Reverse Dependencies of youtube-search-python
The following projects have a declared dependency on youtube-search-python:
- bcnadds — This package for blackcat userbot adds
- bhaiapi — The python package that returns Response of Google bhai through API.
- ChelsiAI — ChelsiAI is python library to build your own AI virtual assistant with natural language processing.
- dotify — 🐍🎶 Yet another Spotify Web API Python library
- FastDub — A Python CLI package for voice over subtitles, with the ability to embed in video, audio ducking, and dynamic voice changer for a single track; auto translating; download and upload to YouTube supports
- fzz-tunes — no summary
- hdiiofficial — An add-on extension to Pyrogram for absolute beginners
- iytdl — Async Inline YouTube-DL for Pyrogram based Bots
- Krish — Meet A new A.I. - Krish
- lidarr-youtube-downloader — no summary
- maling — Elegant, modern and asynchronous Telegram MTProto API framework in Python for users and bots
- mmdl — MMDL [Mega Music Downloader] - A tool to easily download music.
- p-yt-erm — Easy to use youtube music streamer command line tool written in python3
- perpetual-context — no summary
- PikaTgBot — A Secure and Optimized Python-Telethon Based Library For Pikachu UserBot aka Pikabot.
- PyFastDub — A Python CLI package for voice over subtitles, with the ability to embed in video, audio ducking, and dynamic voice changer for a single track; auto translating; download and upload to YouTube supports
- pymymusic — Download youtube music fast
- randomyoutubevideo — no summary
- Rythmix-dot-py — A simple CLI tool for playing music. (VLC is required!)
- spotify-flask-downloader — A Flask based backend to search & download music from Spotify
- spotube — A Python package to download Spotify playlists locally including the cover art, metadata and lyrics by leveraging the Spotify, YouTube and Genius APIs.
- TopTenBot — Utility for creating top 10 videos
- vcplayerbot — VC Player Bot
- yewtube — A Terminal based YouTube player and downloader. No Youtube API key required. Forked from mps-youtube
- you-dl — A simple interactive youtube downloader written in python. Interactively select the quality and format for youtube-dl
- YouTube-Prompt — A simple command-line based prompt for YouYouTube that searches youtube and downloads videos.
- youtube-synopsis — Generate a colored, striped "summary" of a Youtube video.
- Youtube-Video-Audio-Downloader — A Simple GUI interface to help download videos and audio files from Youtube using Youtube-dl and FFMPEG
- ytdlbt — download youtube music by title
- ytmdl — Youtube Music Downloader
- ytps — Youtube Search in the CLI - Improved