Reverse Dependencies of yattag
The following projects have a declared dependency on yattag:
- alibabacloud-ros-iacer — Iacer is a tool that tests Terraform and ROS(Resource Orchestration Service) templates.
- burdoc — Advanced PDF parsing for python
- contextual-ai — Contextual AI
- cosmic_ray — Mutation testing
- coso — A solver for combinatorics math word problems.
- datasheet — A library to generate HTML pages containing all sorts of output
- delphina — Python client library
- demyst-analytics — no summary
- DI-toolkit — A simple tool for opendilab.
- dicttowddx — Utility lib to convert python dictionaries to valid WDDX data exchange format
- dpnext — Python implementation of the Data Package standard
- dpspecs — Python implementation of the Data Package standard
- empugn — Generate HTML or XML from YAML or JSON
- eth-docgen — Generate html documentation from Ethereum smart contracts
- fake-html — Library for generating fake html page.
- FEV-KEGG — FEV@KEGG allows for easy analysis of metabolic networks of organisms in KEGG.
- Footil — Various Python helpers for other projects
- fragmap — Visualize a timeline of Git commit changes on a grid
- frictionless — Data management framework for Python that provides functionality to describe, extract, validate, and transform tabular data
- gedhtml — Converting GED files to static web pages.
- hippo-db — Hit Interaction Profiling and Procurement Optimisation
- hstream — no summary
- html2py — html2py is a tool for converting an html file in python language and viceversa.
- icetea — Icetea - test framework
- jianshou-client — Jianshou Client APIs
- jpyreport — Generate single HTML report from Junit xml reports
- Lotte — Lotte is a tool for quotation detection in texts and can deal with common properties of quotations, for example, ellipses or inaccurate quotations.
- mangowg — A portfolio website generator
- mldiag — A framework to diagnose ML models
- mokuro — Browser reader for manga with selectable text
- netify — Turn boring things into something for the net.
- pacu-snp — Workflow for whole genome sequencing based phylogeny of Illumina and ONT data.
- paml2html — [P]oker's M[a]de-up [M]arkup [L]anguage to HTML converter
- PDFScraper — PDF text and table search
- perfsizesagemaker — Automated performance testing to determine the right size of infrastructure, applied to AWS SageMaker
- pyoozie — A Python client for querying and scheduling with Oozie
- pytconf — Configuration, command line and injection framework for python
- pywinsandbox — Python Utilities for Windows Sandbox
- Quid — Quid is a tool for quotation detection in texts and can deal with common properties of quotations, for example, ellipses or inaccurate quotations.
- redpatch — Finding Disease Lesions in Plant Leaves
- reportree — ReporTree produces nested static HTML reports with buttons to navigate through many optional subpages.
- rikiri — Make github presentations like a boss
- rss-reader-sardor-irgashev — Command-line RSS reader utility
- sctriangulate — A Python package to mix-and-match conflicting clustering results in single cell analysis, and generate reconciled clustering solutions.
- silkie — Static site generator with the smoothness of silk
- simc-autobahn — A SimC microservice build with Autobahn
- smarts — no summary
- sym-api-client-python — Symphony REST API - Python Client
- taskcat — An OpenSource Cloudformation Deployment Framework
- tfc — Theory of Functional Connections (TFC): A functional interpolation framework with applications in differential equations.
- torBot — OSINT for the dark web
- trano — no summary
- usdm — A python package for using the CDISC TransCelerate USDM
- vectorian — no summary
- wqxlib — A library to create files for the EPA's WQX service.
- wqxweblib — A package for interacting with the EPA's WQX Web service