Reverse Dependencies of ws4py
The following projects have a declared dependency on ws4py:
- agave-pyclient — A Python client for the Agave 3d volume renderer
- bertdotbill — Bert's Interactive Lesson Loader
- blue-interface — Python API for controlling the Blue robot arm
- btdashboard — Bert's Dashboard
- catalyze — CLI for Catalyze Platform-as-a-Service interaction
- channelstream — Websocket server supporting channels/users communication
- datawire-mdk — The Microservices Development Kit (MDK)
- datawire-quark-threaded — Threaded integration for Python code generated by Quark
- datawire-quarkdev-threaded — Threaded integration for Python code generated by Quark
- django-codenerix-pos-client — Codenerix POS Client enables the system to work with codenerix_pos_client command line tool so it can connecto to CODENERIX POS server.
- edbotstudio — A Python client API for Edbot Studio
- janus-cloud — Janus-cloud is a cluster solution for Janus WebRTC server, by API proxy approach
- jgtpyalgotrade — JGT Python Algorithmic Trading. Based on work from : Gabriel Martin Becedillas Ruiz
- komo — Komodo AI CLI
- linklabs-conductor — Linklabs Conductor API Wrapper
- macumba — Python 3 bindings for Juju
- marvlcli — no summary
- mooquant — MooQuant
- ngchat-speech-sdk — ngChat Speech SDK: Client for ngChat speech recognition and speech synthesis.
- nmoscommon — Common components for the BBC's NMOS implementations
- paradox-alarm-interface — Interface to Paradox Alarm Panels
- py-ha-ws-client — A Python client to make it easy to connect and consume data from the Home Assistant web socket API.
- pyalgotrade-python3 — Adaptation of Python Algorithmic Trading to python3 for pip
- PyAlgoTrade.wequant — Python Algorithmic Trading
- PyAlgoTradePro — Python Algorithmic Trading
- pylxd — python library for LXD
- pyramid-notebook — Embed IPython Notebook shell on your Pyramid website
- pyVoiceAI — VoiceaiTech Python SDK
- pywebostv — Library to remote control LG Web OS TV
- quantworks — Python Algorithmic Trading Framework
- registryaggregator — BBC implementation of an AMWA NMOS Registration API
- registryquery — BBC implementation of an AMWA NMOS Query API
- rhizo-client — Client for rhizo-server
- sas-esppy — SAS Event Stream Processing Python Interface
- seavoice-sdk — SeaVoice SDK: Client for Seasalt speech recognition and speech synthesis.
- signalflow-client-python — no summary
- signalfx — SignalFx Python Library
- telenium — Kivy automation, can be used to do GUI tests.
- test-firstock — no summary
- tomon-sdk — A simple development kit for Tomon bot.
- utf-remote — Platform for connected devices
- voca — Control your computer by voice!
- volttron-lib-web — The volttron-lib-web library extends the platform by exposing a web based REST api and allows extension web agents to register with the platform.
- wshubsapi — make complex web-socket communication in a simple way
- xio — simple microframework for microservices rapid prototyping
- zato-websocket-client — A convenience WebSocket Python client for Zato services
- zuul — A Project Gating System