Reverse Dependencies of xmltodict
The following projects have a declared dependency on xmltodict:
- aaz-dev — Microsoft Atomic Azure CLI Commands Developer Tools
- acai-aws — DRY, configurable, opinionated, minimalist framework for use with AWS Serverless Lambdas
- accessible-space — Implementation of the Dangerous Accessible Space (DAS) passing model for football analytics.
- acidcli — ACID Command Line Interface.
- acidcli-altran — ACID Command Line Interface.
- actinia-module-plugin — A (RESTFUL) Flask application which adds module self-description and process-chain-template management to actinia-core
- adderlib — Python wrapper for the Adder API, for use with Adderlink KVM systems
- aibridge-test — Bridge for LLM"s
- aicommunicate — no summary
- ailingbot — An all-in-one solution to empower your IM bot with AI.
- aind-ng-link — Python package for the generation of neuroglancer links
- aio-georss-client — An async GeoRSS client library.
- aio-goodreads — Asyncronous Python wrapper for Goodreads API
- aio-quakeml-client — An async QuakeML client library.
- aiocogeo — Asynchronous cogeotiff reader
- aioeagle — Python module to talk to Rainforest EAGLE-200.
- aioemonitor — Asyncio Python lib for SiteSage Emonitor
- aiohttp-wrapper — Abstraction of HTTP requests using aiohttp
- aiohttp-xmlrpc — aiohttp XML-RPC server handler and client
- aioruckus — Python API to interact with Ruckus Unleashed and ZoneDirector devices.
- aiosmartpost — Itella SmartPost API wrapper for humans 📦
- aiosteamist — Control Steamist steam systems
- aiotapioca-wrapper — Python asynchronous I/O API client generator
- aiousps — Python wrapper for the USPS API
- air-sans — A trame application for analysis, inspection, and reduction of multi-detector data produced by the Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) instruments.
- airbyte-cdk — A framework for writing Airbyte Connectors.
- airbyte-source-amazon-seller-partner — Source implementation for Amazon Seller Partner.
- airflow-hop-plugin — no summary
- airflow-pentaho-plugin — no summary
- AirStuff — Utilities to speedup AIR (Archivio Istituzionale della Ricerca) document upload, for HEP users
- akgoodreads — Goodreads python wrapper
- alectio-kms — A CLI interface to get AlectioSDK token
- ali-cli — Wraps the Alibaba Cloud SDK to make complicated tasks a lot simpler.
- aliby — Process and analyse live-cell imaging data
- all-pay — Python SDK for multi pay ,such as AliPay、WeChatpay
- allcasts — A simple command line tool to download all podcasts from a given RSS feed
- alpineer — Toolbox for Multiplexed Imaging. Contains scripts and little tools which are used throughout ark-analysis, mibi-bin-tools, and toffy.
- annotationfactory — annotation factory python sdk
- another-sd-client — Client for communicating with SD Løn
- anpy — Python client for website
- ansible-gen — a tool can generate ansible api according yang modules and some input xml files
- ansible-solace — Ansible modules to configure Solace PubSub+ event brokers with SEMP.
- anti-sybil — Anti sybil package for BrightID
- antigate — Easy wrapper for
- anyv-registers — A template-based hardware register bank generator
- anywebsearch — Unified internet search across different search engines: Google, Bing(ddg), Brave, Qwant, Yandex
- aop2db — AOP2DB - Python parser for converting importing adverse outcome pathway data into a relational database.
- APIactModule — no summary
- apiman — Integrate api manual for your web project
- apitaxcore — Provides utilities and integration code which may be useful when developing various drivers for use within the Apitax framework.
- apkutils3 — Utils for parsing apk. Type hinting supported.
- ApolloPyClient — A Python SDK that is easy to integrate with the Apollo configuration management system.
- appcommander — Performs controlled Android app automation through UI.
- apple-health — Library to extract information from Apple Health exports.
- apple-health-extractor — This library provides functionality to parse and extract data from the XML exports of Apple Health app, enabling users to analyze and utilize their health data conveniently.
- aprs-assistant — An LLM-based assistant for the Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS).
- apsimNGpy — apsimx next generation package interface
- archive-pdf-tools — Internet Archive PDF compression tools
- ariane-lib — A library to read Ariane Line Survey Software files
- ark-analysis — Toolbox for analysis on segmented images from MIBI.
- arklibrary — This application accesses the Ark system.
- artis-tomo — Scientific Methods for tomography
- arubafi — Aruba Networks API Python module for AirWave and Mobility Master
- asf-metadata — Python wrapper for ASF's metadata
- asgardpy — Gammapy-based pipeline for easy joint analysis of different gamma-ray datasets
- ASGIWebDAV — An asynchronous WebDAV server implementation, support multi-provider.
- askagent — LLM-based agents to be run from terminal to perform differen tasks with the command askagent
- astar-wxsdk — toolkit for wechat pay
- astro-toolbox — Toolbox for observationnal astronomy.
- astronomer-orbiter — Astronomer Orbiter can take your legacy workloads and land them safely down in a new home on Apache Airflow!
- asusrouter — API wrapper for communication with ASUSWRT-powered routers using HTTP protocol
- asyncwinrm — some common components for personal use
- atms-api — Helper functions to interact with the WisDOT ATMS API
- atomman — Atomistic Manipulation Toolkit
- attemptrequestslib — Small lib with custom functions
- authutils — Gen3 auth utility functions
- auto-android — no summary
- autoballs — Python package for segmentation of axons and morphological analysis.
- autoexportreader — Koh Young 3D SPI autoexport file parser
- autopocket — Automated Machine Learning project for financial data analysis.
- avwx-engine — Aviation weather report parsing library
- awinrm — Asynchronous Python library for Windows Remote Management
- aws-elemental-python-client — Python Client for manage AWS Elemental Appliances (Delta, Live, Conductor)
- awsume — Awsume - A cli that makes using AWS IAM credentials easy
- axis — A Python library for communicating with devices from Axis Communications
- axonius-api-client — Axonius API client for Python
- ayx-blackbird — The (Better) Alteryx Python SDK Abstraction Layer
- ayx-plugin-cli — The Alteryx command line interface for using Alteryx SDKs.
- ayx-python-sdk — The Python plugin SDK for Alteryx Designer.
- azure-cli — Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools
- azure-cli-appservice — Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AppService Command Module
- babelon — babelon
- badges-gitlab — Generate badges for Gitlab Projects in Public and Private Repositories
- bakalib — A library for accessing the module data of Bakaláři school system easily
- bamboopy — A python wrapper around BambooHR's APIs
- bandwidth-cli — CLI for Bandwidth API calls
- battetl — A Python module for extracting, transforming, and loading battery data to a database.
- bbbmeetings — A module for reading bbb meetings from bbb servers
- bboxtools-2 — Converting bounding box annotations to popular formats like a breeze.
- bcl2fq-local — Bcl2fastq wrapper