Reverse Dependencies of xlsxwriter
The following projects have a declared dependency on xlsxwriter:
- 3DFin — Automatic dendrometry and forest inventory for terrestrial point clouds, application package
- a2grunnerp — A2G Runner for Local Workflow
- abritamr — Running AMRFinderPlus for MDU
- AbsBox — an analytical library for cashflow modeling on ABS/MBS products
- acconeer-exptool — Acconeer Exploration Tool
- acrocord — Python API for PostreSQL database
- acts — Android Comms Test Suite
- admetscore — The ADMETSCORE is a software that aims to facilitate the ADMET analysis of molecules resulting from pharmacophore research.
- adrtools — RTS
- ahlbatross — Tool for comparing and visualizing changes between AHB documents across different format version releases.
- AhpAnpLib — Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Analytic Network Process (ANP) Library
- AI-Education-Tools — AI Education Tools for Teaching
- aiae — no summary
- aigpc — RTS
- aio-scrapy — A high-level Web Crawling and Web Scraping framework based on Asyncio
- air-df — 常用插件
- aitech — no summary
- aitestflow — aitestflow is a Python package used for creating automated test scripts for all types of applications.
- aithermal — no summary
- aitool — useful algorithms
- alacorder — Alacorder retrieves case detail PDFs from and processes them into data tables suitable for research purposes.
- alchemymodel-xlsx — A library to management excel from SQLAlchemy queries.
- alcoholic-tfe22540 — Framework of my master thesis on the effect of withdrawal on the white matter of alcoholic patients using dMRI data.
- algo-utils-hr — A collection of utility functions for algorithm development and data analysis
- algorin-cli — Acceso a GPT-3 y procesamiento de documentos desde la línea de comandos.
- alibaba-tvb — TV Bridge
- alitvb — TV Bridge
- AlleleFinder — no summary
- aloha — Aloha - a versatile Python utility package for building services
- alpaca-proteomics — Absolute Protein Quantification python library
- Alpha-Mind — no summary
- alphastats — An open-source Python package for automated and scalable statistical analysis of mass spectrometry-based proteomics
- amazon-textract-textractor — A package to use AWS Textract services.
- analogic-framework — no summary
- andriller — Andriller CE | Android Forensic Tools
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- animaltrackingdata — Animal tracking data source & formatter
- ansys-scade-almgw-msoffice — Ansys SCADE ALM Gateway connector for MS-Office
- antelope-core — no summary
- apachetomcatscanner — no summary
- apies — A flask blueprint providing an API for accessing and searching an ElasticSearch index created from source datapackages
- apodeixi — Proof-oriented, reverse Conway domain model and controllers for human organizations, inspired by Kubernetes
- apscale-gui — Advanced Pipeline for Simple yet Comprehensive AnaLysEs of DNA metabarcoding data - Graphical User Interface
- arcpyext — Extended functionality for Esri's ArcPy site-package
- asight — Ascend Performance Analysis Tool.
- asreview — ASReview LAB - A tool for AI-assisted systematic reviews
- assep — Automações em Python para auxiliar estudos em sistemas elétricos de potência
- assetutilities — utilities for general use
- assistant-improve-toolkit — Assistant Improve Toolkit
- asteq-treso — Automation of the Accountability for the BDS of IMT Atlantique Nantes
- atap-corpus-loader — A GUI loader for atap_corpus using the Panel library.
- atap-widgets — Interactive widgets used by the Australian Text Analytics Platform
- atek — no summary
- athenaeum — no summary
- atomica — Toolbox for compartment-based dynamic systems with costing and optimization
- austrakka — A CLI to interact with a AusTrakka instance
- auto-eval — Using only one line of commmands to evaluate multiple models
- auto-feature — use featuretools for feature engineering
- auto-feature-prod — prod: use featuretools for feature engineering
- autobmt — a modeling tool that automatically builds scorecards and tree models.
- autocp2k — This is a python module for automating CP2K calculations.
- AutoFeatures — PySpark Auto Feature Selector
- autogamess — This is a python module for automating Raman calculations using GAMESS(us).
- autopacmen-Paulocracy — The AutoPACMEN package
- autoreview-ufz-VS — A package for automating operations on Excel files.
- autosphere-excel — Autosphere library for excel xlsx file format
- autosynthesis — A toolkit for automated synthesis of biorefinery processes including pretreatment, conversion, separation, and upgrading.
- autotest-frame — 全栈自动化测试框架
- availsim4 — Availsim4 is a tool to predict reliability and availability of modern particle accelerators and their related systems.
- aviatrix-discovery — Aviatrix Discovery Generator
- aws-audit — This Utility will help you with the security audit of AWS cloud services.
- aws-service-screener — An open source guidance tool for AWS environments
- awsee — Utility to help me manage my AWS CLI Session with Profiles, Roles and MFA
- axonius-api-client — Axonius API client for Python
- az-k8s-operations — Collection of scripts to maintains aks cluster.
- azapyGUI — GUI for azapy library - Financial Portfolio Optimization Algorithms
- aztarna — A footprinting tool for ROS and SROS systems
- azurestapi — A Python Package to List Azure Resources for Different Azure Services!
- baangt — Open source Test Automation Suite for MacOS, Windows, Linux
- BacterialTyper — no summary
- bartbroere-eland — [Development fork!] Python Client and Toolkit for DataFrames, Big Data, Machine Learning and ETL in Elasticsearch
- bcf-api-xml — Convert BCF-API to BCF-XML
- beamprofiler — BeamProfiler is a Python package for laser beam analysis and characterization according to ISO 13694, ISO 11145, and other non-ISO definitions commonly used in the industry.
- bed2idt — Converts primer.bed files to IDT ordering templates
- BharatFinTrack — Downloading and analyzing financial data, including indices, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, from India, that is Bharat.
- bibibigtable — Big sql table or excel processing
- bigsdb — BIGSdb Python Toolkit
- binakeExcel — A Excel-tools,easy to use.
- binotree — class for creating binomial trees for options pricing
- BIOecmpy — Automated construction of enzyme constraint models using ECMpy workflow
- biogemeUtilities — Add features to the biogeme package
- BioPlate — An application to quickly generate plate schemes used in life science, save it in database and export it in nice table format or in spreadsheet
- biopsykit — A Python package for the analysis of biopsychological data.
- bisheng-unstructured — ETLs fro LLMs
- BittyTax — Crypto-currency tax calculator for UK tax rules. Produces a PDF report of your capital gains and income. Import your data from popular wallets and exchanges.
- blast2xl — BLAST output to XLSX spreadsheet
- Blauwal3 — 蓝鲸,一个基于组件的数据挖掘框架。
- BlazeUtils — A collection of python utility functions and classes.
- bmsdna-lakeapi — no summary
- bmsdna-table-rendering — no summary