Reverse Dependencies of zeroconf
The following projects have a declared dependency on zeroconf:
- adb-wifi-py — A tool for pairing Android 11 and newer devices for wireless debugging directly through a terminal using QR code.
- aioatomapi — Python API for interacting with Atom devices.
- aiobafi6 — Big Ass Fans i6/Haiku protocol asynchronous Python library
- aiobosest — Asynchronous python wrapper to Bose SoundTouch API
- aiodo — asynchronous ditributed objects
- aioesphomeapi — Python API for interacting with ESPHome devices.
- aioflows — Python data flows library to build structured applications
- aiohomekit — An asyncio HomeKit client
- aiohttp-asyncmdnsresolver — An async resolver for aiohttp that supports MDNS
- aiowebthing — High performance implementation of Web of Things
- aioWiserHeatAPI — An AsyncIO API for controlling the Drayton Wiser Heating system
- Airshare — Cross-platform content sharing in a local network.
- am-viewer — A PMD, serial ADM and AES-X242 audio metadata real-time viewer
- audio-cast — A system to cast audio input to chromecast devices.
- automationkit — Automation Kit Test Framework
- badger-proxy — mDNS-based reverse proxy for naming services on a local network.
- beoremote-halo — Beoremote Halo connecting and configuring Home Automation Systems.
- bhpy — Python bindings to use Becker & Hickls' hardware control dll and API
- big-thing-py — JOI Smart Device SDK
- bluerpc — Python BlueRPC Worker
- bluerpc-client — Python BlueRPC Client
- boilerdaq — Data acquisition for a nucleate pool boiling experimental apparatus
- bond-cli — Bond CLI
- boschshcpy — Bosch Smart Home Controller API Python Library
- bosesoundtouchapi — BOSE SoundTouch API Python3 Library
- brewblox-ctl — Brewblox management tool
- brother-printer-fwupd — Script to update the firmware of some Brother printers (e. g. MFC).
- castme — REPL to stream music from a Subsonic server to a chromecast
- chimerapy-engine — ChimeraPy-Engine: The Cluster Networking Engine for the ChimeraPy framework
- clipShare — Sync clipboard between devices
- codelab-adapter-client — Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.
- connectus — Librería para la gestión de dispositivos físicos y virtuales.
- consolepi — Acts as a serial Console Server, allowing you to remotely connect to ConsolePi via Telnet/SSH/bluetooth to gain Console Access to devices connected to local or remote ConsolePis via USB to serial adapters (i.e. Switches, Routers, Access Points... anything with a serial port).
- ConstellationDAQ — The Autonomous Control and Data Acquisition System for Dynamic Experimental Setups
- custom-python-matter-server — Python Matter WebSocket Server with custom sensors
- daliuge-engine — Data Activated 流 (flow) Graph Engine - Execution Engine
- DarkMute — Mute snapcast client playing on raspi3
- dashio — DashIO interface library
- defusedivision — Terminal based multiplayer (and singleplayer) minesweeper
- deskconnd — Secure, cross-platform IPC on the network.
- devolo-home-control-api — devolo Home Control API in Python
- devolo-plc-api — devolo PLC devices in Python
- dpt-rp1-py — Python package to manage a Sony DPT-RP1
- emmi — A Selection of Tools for EPICS Monday-Morning Integrations
- envoy-utils — Python utilities for the Enphase Envoy
- envoyUtils — Python utilities for the Enphase Envoy
- eo-man — Tool to managed EnOcean Devices and to generate Home Assistant Configuration.
- escl-scanner-cli — Control eSCL network scanners using a CLI utility
- esp2_gateway_adapter — Protocol adapter from esp3 to esp2 for Home Assistant Eltako Integration
- esphome — ESPHome is a system to configure your microcontrollers by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems.
- evasdk — SDK for the Automata Eva robotic arm
- eventhive — Network PubSub and Async Message Passing for Humans
- expliot — IoT security testing and exploitation framework
- fhempy — Python binding for FHEM to support Python modules
- foggy-backend — Foggy backend with REST API for the foggy sync iOS app
- fppclient — Asynchronous Python client for FPP.
- Glances — A cross-platform curses-based monitoring tool
- glocaltokens — Tool to extract Google device local authentication tokens in Python
- gotailwind — Asynchronous Python client for Tailwind garage door openers.
- ha-HAP-python — HomeKit Accessory Protocol implementation in python
- HAP-python — HomeKit Accessory Protocol implementation in python
- hifiberrydsp — HiFiBerry DSP toolkit
- homekit — Python code to interface HomeKit Accessories and Controllers
- horus-deploy — Configuration deployment for Horus devices.
- hue-entertainment-pykit — A comprehensive Python toolkit for Philips Hue Entertainment API
- huesdk — A python SDK for the Philips hue API
- io4edge-client — A python library for io4edge devices
- iot-device — MicroPython REPL Interface
- iPOPO — A service-oriented component model framework
- ironic — OpenStack Bare Metal Provisioning
- ironic-inspector — Hardware introspection for OpenStack Bare Metal
- ironic-lib — Ironic common library
- ironic-python-agent — Ironic Python Agent Ramdisk
- kc3zvd-iot-state — no summary
- kilight-client — Client library for communicating with KiLight devices.
- klyqa — Connection Library for Klyqa REST enabled devices
- kray-zeroconf — Zeroconf auto networking configuration tool for Kray Works DevOps
- ks-python-matter-server — Python Matter WebSocket Server
- labbench — The `labbench` module provides API tools to support python scripting for laboratory automation.The goal is to simplify the process of developing an experimental procedure into clear, concise, explainable, and reusable code.
- labManager-common — System for managing multi-station multi-tenant lab setups - common utilities.
- labthings — Python implementation of LabThings, based on the Flask microframework
- labthings-client — A simple Python client for LabThings devices
- labthings-fastapi — A test implementation of LabThings using FastAPI
- leakagepro-com — python bindings for leakagePro communication
- ledfx — A network based light effect controller
- ledfx-dev — A network based light effect controller
- leglight — A Python module designed to control the Elgato brand Lights.
- libdyson — A Python library for Dyson devices.
- libdyson-neon — A Python library for Dyson devices.
- librespot — Open Source Spotify Client
- libsoundtouch — Bose Soundtouch Python library
- libssp-py — A pure Python implementation of the Simple Streaming protocol
- lifx-photons-interactor — A server for interacting with LIFX lights over the LAN
- local-broadcast — A python library to send message to all instances of the current running program on local LAN
- local-dns-service — A Python library for DNS service registration using Zeroconf
- localDNS — A Python library for DNS service registration using Zeroconf
- logan-libdyson — A Python library for Dyson devices.
- ltchiptool — Universal flashing and binary manipulation tool for IoT chips
- lucipy — Client library for the LUCIDAC analog digital hybrid computer
- mausy5043-common — Common python functions