Reverse Dependencies of xhistogram
The following projects have a declared dependency on xhistogram:
- mmspy — A Python package for querying and analysing data from the NASA Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission.
- OpenDrift — OpenDrift - a framework for ocean trajectory modeling
- plottr — A tool for live plotting and processing data
- pydropsonde — Tools to process dropsonde data
- pymc-experimental — A home for new additions to PyMC, which may include unusual probability distribitions, advanced model fitting algorithms, or any code that may be inappropriate to include in the pymc repository, but may want to be made available to users.
- pymc-extras — A home for new additions to PyMC, which may include unusual probability distribitions, advanced model fitting algorithms, or any code that may be inappropriate to include in the pymc repository, but may want to be made available to users.
- xbout — Collect data from BOUT++ runs in python using xarray
- xskillscore — Metrics for verifying forecasts
- xwmt — Water Mass Transformation Routines for xarray