Reverse Dependencies of wordfreq
The following projects have a declared dependency on wordfreq:
- alphawave — AlphaWave-py - Functions for smaller Large Language Models (sLLMs)
- amitkh-wordle — Entropy based Wordle Solver (CLI). Inspired by 3 Blue 1 Brown
- analytics-lib — A package for psychotyping by text
- arthur-bench — validate models for production
- autoanki — Automatically make Anki Decks for Chinese text
- bnw-tools — Tools developed in the BorgNetzWerk project for the extraction, analysis and publication of knowledge.
- dexflex — Spacy plugin working based on dexonline database
- finntk — Finnish NLP toolkit
- fse — Fast Sentence Embeddings for Gensim
- generativepoetry — A library primarily for procedurally generating visual poems
- jailbreakbench — An Open Robustness Benchmark for Jailbreaking Language Models
- kblite — A SQLite-based interface for Knowledge Bases
- kfe — File Explorer and Search Engine for locally stored multimedia
- nlp-architect — Intel AI Lab NLP and NLU research model library
- nlp-text-preprocessor — Natural language processing package
- prosedecomposer — Decompose, transform, and recombine prose into mutated forms.
- pyhumour — A module for the characterization and quantification of concise humour
- python-wordle-helper — Cheat at Wordle!
- pyxai — Explaining Machine Learning Classifiers in Python
- sparrow-python — no summary
- split-lang — A package for splitting text by languages through concatenating over split substrings based on their language
- wordflow — no summary
- wordlesolve — wordlesolve solves Wordle!