: Build system of the Sage library
- sage-spelling — SAGE: Spell checking via Augmentation and Generative distribution Emulation
- sage-sws2rst — Sage: Open Source Mathematics Software: SageNB worksheet converter
- sage-templater — App to parse templates and create them as a Sage import files..
- sage-testsuite — testsuite for FATE
- sage-tokenizer — SaGe subword tokenizer - version 2.0
- sage-utils — SDK for Open Matchmaking microservices in Python
- sage3reader — A python reader for SAGE III and SAGE III ISS L2 solar binary files
- sageai — File-based functions for ChatGPT's function calling with Pydantic support
- sageattention — Accurate and efficient 8-bit plug-and-play attention.
- sageball — A small extension package for SageMath
- sagecreator — Package to orchestrate architecture in AWS
- SAGEDbias — no summary
- sageinspector — Tool to easily inspect Amazon SageMaker resources.
- sageintacctsdk — Python SDK for accessing Sage Intacct APIs
- sageintacctsdkDIOB — Python SDK for accessing Sage Intacct APIs
- SageLogger — Yet another python logger, or is it like any other?
- sagemaker — Open source library for training and deploying models on Amazon SageMaker.
- sagemaker-core — An python package for sagemaker core functionalities
- sagemaker-data-insights — Data Insights Library for Amazon SageMaker.
- sagemaker-datawrangler — Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler Library
- sagemaker-experiments — Open source library for Experiment Tracking in SageMaker Jobs and Notebooks
- sagemaker-experiments-logger — PyTorch Lightning Experiment Logger
- sagemaker-headless-execution-driver — Execution Driver for Notebook Scheduler
- sagemaker-huggingface-inference-toolkit — Open source library for running inference workload with Hugging Face Deep Learning Containers on Amazon SageMaker.
- sagemaker-jupyterlab-emr-extension — SageMaker JupyterLab EMR extension
- sagemaker-jupyterlab-extension — SageMaker JupyterLab workspace primary extension module
- sagemaker-jupyterlab-extension-common — SageMaker JupyterLab workspace common module
- sagemaker-knockout — Shutdown your SageMaker instance when it's not active
- sagemaker-local — Some dependencies for running sagemaker local.