Reverse Dependencies of xlrd
The following projects have a declared dependency on xlrd:
- dieke — Crystal field calculations for the rare earths
- digitalmodel — engineering asset digital model(s) for life cycle analysis
- digitaltwins — A Python tool for interacting with the 12 Labours DigitalTWINS (Digital Translational Workflows for Integrating Systems) Platform
- dipex — OS2mo-data-import-and-export
- directionality-quantification — Package for cell directionality quantification.
- DIRestInvoker — 调用 DIRestPlus 接口,实现Wind、iFinD、Choice接口调用
- DIRestPlus — 基于Restplus实现同花顺iFinD接口分布式调用
- Dirlin — Handy functions for local files
- — Distribution Feeder Conversion Tool
- dj-easy-xls — Easy package with helpful method to use openpyxl
- django-adminactions — Collections of useful actions to use with django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin
- django-adminactions-ptbr — Collections of useful actions to use with django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin
- django-dicom — A simple Django app to manage DICOM files.
- django-francedata — A Django app to provide a database structure, API and import scripts to manage French communes, intercommunalités, départements and régions, with their structure and data from Insee and the DGCL.
- django-gift-card-crawler — Crawl gift card links and extract card and serial number
- django-import — Import to django models
- django-maja-newsletter — A Django app for sending newsletter by email to a contact list.
- django-po2xls — Convert gettext .po files to .xls
- django-simple-import — A Django import tool easy enough your users could use it
- django-szuprefix — my utils in django
- django-xls2po — Convert django-po2xls generated .xls files to .po files
- django-xlspopulator — Populate your Django model from .xls file
- djangopebble — Wish this package be your pebble in using Django.
- dlg-home-content — model to identify tv sizes using images
- DMU — This package is used to store commonly used functions on pip for the sake of easy pulling for other code.
- dnacauldron — Cloning simulation for DNA assembly (Golden Gate, Gibson...)
- dodoo-loader — dodoo load subcommand
- doegen — DoEgen: A Python Library for Optimised Design of Experiment Generation and Evaluation
- domino-code-assist — no summary
- doubt — Bringing back uncertainty to machine learning.
- doyle — doyle description
- drillcore-transformations — Transform structural drillcore measurements.
- drillcore-transformations-py — Drillcore Transformations allows for alpha, beta and gamma drillcore transformations.
- dsconfig — Library and utilities for Tango device configuration.
- dspobjects — Objects for digital signal processing.
- dtamg-py — Gestão do processos internos da Diretoria Central de Transparência Ativa
- DTCTtool — This is a database comparison tool that ignores data structures and database types
- dtocean-dummy-module — Dummy DTOcean module used in mdo-engine tests
- dtshare — Open financial data
- duct-tape — Duct Tape is a Python interface for downloading data, uploading data, and controlling supported Ed-Tech software.
- dyools — dyools
- eam-data-tools — Tool to read model data from a table
- easy-excel-util — a package to easy import or export excel | excel操作简化,包含导入和导出功能
- easy-locust — Extensions for locustio
- easycheml — A simple tool for using artificial intelligence in chemistry
- easyexplore — Toolbox for easy and effective data exploration
- easygv — Define nodes and edges in an excel file and graph-style attributes in a yaml file with inheritence.
- easynotes — RTS
- EasyPandas — 使用Pandas库处理数据的简洁程序库
- easypv — RTS
- ebank — no summary
- ebanktool — no summary
- ebcpy — Python Library used for different python modules for the analysis and optimization of energy systems, buildings and indoor climate
- ebel — e(BE:L) - validation and extension of BEL networks.
- ebonite — Machine Learning Lifecycle Framework
- eccpy — High-throughput calculation of EC50 values.
- echoss-fileformat — File format handler packages for JSON, CSV, XML, and Excel files
- econ-jp — This module returns DataFrame of Japanese economic indicators.
- econ-watcher-reader — Web scraper to get economy watcher data from Cabinet Office of Japan.
- econuy — Wrangling Uruguayan economic data so you don't have to.
- ecscmdb — Dump the OpenManage database.
- ecspylibs — Local python libraries used across multiple programs
- eds4jinja2 — Embed the data source specifications in your JINJA templates directly, and enjoy the dynamic data contexts.
- eduimporter — Пакет инструментов для импорта данных
- EduJornal — no summary
- eegio — EEGIO: An io package for eeg data that is MNE-Python and MNE-BIDS compatible .
- eflips-depot — Depot Simulation for eFLIPS
- EgC-Demo-Package — A small example package from EGC
- EgC-Demo-Package-test — A small example package from EGC
- EgC-Package — A small example package from EGC
- egc2delete — A small example package from EGC
- elabjournal — no summary
- elia-py — Python3 client for the webservices of Elia
- elmada — Electricity market data
- elwood — An open source dataset transformation, standardization, and normalization python library.
- emgfit — Fitting of time-of-flight mass spectra with Hyper-EMG models
- emipy — Python package for emission data analysis based on the E-PRTR database.
- emtd — This projects provides as slim Python wrapper to access the 'technology-data' data set / snakemake workflow, maintained by the PyPSA team.
- enan — a package for ENrichment ANalyses
- enbios — Enbios 2
- encoo — no summary
- endterm — A small example package for aitu magistrants
- enhanceezqq — 用于对ezqq模块增强功能,能够获取历史数据保存到数据库,并从数据库读取历史数据
- ep3 — Processing of PESSTO data to make it comply with ESO Phase III
- epippy — Expansion Planning Input Preprocessing in Python
- epmatools — Tools to manipulate EPMA analyses
- ErrorFile — This is a package for handling error files
- es-xlsx2csv — Command line tool to generate CSVs from XLSX files on S3
- esi-utils-pager — USGS PAGER loss modeling functionality
- eslearn — This project is designed for machine learning in resting-state fMRI field
- estacionalidad — Linecharts to plot the seasonal behaviour of data series throughout a year comparing the same month in different years.
- eta-utility — A framework for researching energy optimization of factory operations
- etfba — ETFBA is a package for constraints-based metabolic flux analysis
- etlstat — ETL utils for statistical offices data processing
- eust — A set of tools to download, archive, and read Eurostat data
- evidence-normalizer — VICC normalization routines for evidence
- evodflow — Awesome evoflow created by maycuatroi
- example-package-cstashko — A small example package
- excel-db — no summary
- excel-modelling-helper — no summary