entry points are used by pytest to
register pytest plugins. If a project defines a pytest11
entry point
that points to a module containing one or more pytest hook functions, then
once the project is installed, pytest will automatically load the plugin
module and execute its hooks. See the pytest documentation for more
Project | Entry Point |
aamt | aamt |
accele | accele |
adcm-pytest-plugin | adcm_pytest_plugin |
addok | addok |
afluent | afluent |
agentiq-test | agentiq-test |
aiida-test-cache | aiida_archive_cache |
aiida-test-cache | aiida_mock_code |
aiida-testing-dev | aiida_export_cache |
aiida-testing-dev | aiida_mock_code |
aiohttp-json-rpc | aiohttp-json-rpc |
aiomicro | pytest_mia |
aiomisc-pytest | aiomisc |
aka-stats | mock_stats |
alauda-xdist | xdist |
alauda-xdist | xdist.looponfail |
alembic-migration-fixtures | alembic_migration_fixtures |
alembic-verify | pytest_alembic_verify |
algopytest-framework | name_of_plugin |
allure-adaptor-nio | allure_adaptor |
allure-additions | allure-additions |
allure-pytest | allure_pytest |
allure-pytest-acn | allure_pytest |
allure-pytest-bdd | allure_pytest_bdd |
allure-pytest-bdd-temp-fix | allure_pytest_bdd |
allure-pytest-default-results | allure_default_results |
allure-pytest-il | allure_pytest_il |
allure-pytest-logger | allure_pytest_logger |
allure-subtests | subtests |
alt-pytest-asyncio | alt_pytest_asyncio |
ament-black | ament_black |
ament-lint | ament_lint |
ament-lint-flake8 | ament_flake8 |
ament-lint-pep257 | ament_pep257 |
ament-mypy | ament_mypy |
ament-xmllint | ament_xmllint |
amora | amora |
anchorpy | pytest_anchorpy |
anchorpy-fork | pytest_anchorpy |
annotated-logger | annotated_logger |
antitesting | antitesting |
anydi | anydi |
anyio | anyio |
AnyPyTools | anypytools |
apiritif | pytest_apiritif |
apirunner-html | apirunner_html |
app-executor | app_executor |
appdaemon-testing | appdaemon_testing |
appdaemon-testing-fork | appdaemon_testing_fork |
appmap | appmap |
approvaltests | approvaltests_pytest |
approvaltests-minimal | approvaltests_pytest |
aresponses | aresponses |
arjuna | arjuna |
armasec | pytest_armasec |
asdf | asdf_schema_tester |
aspectlib | aspectlib |
asyncpg-engine | asyncpg_engine |
atomkraft | atomkraft-chain |
auth-lib-profcomff | pytest_auth_lib |
authanor | authanor |
authedwig | hedwig |
autoTestScheme | pytest_autoTestScheme |
awssert | name_of_plugin |
bable-interface | mock_bable |
backports.unittest_mock | unittest_mock |
baml | pytest-baml |
baserun | pbaserun |
basilisp | basilisp_test_runner |
bcca | bcca |
bec-lib | bec_lib_fixtures |
beet | beet |
betamax | pytest-betamax |
better-devtools | devtools |
BlazeWeb | blazeweb_initapp |
BotEXBotBase | red-discordbot |
boto3-fixtures | name_of_plugin |
briefkasten | briefkasten |
bubble-sdk | pytest_bubble |
bugcatcher | ftl |
bugster | bugster |
buildkite-test-collector | buildkite-test-collector |
buvar | buvar |
buvar-aiohttp | buvar_aiohttp |
byu-pytest-utils | byu_pytest_utils |
case | case |
cats-python | pytest_cats |
ccstudiodss | ccstudiodss |
celery-custom-fix | celery |
celery-joinup | celery |
cg-pytest-reporter | cg_pytest_reporter |
chainmock | chainmock |
chlore | chlore |
ci-watson | pytest_ciwatson |
cijoe | cijoe |
ckanext-toolbelt | toolbelt |
ckuehl-celery | celery |
cli-toolkit | cli_toolkit_fixtures |
click-extra | click-extra |
clicker | clicker |