
pytest11 entry points are used by pytest to register pytest plugins. If a project defines a pytest11 entry point that points to a module containing one or more pytest hook functions, then once the project is installed, pytest will automatically load the plugin module and execute its hooks. See the pytest documentation for more information.

Project Entry Point
webviz-config webviz
wepy pytest-wepy
Wextracto wex
worth worth
wwwpy pytest_wwwpy
xcon xcon_pytest_plugin
xdoctest xdoctest
xinject xinject_pytest_plugin
xjsonrpc xjsonrpc
xonsh xonsh
yacore yacore-db-postgresql
yagot yagot
yaml-testing-framework yaml_testing_framework
yamlns yamlns_tests
yellowbox yellowbox
youqu3 youqu3
youqu3-framework youqu3
yourbase yourbase
zbuild-tools myplugin
zeit.nightwatch zeit_nightwatch
zemfrog-test zemfrog_test
zhaogang-collec zhaogang_collec
ziggy-pydust pydust
zope.pytestlayer zopelayer
zyfra-check check