Reverse Dependencies of yellowbrick
The following projects have a declared dependency on yellowbrick:
- AI-Starter — Python library which is extensively used for all AI projects
- airi-test-task — This library contains the code used to run a test job to AIRI.
- amlr — amlr - Auto Machine Learning Report
- autogluon.eda — AutoML for Image, Text, and Tabular Data
- automlkiller — Auto machine learning, deep learning library in Python.
- autotonne — Auto machine learning, deep learning library in Python.
- BaseML — BaseML provides numerous machine learning methods to quickly train and apply algorithms.
- benchmark-adv-ml — Advanced benchmarking for machine learning models.
- civetqc — CivetQC is a command-line tool for automated quality control of CIVET outputs
- cytopy — Data centric algorithm agnostic cytometry analysis framework
- dcctk — Diachronic Character-based Corpus toolkit
- document-tracking — Algorithms to track documents and build news stories from them. It implements the Miranda et al. (2018) algorithm, as well as other alternatives and baselines to track documents.
- DXC-AI-MBN — Python library which is extensively used for all AI projects
- DXC-AI-Test — A Python package for DXC AI work
- DXC-AI-Test-3 — A Python package to add two numbers.
- DXC-Industrialized-AI-Starter — Python library which is extensively used for all AI projects
- DXC-RL — Python library which is extensively used for all AI projects
- ecmanalysis — Tools for analysis of the extracellular matrix
- fancylit — Contains pre-packaged Streamlit code to render fancy visualizations, run modeling tasks, and data exploration
- fiser-tools — Personal DS tools
- forecasttime — Python package to integrate the workflow of a variety of time series forecast methods
- GReNaDIne — Data-Driven Gene Regulatory Network Inference
- hgct — Hanzi Glyph Corpus Toolkit
- Hive-ML — Python package to run Machine Learning Experiments, within the Hive Framework.
- jan883-codebase — Personal codebase for data science and machine learning projects. Includes data preprocessing, feature engineering, model selection, and model evaluation.
- jupyter-quant — Jupyter quant research environment.
- langspace — LangSpace: Probing Large Language VAEs made simple
- lolpop — A software engineering framework for machine learning workflows
- mlframe — mlframe package.
- MOBiceps — Python tools for Mass Spectrometry and Omics data.
- my-mltools — My machine learning toolkit.
- neptune-sklearn — scikit-learn integration library
- netzoo-porcupine — A package implementing a Principal Components Analysis (PCA)-based approach to identify biological pathways driving inter-tumour heterogeneity in gene regulatory networks.
- offline-rce-results-module — no summary
- openpy-fxts — Various functions and classes for time series forecasting with Machine and Deep Learning
- pandaslearn — `pandaslearn` is a small wrapper on top of `scikit-learn` to automate common modeling tasks.
- predictionconsoandrea — Utilities package
- prenigma-automl — prenigma_automl - An open source, low-code machine learning library.
- prenigmaautoml — prenigma_automl - An open source, low-code machine learning library.
- punditkit — PunditKit: A GUI for Scikit-Learn Models
- pycaret — PyCaret - An open source, low-code machine learning library in Python.
- pycaret-core — PyCaret - An open source, low-code machine learning library in Python.
- pycaret-ni — PyCaret - An open source, low-code machine learning library in Python.
- pycaret-nightly — Nightly version of PyCaret - An open source, low-code machine learning library in Python.
- pycaret-ts-alpha — PyCaret - An open source, low-code machine learning library in Python.
- pyoptimus — Optimus is the missing framework for cleaning and pre-processing data in a distributed fashion.
- pythoncharmers-meta — Meta package with dependencies for Python Charmers training courses
- rag-classic-ml — Classical Machine Learning methods for Reterival Augmented Generation
- scalarpy — Welcome to ScalarPy!
- Simba-UW-no-tf — Toolkit for computer classification of complex social behaviors in experimental animals
- Simba-UW-tf — Toolkit for computer classification of complex social behaviors in experimental animals
- Simba-UW-tf-dev — Toolkit for computer classification of complex social behaviors in experimental animals
- SPACEc — SPatial Analysis for CodEX data (SPACEc)
- stglance — stglance is a small collection of streamlit widgets (for machine learning) that you can include in your streamlit app.
- streamlit-yellowbrick — Streamlit component for Yellowbrick visualization library
- that-ml-library — A useful package for EDA and quick ML model building
- TrendFlow — A tool for literature research and analysis
- tuneta — Optimize financial technical indicators for machine learning
- utilsds — Solution for DS Team
- vtacML — A machine learning pipeline to classify objects in VTAC dataset as GRB or not.
- wxyz-notebooks — notebook demos for experimental Jupyter widgets