Reverse Dependencies of yapf
The following projects have a declared dependency on yapf:
- frosch — Better runtime error messages
- fsc.async-tools — Defines tools for simplifying the use of asynchronous Python.
- fuzz-introspector — Package for analyzing Fuzzing set ups.
- fuzzycat — Fuzzy matching utilities for scholarly metadata
- gamegym — Game theory framework, algorithms and game implementations
- gdinopy — open-set object detector
- genshin-mummy — A tech-neet's RPA project for Genshin Impact.
- getpack — Declarative external resources any with implicit deployment
- gfpgan — GFPGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for Real-world Face Restoration
- gfpgan-patch — GFPGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for Real-world Face Restoration
- git-app-version — CLI tool to get Git commit informations and store them in a config file
- github-actions-test — Project to test Github Actions
- gitonic — manage a multi git workspace
- glow — Functional Python tools
- golodranets — Fork of official python STEEM library for Golos blockchain
- gorilla-core — ToolBox Package for Gorilla-Lab using PyTorch
- gorilla2d — 2D ToolBox Package for Gorilla-Lab using PyTorch
- gpt-blazing — todo
- granular-engine — Experiment tracking for GeoSpatial Machine Learning on GeoEngine
- graphite-datasets — tensorflow/datasets is a library of datasets ready to use with TensorFlow.
- graphql-example — A simple graphql server
- groundcontrolsh — no summary
- groundingdino-gml — open-set object detector
- groundingdino-iscas — open-set object detector
- groundingdino-stk — Welcome to the GroundingDINO-stk project! This repository provides a source that can install the `GroundingDINO` library from `PyPI`. The `GroundingDINO` version was last updated on `2023/06/29`.
- groundingdino-yl — open-set object detector
- groundino-samnet — A SAM model with GroundingDINO model for feet segmentation
- guang — ML/DL tools function library
- h5xplorer — A customizable HDF5 browser
- har-server — Programmable HTTP server for testing
- hgvs — HGVS Parser, Formatter, Mapper, Validator
- hiddenv — Utility for managing .env-sourced settings across multiple packages
- hivepy — A python hive library.
- howfairis — Python package to analyze compliance with recommendations
- howso-visuals — Visualization utilities for use with Howso Engine.
- hyperion-ml — Toolkit for speaker recognition
- i3-workspace-groups — no summary
- ice-learn — A high-level Deep Learning framework that extends PyTorch and PyCUDA.
- icenet — Library for operational IceNet forecasting
- ietfparse — Parse formats defined in IETF RFCs
- imageBuild — 使用超分辨率来对图像进行重建
- ImageUpscaler — A package for upscaling images using neural networks.
- imix — multimodal deep learning framework
- include-file — Replace {% include 'file.txt' %} with actual file contents
- inopaicli — Cli interface to execute inopai related tasks
- iolite — todo
- ip-safelist-middleware — FastAPI Middleware for IP Address Safelisting
- iScore — Scoring protein-protein interface using RWGK and SVM
- iTheraPY — Environment for iThera Python tools
- ivav — A quantum computer simulator
- jcl-mmcv — test mmcv
- je-editor — JEditor is basic but powerful editor include GPT
- je-editor-dev — JEditor is basic but powerful editor include GPT
- jesspack — Project Description
- joeynmt — Minimalist NMT for educational purposes
- joyo — no summary
- jsmol-bokeh-extension — bokeh extension for jsmol
- json-scribe — JSON-based logging for the masses
- jupyblog — no summary
- jupyterlab-code-formatter — A JupyterLab plugin to facilitate invocation of code formatters.
- juxai-s2 — JUX is a jax-accelerated engine for Lux-2022.
- juxai2022 — JUX is a jax-accelerated engine for Lux-2022.
- juxtapose — no summary
- k2 — FSA/FST algorithms, intended to (eventually) be interoperable with PyTorch and similar
- kalman-estimation — Kalman filter based coefficient estimation toolbox.
- kaptik — Datastreaming Client
- kclvm-py — KCLVM
- kedro-onnx — Adds ONNX support to Kedro
- kinisi — Efficient estimation of diffusion processes from molecular dynamics.
- km3net-testdata — KM3NeT TestData
- kslhub — klshub - a datahub based on jupyterhub
- l2tscaffolder — Scaffolder project for l2t, helping to bootstrap l2t development.
- lanro-gym — Gymnasium multi-goal environments for goal-conditioned and language-conditioned deep reinforcement learning build with PyBullet
- last-asr — The LAttice-based Speech Transducer (LAST) library
- latexgit — A package for metaheuristic optimization in Python.
- lbdevtools — LHCb development tools
- lemmy — Lemmatizer for Danish
- lethbridge — SQLAlchemy ORM and Marshmallow schemas for Elite: Dangerous game data
- lg-linter — A pre commit linter for cpp, python and sh.
- lhy-formatter-linter — This package provides formatters and linters for CMake, C++, and Python, making it ideal for developers who work with both C++ and Python.
- lightdash-ops — The CLI enables us to operate resources on Lightdash.
- lighttuner — A simple tool for automatic parameter tuning.
- line4py — LINE's library for Python
- live-coder — Server for Live Coder, works with the Live Coder VSCode extension.
- lively — Lively comes to Python
- llm-explorer — A Lakehouse LLM Explorer. Wrapper for spark, databricks and langchain processes
- log21 — A simple logging package that helps you log colorized messages in Windows console.
- Lucy01 — CLI companion for CP.
- luis1996 — my description
- luisito1996 — my description
- luisito19963 — my description
- magical-il — MAGICAL is a benchmark suite for robust imitation learning
- mapry — Generate polyglot code for de/serializing object graphs from JSONable structures.
- marshmallow-configparser — ConfigParser meets marshmallow
- masci_tools — masci-tools is a collection of tools for materials science.
- matchms-extras — Additional functionalities to be used with matchms
- matchmsextras — Additional functionalities to be used with matchms
- mcontrib — mosaicml contrib of third-party algorithms
- mdreftidy — CLI to tidy ({renumber,move-to-bottom,sort,clean}) up {image,link} references for markdown.
- mdremotifier — Remotify local links in; Make markdown READMEs self contained for publication to sites other than GH, such as npm, pypi.