
pytest11 entry points are used by pytest to register pytest plugins. If a project defines a pytest11 entry point that points to a module containing one or more pytest hook functions, then once the project is installed, pytest will automatically load the plugin module and execute its hooks. See the pytest documentation for more information.

Project Entry Point
testinfra pytest11._testinfra_renamed
testrail-pytest pytest-testrail
testscript_eval testscript-eval-py
testspace-annotations testspace_annotations
Tetis Tetis
Tetis pc_ui_fixture
tetkit tetkit_fixtures
thirdweb-web3 pytest_ethereum
thlink-backend-test-lib thlink_backend_test_lib
tidypy tidypy
time-machine time_machine
titanoboa boa_test
tno.mpc.communication tno_communication_pools
tno.mpc.encryption-schemes.templates reset_encryption_scheme
tomodachi-testcontainers tomodachi_testcontainers
toolforge-i18n toolforge_i18n
topology topology
torchtyping torchtyping
torxtools torxtools-ext
tpcp tpcp_snapshots
treat treat
tth-api-client name_of_plugin
tuberia pytest_tuberia
turbulette turbulette
type_comparable type_comparable
typeguard typeguard
TyphoonTest allure_livecli
TyphoonTest typhoon
ui-demo-framework ui_demo_framework_plugin
umfactory umfactory
unchanged unchanged
unidep affected
unihan-etl unihan_etl
unmock unmock
utils-flask-sqlalchemy sqla
uw-webdriver-recorder uw-webdriver-recorder
verdb verdb
viashpy viashpy
virtual-cursor virtual_cursor
vsengine vsengine
vtest name_of_plugin
VWS-Test-Fixtures vws_test_fixtures
wampy pytest_wampy
wapps wapps
wasd wasd.fixtures
web-poet web-poet
web3-eth pytest_ethereum
web3-klaytn pytest_ethereum
web3-metis pytest_ethereum
web3client web3test-ape
web3client web3test-web3client
web3client web3test-web3factory
web3lib pytest_ethereum
web3metis pytest_ethereum
websauna.tests websauna
webviz-config webviz
wepy pytest-wepy
Wextracto wex
worth worth
wwwpy pytest_wwwpy
xcon xcon_pytest_plugin
xdoctest xdoctest
xinject xinject_pytest_plugin
xjsonrpc xjsonrpc
xonsh xonsh
yacore yacore-db-postgresql
yagot yagot
yaml-testing-framework yaml_testing_framework
yamlns yamlns_tests
yellowbox yellowbox
youqu3 pytest-youqu-plugin
yourbase yourbase
zeit.nightwatch zeit_nightwatch
zemfrog-test zemfrog_test
zhaogang-collec zhaogang_collec
ziggy-pydust pydust
zope.pytestlayer zopelayer
zyfra-check check