Reverse Dependencies of yfinance
The following projects have a declared dependency on yfinance:
- ada-python — Ada, making LLMs easier to work with.
- agentic-fleet — A powerful multi-agent system for adaptive AI reasoning and automation
- agno — Agno: a lightweight framework for building multi-modal Agents
- ai-parrot — Live Chatbots based on Langchain chatbots and Agents Integrated into Navigator Framework or used into any aiohttp applications.
- algame-MRIMADHA — algame is a powerful, modular backtesting framework for algorithmic trading. Easily test multiple strategies across assets and timeframes, visualize results with a TradingView-like GUI, and integrate custom data or engines. Flexible, user-friendly, and future-ready.
- algo-trade — Small package to test and implement portfolio trading algorithms
- AlgoAnalyzer — AlgoAnalyzer is a package for designing your trading strategies and run simulations to backtest your strategies and check their robustness
- algorithmic-trader — Trading bot with support for realtime trading, backtesting, custom strategies and much more
- algotradepy — Python Auto-Trading Framework
- alpaca-historical-extract —
- alpaca-trading-algorithm — A package to trade for you!
- alpha-flex — AlphaFlex is a Python toolkit featuring a pre-built growth-focused portfolio that consistently outperforms the market. It provides tools for portfolio tracking, backtesting, and automated updates, with the ability to integrate directly with brokerage accounts for seamless trading and quarterly rebalancing.
- alphagradient — A tool for creating and backtesting financial algorithms
- analyser-hj3415 — Stock analyser and database processing programs
- analyzerportfolio — A Python package for stock portfolio analysis and optimization.
- aprsd-stock-plugin — Ham Radio APRSD Plugin for fetching stock quotes
- arbitragelab — ArbitrageLab is a collection of algorithms from the best academic journals and graduate-level textbooks, which focuses on the branch of statistical arbitrage known as pairs trading. We have extended the implementations to include the latest methods that trade a portfolio of n-assets (mean-reverting portfolios).
- arbs-exchanges — 複数の仮想通貨取引所のREST APIとWebSocket APIのラッパー
- archeai — ArcheAI is a lightweight and scalable Python agent framework that simplifies AI agent development. Build smarter, more capable agents with ease using ArcheAI's easy tool integration, LLM interaction, and agent orchestration.
- arg-econ-data — no summary
- AssetAllocator — Train RL agents to manage a portfolio
- assetuniverse — A downloader of historical daily returns for multiple investable assets with some analysis tools too.
- AtCoderStudyBooster — A tool to download and manage AtCoder problems.
- autologie — no summary
- autotrader — A Python-based platform for developing, optimising and deploying automated trading systems.
- AutoTS — Automated Time Series Forecasting
- avery-trading-ML — Utility for analyzing stock market data
- awt-quant — Advanced Quantitative Forecasting with SPDE, GARCH, and LLMs
- awt-ti — A comprehensive library for technical analysis indicators in financial markets
- azapy — Financial Portfolio Optimization Algorithms
- backle — no summary
- backtester-agent — Backtester Agent
- backtester_poo_272_mcd — POO Project for backtesting investment strategies
- backtester272 — A backtesting project where you can also request binance and yfinance assets, and customize your strategies
- backtesting-package — Framework for backtesting algorithmic trading strategies
- backtrader-contrib-lucidinvestor — Contributions to the Backtrader backtesting engine - maintained by LucidInvestor
- bank-scrapers — Library for working with bank_scrapers drivers.
- bbstrader — Simplified Investment & Trading Toolkit
- bearishpy — no summary
- beibo — 🤖 Predict the stock market with AI 用AI预测股票市场
- berrycheck — Fornecer aos usuários uma maneira fácil e acessível de obter cotações atualizadas de várias moedas, incluindo as principais moedas do mundo, para fins de negociação, investimento ou outras finalidades financeiras. Além dos preços de ações das principais empresas brasileiras.
- bitfuncs — Some async funcs for trading.
- bktest — bktest - A simple backtester by CrunchDAO
- Blauwal3-Timeseries — 用于探索时间序列和顺序数据的蓝鲸插件。
- blportopt — A bayesian approach to portfolio optimization
- brownian-stock — Add your description here
- bsb-backend-pack — no summary
- bsc-utils — Utils for BSC Quants
- btcagent — BTC Agent
- buy-and-hold-vs-arima — buy and hold vs arima strategy
- candleplot-trade — online trading based on indicators and candles
- canswim — "Developer toolkit for CANSLIM investment style practitioners"
- capm-metrics — A stock performance tool based on the CAPM model
- carabiner — economic estimation
- cgt-calc — UK capital gains tax calculator for Charles Schwab and Trading 212 accounts
- chronos_ai — no summary
- cipher-bt — Cipher, a backtesting framework.
- codeboxapi — CodeBox gives you an easy scalable and isolated python interpreter for your LLM Agents.
- company-package — A Python package for modeling companies across various sectors.
- conding — Python library for analysing and modelling bonding curves. This library is managed using nbdev with application development in python param panel.
- conditional-drawdown — A Python library for drawdown risk analysis with Conditional Expected Drawdown (CED).
- consulta-investimentos — Baixa infos diversas de ativos financeiros.
- cryptodatapy — Cryptoasset data library
- cryptota — no summary
- currency-converter-lite — A Library for currency conversion in Real Time
- d1-library — D-one Trading Platform Library
- dafin — Finance Data
- dash-ag-grid — Dash wrapper around AG Grid, the best interactive data grid for the web.
- data-search-engine — A Python-based data search and visualization engine.
- datapanels — An application for displaying a rotating set of information panels
- ddodoga — exmple
- demo-widgets — A Custom Jupyter Widget Library
- django-candlestick — A django library for tracking and storing the prices of assets over time.
- dollar-yen — Convert dollars to yen.
- drl-model — DRL logic
- earningtrader — A trading platform based on the Reinforcement Learning framework
- easy-es — Python Event Financial Study
- EasyEventStudies — A package to conduct event studies
- econdata — Extracción de series de tiempo de las principales instituciones económicas para el Perú
- econkit — Advanced Econometric Analysis Tools
- EcoStock — A Python package designed for finance professionals and economists
- eddie-quant — no summary
- EigenLedger — An Open Source Portfolio Management Framework for Everyone 投资组合管理
- eiten — eiten
- eiten-core — eiten-core
- emerquant-dev — description
- empyrial — An Open Source Portfolio Management Framework for Everyone 投资组合管理
- empyrical-reloaded — empyrical computes performance and risk statistics commonly used in quantitative finance
- energex — Energy derivatives data collection and analysis system
- ensuro-analytics — Ensuro analytics library
- eq-finances — Uma biblioteca feita com várias funcionalidades, cálculos financeiros básicos e análises financeiras
- equities — equities aims to democratize access to public company data.
- etlportfolio — Expected tail loss portfolio optimisation in python
- etradebot — A Python-based trading bot for the E-Trade platform
- evoagent — An orchestration framework for evolving autonomous AI agents
- ExchangeComparison — The programme is designed to find the lower period of similar movements.
- ez-data-pipeline — Object Oriented Library to create data pipelines
- fastquant — Bringing data driven investments to the mainstream
- fava-investor — Fava extension and beancount libraries for investing
- fetquest — Package to help on Stock Market Visualization and Data