Reverse Dependencies of xmldiff
The following projects have a declared dependency on xmldiff:
- altdss — Modern, detailed Python interface/bindings and tools based on the AltDSS/DSS C-API project, the alternative OpenDSS implementation from Tries to expose all OpenDSS objects, bulk operations and many details which previously required using the Text interface, or just weren't available.
- Benker — Easily convert your CALS, HTML, Formex4, Office Open XML (docx) tables from one format to another.
- biomodels-qc — Tools for quality controlling the BioModels database
- captioneditor — A tool to replace words and phrases in a caption file with new words or phrases, offset each caption by a specified amount, and cut off captions after a specified time.
- ccs-digitalmarketplace-frontend-jinja — Jinja templates for Digital Marketplace apps.
- ccs-govuk-frontend-jinja — GOV.UK Frontend Jinja Macros
- change-analyzer — Change analyzer
- dbus-objects — no summary
- dss_python — Python interface (bindings and tools) for OpenDSS. Based on the AltDSS/DSS C-API project, the alternative OpenDSS implementation from Multiplatform, API-compatible/drop-in replacement for the COM version of OpenDSS.
- epcpm — no summary
- gentle-mxml — Gentoo Metadata XML generator
- invenio-swh — Support for onward deposit of software artifacts to Software Heritage
- kep-solver — A Python package for reading and solving single instances of kidney exchange problems.
- lcov-cobertura — LCOV to Cobertura XML converter
- mazikeen — Test enviroment for CLI application
- nfelib — nfelib: electronic invoicing library for Brazil
- odoo12-addon-l10n-br-nfe — Brazilian Eletronic Invoice NF-e .
- portableqda — round-trip information exchange using the REFI-QDA standard for Qualitative Research: codebooks (QDC files) and QDPX projects, as per
- py-fhir — FHIR classes for Python
- pybadges — A library and command-line tool for generating Github-style badges
- pybadges-trend — A library and command-line tool for generating Github-style badges
- pydantic-bigstitcher — no summary
- pydrumscore — A python interface for generating drum sheet music through code
- sierra-research — Automation framework for the scientific method in AI research
- skilletlib — Tools for working with PAN-OS Skillets in Python 3
- sltoo — rmtoo
- tpds-schema — Microchip(SPG) Trust Platform Schemas
- voltaire — Tools for prolific writers (or more accurately, those that want to be).