Reverse Dependencies of xarray
The following projects have a declared dependency on xarray:
- a2 — Package for predicting information about the weather from social media data as application 2 for maelstrom project
- aa-toolbox — Toolbox for anticipatory action
- abayestest — no summary
- abses — ABSESpy makes it easier to build artificial Social-ecological systems with real GeoSpatial datasets and fully incorporate human behaviour.
- access-med-utils — ACCESS MED Utilities
- access-nri-intake — Intake catalog managed by ACCESS-NRI and associated tools
- accessor-stubs — stubgen for xarray and pandas accessors
- accessvis — 3D visualisation tools and utilities for earth systems data
- acgc — A collection of data analysis programs used by the Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Change (ACGC) research group
- acom-music-box — An atmospheric chemistry box model. Powered by MUSICA.
- acquifer-napari — Loader plugin for napari, to load Acquifer Imaging Machine datasets in napari, using dask for efficient lazy data-loading.
- acs-axiom — A prototype utility for validating/applying metadata templates for scientific data.
- adampy — Python Adam API
- adc-compliance-checker — ADC Compliance Checker
- ADVECTOR — A computationally efficient and massively parallel marine litter transport model
- aeroet — Surface energy balance and atmospheric profiling algorithms for calculating evapotranspiration from thermal imagery
- afloat — A Fairly useful Library of Ocean Analysis Tools
- AgenciBr — Package to work with data from brazilian agenci
- agera5tools — AgERA5 is a tool for handling AgERA5 data from the Copernicus Climate Data Store.
- aggfly — Efficient spatial and temporal aggregation of gridded climate data
- aggregate-profiles — A package for processing hydrographic profiles with multiprocessing.
- aglio — Another Geodata Library for Input/Output (and more)
- agrid — A grid for spatial multidimensional processing
- ahlive — animate your data to life
- ai-models-gencast — An ai-models plugin to run Deepmind's gencast model
- AI-WQ-package — A python package to support forecast submission, evaluation and access to FTP site for DESTIN-E S2S AI prediction project
- aicsimageio — Image Reading, Metadata Conversion, and Image Writing for Microscopy Images in Pure Python
- aidapy — AI package for heliophysics
- aind-data-transfer — Services for compression and transfer of aind-data to the cloud
- aind-ephys-utils — Utilities library for aind ephys team.
- air-db — A data access layer for atmospheric time series datasets
- airfuse — airfuse provides several data fusion techniques designed to work with AirNow, PurpleAir, NOAA's Air Quality Forecast and NASA's Composition Forecast.
- airtrafficsim — A lightweight collection of tools for air traffic management research.
- Alaea — Some simple tools by Christmas
- allcools — Toolkit for single-cell DNA methylome and multiomic data analysis.
- allensdk — core libraries for the allensdk.
- alpineer — Toolbox for Multiplexed Imaging. Contains scripts and little tools which are used throughout ark-analysis, mibi-bin-tools, and toffy.
- amof — A python package to analyze Molecular Dynamics (MD) trajectories of amorphous Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs).
- analogues — Estimate analogue historic climatic conditions
- anasyspythontools — A suite of Python tools for use with Analysis Studio AFM-IR files.
- aneris-iamc — Harmonize Integrated Assessment Model Emissions Trajectories
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- anxcor — ANXCOR is a python library for performing seismic ambient noise crosscorrelations
- aolab-aopy — python code repository for aoLab @UW
- aospy — Automated gridded climate data analysis and management
- apecosm — Python package for the analysis of Apecosm outputs
- apixwaves — Python library to compute cross spectra from SAR image
- appmar — Python program for marine climate analysis.
- appmar2 — Python program for marine climate analysis.
- aprofiles — Analysis of atmospheric profilers measurements
- arcadia-apb — General purpose toolkit for applied protein biology.
- argopy — A python library for Argo data beginners and experts
- ark-analysis — Toolbox for analysis on segmented images from MIBI.
- arpes — Modular data analysis code for angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES)
- arraylake — Python client for ArrayLake
- arviz — Exploratory analysis of Bayesian models
- arviz-base — Base ArviZ features and converters.
- asediag — Aerosol Diagnostics on Model Native Grid
- ashdisperse — Steady state advection-diffusion-sedimentation solver for volcanic ash dispersion
- assetra — ASSET Lab Resource Adequacy Package
- astro-tigress — TIGRESS data release and associate python scripts
- astroCAST — Package to analyze calcium fluorescence events in astrocytes
- astrohack — Holography Antenna Commissioning Kit
- astroviper — Astro Visibility and Image Parallel Execution Reduction
- atflagger — Simple method for flagging UWL data.
- atlas-actris — no summary
- atlite — Library for fetching and converting weather data to power systems data
- atmodata — A collection of high performant data loading tools for spatio-temporal ML based on torchdata
- atmos-validation — A python library containing automated data validation tools for the Atmos Data Service
- auDeep — auDeep is a Python toolkit for unsupervised feature learning with deep neural networks (DNNs)
- auror — Parameter Checking
- aurorafusion — Aurora package for particle transport, radiation and neutrals in magnetically-confined plasmas
- autoballs — Python package for segmentation of axons and morphological analysis.
- autodidaqt — AutodiDAQt is a simple data acquisition framework. For science.
- autodidaqt-common — Common code for autodiDAQt and autodiDAQt-receiver.
- autodidaqt-receiver — Analyis-side bridge for autodiDAQt.
- awsgnssroutils — Utilities for access and manipulation of GNSS radio occultation in the AWS Registry of Open Data
- awx — AWX Satellite Data Reader
- ax-env — dependency manager for XENONnT package
- axio2zarr — AXIOSCAN to Zarr conversion
- azure-quantum-tgp — Topogap protocol code
- bact-analysis — bact accelerator optimisation analysis tools
- bandsos — .. danger::
- bapsf_motion — Package for controlling motion devices in a BaPSF DAQ system
- barotropic — A framework for barotropic analysis and modelling of the atmosphere
- basininflow — Calculates time series of runoff for basins from gridded runoff LSM data
- bayesian-multitarget-latent-factors — Fits and explores the posterior of a Bayesian Latent Factor model with multiple functional targets
- BayesianBrandTracker — A bayesian approach to brand health tracking
- baysalt-christmas — Some simple tools for Christmas
- beaker-climate — no summary
- beaker-kernel — no summary
- beanmachine — Probabilistic Programming Language for Bayesian Inference
- beartype — Unbearably fast near-real-time hybrid runtime-static type-checking in pure Python.
- bebi103 — Python utilities for the Caltech course BE/Bi 103: Data Analysis in the Biological Sciences.
- bgen-reader — Bgen file format reader
- biapy — BiaPy: Bioimage analysis pipelines in Python
- bias-correction — python library for bias_correction
- bibat — Batteries-included Bayesian analysis template
- bioimageio.core — Python functionality for the bioimage model zoo
- bioio-base — Typing, base classes, and more for BioIO projects.