Reverse Dependencies of wmi
The following projects have a declared dependency on wmi:
- ActionStreamer — A library for the ActionStreamer API.
- adformat — Formats multiply USB disks at once
- airclick — airclick 相关python包
- ansys-workbench-core — A python wrapper for Ansys Workbench
- ascript — airclick 相关python包
- autoinsight — A Simplified UI automation package
- BatCave — Python Programming Toolkit
- BoardTester — collect data with automated hardware power cycling
- Brightify — Brightify is an OS-independent application that adjusts monitor brightness using the DDC/CI protocol and custom protocols for USB monitors, featuring a brightness sensor for automatic adjustments based on ambient light, and can be controlled via a taskbar icon.
- causalbench-asu — Spatio Temporal Causal Benchmarking Platform
- certipy-ad — Active Directory Certificate Services enumeration and abuse
- ChemE — Various functions and data for Chemical Engineering Students
- cloudbase-init — Portable cloud initialization service
- colourin — Your gateway to colours in python!
- crystal-web — Downloads websites for long-term archival.
- damuffin — A collection of different submodules.
- dnspython — DNS toolkit
- dost — DOST is a Python based Utility platform as an Open Source project. We strive to liberate humans from mundane, repetitive tasks, giving them more time to use their intellect and creativity to solve higher-order business challenges and perform knowledge work.
- dvinfo — A package for getting system information on Windows and Linux
- energy_consumption_reporter — An energy consumption measuring and reporting tool
- genutility — A collection of various Python utilities
- gpustack — GPUStack
- gui-engine — A package for advanced GUI made with tkinter
- gyrate — create beautiful and elegant terminal spinners
- HardwareProvider — A package used to get hardware info and specs.
- hdlg — Modern GUI for hdl-dump.
- hyyap — hyyap
- hyypns — hyypns
- idem-windows — Vertical app merge components for idem and grains to support windows
- ingeniamotion — Motion library for Novanta servo drives
- iromlab — Image and Rip Optical Media Like A Boss
- jtac — Start, stop and restart your arma servers just with cli
- kb-macropy — Keyboard listener and automation script.
- kelian — Library of useful code snippets
- kksn — kksn序列号生成器
- L3-rotect — no summary
- L33rotect — no summary
- lib2dlp — Data Loss Prevention (DLP) TEST
- logger-util — Dead simple Python logger. Redirects stdout to a file while maintaining console printing.
- mkg — The tools in this library are 100% free (Even for Americans and Saudis)
- monitor-controller — A Python application to control monitor input sources based on connected devices.
- muko — 加速实现AIGC、自动办公的中文编程工具
- nameless_deploy_tools — Tools for deploying to AWS via CloudFormation and Serverless framework that support a pull request based workflow
- nb-cli-plugin-webui — web ui support for nb-cli
- neofetch-python — A Python implementation of neofetch
- neofetch-win — neofetch, but for Windows
- netset — A network configuration tool for the commandline, written in Python.
- netter — A network toolkit.
- netzcfg — Retrieves network adapter configuration information using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and return it as a Pandas DataFrame.
- openopc2 — OPC library with a Windows gateway enabling non-Windows clients to access OPC-DA calls.
- os-win — Windows / Hyper-V library for OpenStack projects.
- osu — A python library that emulates the osu! stable client
- pih-ad — PIH Active directory service package
- pmma — Python Multi-Media API (PMMA) is a multi-purpose API designed to make working on multi-media projects easier and faster!
- pmutils — no summary
- prokill — prokill
- pslipstream — The most informative Home-media backup solution.
- psutil — Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python. NOTE: the syntax of this script MUST be kept compatible with Python 2.7.
- psutil-wheels — Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python.
- pyhtools — Python Hacking Tools (PyHTools) (pht) is a collection of python written hacking tools consisting of network scanner, arp spoofer and detector, dns spoofer, code injector, packet sniffer, network jammer, email sender, downloader, wireless password harvester credential harvester, keylogger, download&execute, and reverse_backdoor along with website login bruteforce, scraper, web spider etc. PHT also includes malwares which are undetectable by the antiviruses.
- PyInfoComp — Infopy is a Python module that provides a collection of methods to retrieve essential system information. With this module, you can easily get details about your system's hardware and software, such as the CPU, GPU, RAM, battery status, network information, uptime, and more. It also supports retrieving public IP addresses, Wi-Fi profiles, clipboard contents, and system OS information.
- pyL33-rotect — no summary
- pyOpenRPA — First open source RPA platform for business
- pyperfmon — pyperfmon
- pythondefender — A simple, easy-to-use Python file protector.
- PythonProtector — Library for protecting your python files
- pywinsandbox — Python Utilities for Windows Sandbox
- robolson — My collection of utilty scripts
- rpa-sap — SAPGUI actions for RPA
- sapy-script — Library to manipulate SAP by script
- screen-brightness-control — A Python tool for controlling the brightness of your monitor
- shadowcopy — A project for shadowcopy
- smoky — SM One Key!Okay!!基于国密SM(国家商用密码算法)系列的一机一码授权模块。
- spiderx — 爬虫函数集 爬虫工具类
- ssd — Solid-State Drive Checker
- SysAll — Tools to facilitate the use/manipulation of data in the Windows environment
- sysdash — System information utility
- sysdbg — It wil Logs system info - Parses the Prefetch files - Recieve some other System information - And Loges Running Processes
- System-Information — It finds basic information about the system.
- tdrpa.tdworker — tdworker for tdrpa developers. supports python3.8+, windows x64
- turnkeyml — TurnkeyML Tools and Models
- txhyy — txhyy
- txsion — txsion
- usb-monitor — USBMonitor is an easy-to-use cross-platform library for USB device monitoring that simplifies tracking of connections, disconnections, and examination of connected device attributes on Windows, Linux and MacOs, freeing the user from platform-specific details or incompatibilities.
- usbjiance — USB设备监控工具,用于监控Windows系统上USB设备的连接和断开事件
- utilsrama — no summary
- vnpy-da — DA International gateway for VeighNa quant trading framework.
- vnpy-tora — TORA gateway for VeighNa quant trading framework.
- wacryptolib — Witness Angel Cryptolib
- wifi-connection — no summary
- win-pyxs — Windows compatibility for pyxs
- windows-tools — Toolset for antivirus, NTFS/ReFS ACLs, file ownership, registry, user handling...Well a lot of stuff
- windows-tools.wmi-queries — Windows WMI query wrapper, wmi timezone converters
- WinTmp — A package used to get temperature on Windows Machines.
- wisteria — Python serializers comparisons