Reverse Dependencies of zenutils
The following projects have a declared dependency on zenutils:
- bizerror — Collections of common business errors.
- celery-callback-service — 基于celery的回调服务。业务系统创建celery回调任务,celery-callback-worker执行回调任务,业务系统在回调任务中处理异步任务。
- daemon-application — A simple python package for creating daemon applications.
- django-apis — 基于Django的API接口开发框架。使用pydantic做接口参数验证,自动生成swagger接口管理界面,支持多种返回体封装。
- django-apiview — A set of django tools to help you create JSON service..
- django-app-metadata — Django数据字典管理应用。
- django-app-requires — A simple tool that allows you to specify app dependencies and middleware dependencies in your application, and also allow you to add default values for your additional configurations, after then load all your application settings into your project's settings.
- django-data-history — A Django application that allows you to store detailed data in the change log and display the detailed information in object's history view.
- django-data-import-management — Django data import management application.
- django-model-helper — Helpful django abstract models collection.
- django-power-admin — Django提供了快捷的生成后台管理站点的能力。本应用旨在增强Django Admin的能力,提供丰富的Admin、Widget、ListFilter、Form等等界面扩展类,同时也为常用的数据管理模型提供完整的管理功能。
- django-simple-export-admin — A simple django admin allow your export queryset to xlsx file.
- django-site-warnings — Django application allow to create site warnings, make subscription, and receive notifies.
- fastutils — Collection of simple utils.
- globallock — Distributed lock manager, support many types of backend, e.g. redis, django-redis, etcd, zookeeper...
- imapbackup — Download all emails from an IMAP server and save these emails to .eml files, and allow you to restore these emails to a new imap server.
- jarexps — Setup a simple orpc server to export services from a jar file.
- llmhelper — 大模型辅助函数库
- openai-redis-vectorstore — 基于RedisStack向量数据库,集成embeddings和rerank模型,支持二阶段召回,支持添加和删除等管理功能。
- orpc — Open RPC.
- orpc-client — Open RPC client.
- orpc-server — Open RPC server.
- pooling — pooling anything.
- s1ncipher — A simple cipher keeps original order and can be search partly by encode 1 byte data to many bytes.
- simqcore — 基于redis的消息队列。
- simqd — SIMQ服务提供者,同时也是SIMQ消息的消费者。
- srndcipher — A simple way to encode plain text, keeps the result sortable and partly searchable.
- xlsxhelper — Excel file manipulation toolset.
- zencache — Pure memory cache powered by Open RPC.