Reverse Dependencies of Yapsy
The following projects have a declared dependency on Yapsy:
- biomaj — BioMAJ
- errbot-feiyang — Errbot is a chatbot designed to be simple to extend with plugins written in Python.
- ezcad — Easy computer-aided design
- ezcad-plugins — Easy computer-aided design
- kryptal — Manage encrypted file systems, for example to encrypt your cloud storage.
- mg-conveyor — A tool for having a sequential execution of plugins
- NiChart-Viewer — Viewer to visualize neuroimaging chart (NiChart) image descriptors and biomarkers
- openProduction — A framework to model device production
- p3-test-driver — P3 Test Driver is designed to run a variety of benchmarks using an easily expandable plug-in system.
- py2swagger — Swagger schema builder
- rawdisk — Experimental python code to explore different volume formats
- sarasvati — no summary
- servertools — administration tools for specific servers
- sitefab — State of the art static website generator for humans
- umodules — Organize your Unity Projects with uModules
- vulnmine — Mine SCCM and NIST NVD for host vulnerability data
- WereSync — Incrementally clones Linux drives
- yapsygui — GUI for Yapsy plugin system
- zmon-worker — ZMON Worker Monitor