Reverse Dependencies of xyz-py
The following projects have a declared dependency on xyz-py:
- atom-access — atom_access is a ray tracing package for addressing the steric hindrance of molecules
- gaussian-suite — A package for working with Gaussian input and output files
- molcas-suite — A package for dealing with OpenMOLCAS input and output files
- molvis — A package for generating html scripts to visualise chemical structures using 3dmol.js
- Nimbus-Splash — A package to make life easier when using the University of Bath's cloud computing suite for Orca calculations.
- orto — A package to make life easier when performing Orca calculations.
- spin-phonon-suite — A package for performing spin-phonon coupling calculations with openMOLCAS, VASP, and Gaussian
- subto — A package to make life easier when submitting jobs to schedulers