Reverse Dependencies of xlsxwriter
The following projects have a declared dependency on xlsxwriter:
- sensitibot — A Python bot to detect data leaks on public repositories
- session-tester — Session Tester Python package
- sf-hamilton — Hamilton, the micro-framework for creating dataframes.
- sf-pipelines-test — no summary
- sf-pipelines-test2 — no summary
- sfdata-annexa-clean — A cleaner module for Annex A Data
- sfdc-cli — sfdc development kit
- sh2d — no summary
- shaftaloo — An open-source python package
- shapeshifter — A tool for managing large datasets
- shareddata — Memory Mapped / Shared Memory Database with S3 repository
- shipyard-file-manipulation — A set of utility functions for maniuplating datasets. This is primarily used within the Shipyard Application
- Shnu-Education-Tools — Shnu Education Tools for Teaching
- shodanfinder — Get an observation on any website on internet using Shodan
- sidra-helpers — Helper functions made for personal use to work with the SIDRA API
- siger — Automações em Python para auxiliar obtenção de dados do SIGER-CEPEL
- SightDistance12D — Functions for summerising 12D Sight Stopping Distance reports
- SigProfilerTopography — SigProfilerTopography provides topography analyses for substitutions, dinucleotides and indels for all given samples.
- SigProfilerTopographyCombiner — SigProfilerTopographyCombiner combines separate SigProfilerTopography runs.
- silobuster — A package to manage data. This package provides means to connect to different data sources and transform the data using Pandas. The focus of the library is to canonicalize data sources. This project is focused on Human Resources data and working with data in various formats.'s machine learning library is used to cluster various data. Please visit our documentation at to learn more.
- simfleet — Agent-based fleet simulator to test strategies
- similarity-processor — Text Similarity
- simple-parquet-viewer — A simple (and lightweight) visualization tool for Parquet files.
- simpleconjoint — A package to perform conjoint in Python
- sinergym — Sinergym provides a Gymnasium-based interface to interact with building simulations. This allows control in simulation time through custom controllers, including reinforcement learning agents
- siriuscommon — Commons for Sirius applications
- sjtu — 深圳市welab的工作-特殊项目
- SkillMetrics — A Python library for calculating and displaying the skill of model predictions against observations.
- sklearn2excel — A Python package to facilitate Scikit-learn decision tree export to Excel.
- Skyperious — Skype chat history tool
- sli — A tool for working with Palo Alto Networks skillets
- SlideSlide — Simple and Silly tool to generate presentation from json
- snplib — Snptools is a tool for Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) data processing
- snucovery — Command Line utility to collect Aws Asset Data and export to Excel Stylesheets
- SNulk — SNulk provides a means to submit a large number of templated records to a table on a ServiceNow instance based on provided data. The table, instance, template, and data are all customizable and intended to be modified to fit the situation.
- snutshell — create xlsx and dat file from python list, tuple, dictionary, numpy array
- SoEasyData — 快速获取数据的简洁程序库
- SoL — Carrom tournaments management
- solas-ai — A Python Library of Curated Disparity Testing Metrics for Use in Real-World Settings
- sp-ask-running-total-daily-report — An helper that create and Excel document representing the number of chats per day
- spark-acl-tools — spark_acl_tools
- sparrow-order-lib — This is a lib for sparrow order projects.
- spd-eda — initial testing
- spinta — A platform for describing, extracting, transforming, loading and serving open data.
- spl-covid — Covid Statistics mini-widget for the amusement of Robert Remez
- spoonbill — Converts data that conforms to the Open Contracting Data Standard from JSON to Excel / CSV
- sPyBlocks — A small example package
- spyfor — Stata Regression Formatter
- SPyTools — Magical Marvin SharePoint Tools in Python
- sqlitebiter — sqlitebiter is a CLI tool to convert CSV / Excel / HTML / JSON / Jupyter Notebook / LDJSON / LTSV / Markdown / SQLite / SSV / TSV / Google-Sheets to a SQLite database file.
- sr2t — Converts scanning reports to a tabular format
- srm-aggregate — Custom code for facilitating SRM analyses
- SRRec — Short Reads Rectification
- staramr — Scans genome contigs against ResFinder, PlasmidFinder, and PointFinder databases
- static-frame — Immutable and statically-typeable DataFrames with runtime type and data validation.
- statmanager-kr — Open-source statistical package in Python based on the Pandas
- stdf-tamer — a stdf reader/writer/analyser/converter and robotframework library
- strictdoc — Software for writing technical requirements and specifications.
- string-path-search — Search a directory path for any of a list of strings.
- structurefinder — Search X-ray structures on your hard drive
- subsheets — utility to create subsheets in excel file
- SuomiGeoData — Downloading and extracting geospatial data from Finland, that is Suomi.
- superparsenmap — SuperParseNmap is a command line utility that parses nmap XML into CSV or Excel format.
- sustainable-wage-tool-data — no summary
- swat-em — Specific Winding Analysing Tool for Electrical Machines
- swps-tweet-download-client — no summary
- synthego-ice — Synthego - Inference of CRISPR Edits (ICE)
- systemdynamics — no summary
- tabgenie — TabGenie: A toolkit for table-to-text generation.
- table-compositor — Library to render table-like data structure into XLSX and other formats.
- table-linker — no summary
- table-schema-resource-template — Generate a resource file template from a Table Schema JSON file
- tableconv — CLI data plumbing tool
- TableProcessor — Procesamiento de tablas de datos
- tableschema-to-template — Given a Frictionless Table Schema, generates an Excel template with input validation
- tabular2xls — Convert a file with a LaTeX tabular to Excel
- taguette — Free and open source qualitative research tool
- taxi_simulator — Agent-based taxi simulator to test strategies
- taxontabletools — TaxonTableTools - A comprehensive, platform-independent graphical user interface software to explore and visualise DNA metabarcoding data
- tdmt — The Tabular Data Management Tool (tdmt) is a command line app to explore and transform data with a clear audit trail
- tecan-od-analyzer — OD data handling for growth curve estimation and visualization of TECAN OD readings
- templatepptx — Use template PowerPoint files to generate new PowerPoint files bases on dictionary values and magic words. Dynamically generate tables, replace text and pictures.
- termate — Package for terminology management with TermBase eXchange (TBX)
- terndata — A python module to access TERN dap data
- tesseract-olap — A simple OLAP library.
- test-config-opsramp-analytics-utils — OpsRamp Analytics SDK
- test-inferactively-pymdp — A Python package for solving Markov Decision Processes with Active Inference
- test-polyspace-report2excel — read a polyspace report and export misra or run-time results
- TestiPy — Python test selection/execution/reporting tool
- tetris-study-league-tools — 一个供研究联赛使用的小工具
- textgrid-convert — textgrid-convert converts audio transcripts such as sbv or srt files to Praat and DARLA compatible TextGrids.
- textgrid-convert-ina — textgrid-convert converts audio transcripts such as sbv or srt files to Praat and DARLA compatible TextGrids.
- textparsingtools — A collection of methods to read and organize data stored in text
- tfuc — some useful tools
- thapbi-pict — THAPBI Phytophthora ITS1 Classifier Tool (PICT).
- thefactory — TheFactory config module
- thefiarlib — thefiarlib
- thread-regulator-pjn2work — Thread Regulator with notifications and statistics
- Thya — ThyaTechnology SDK
- timeseries-etl-utils — Utility functions to create features from timeseries data