Reverse Dependencies of whitenoise
The following projects have a declared dependency on whitenoise:
- afterburner — Afterburner Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- alcali — Alcali
- alcazar-web-framework — Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- alexeygalt-framework — Alexgalt Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- allnc — Python Web Framework for building web applications
- antares-apps — Antares Apps Module
- apis-acdhch-default-settings — Default settings for APIS instances at the ACDH-CH
- apollo-sdk — A radically simple framework for ML/AI model management
- appel-crises — Website for the `appel-crises` petition
- ara — ARA Records Ansible
- argus-server — Argus is an alert aggregator for monitoring systems
- AsadStack — Python Web Framework
- benito-bumbago — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- BizAPI — It is a simple and lightweight web framework built for learning and experimentation purposes.
- blinky — This is the Blinky project.
- bmds-ui — U.S. EPA Dose Response Modeling Software User Interface
- bocadillo — Fast, highly-concurrent and scalable web APIs for everyone
- boludiiin — Boludiiin Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- Bubba — Bubba Python Web Framework the simplest framework.
- Bugsink — Self-hosted Error Tracking
- bumbo — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-daniel — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-ekb — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-el — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-evgeny — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-guyincognito — Bumbo Python Web Framework for learning purposes
- bumbo-hiro — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-ivan — Bumbo Python Web Framework build for learning purpose.
- bumbo-izzy — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-junior — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-kindjo — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-konrad — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-leo — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes. Originaly designed by
- bumbo-lera — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-mikhin — Bumbo mikhin Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-mxb — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-plyshevyj — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-popova — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-roman-yank — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-shogo — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-sonechka — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-tikey — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo-yuzhanhuang1119 — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo12345 — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo2 — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbo73 — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbojonasps — Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumboraphael — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumbov — Bumbov Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- bumboyo — Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- buzzerboy-saas-tenants — A reusable Django package containing multiple apps
- byro — Membership and fees management for associations, clubs and groups
- ccframe — ccframe - simple web framework. Cloned from Bumbo Python Web Framework course
- Clay — An amazing web prototyping tool.
- clovepy — Clover Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- coltrane — A minimal app framework for content sites 🎵
- coltrane-web — A simple content site framework that harnesses the power of Django without the hassle.
- dastyor — Python web framework built for learning purposes.
- deepdataspace — A tool for CV dataset labeling, visualizing and analysing
- digicubes-server — The digicubes api server
- directory-components — Shared components library for Great services.
- dj-config — This is a fork of the Django library for Heroku apps.
- Djaizz — Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Django Applications
- django-babel-transpiling — Bring babel to your django project, transpiling static .jsx files on the fly, without NodeJS require!
- django-bloggy — A Django blog app with features of a standard blogging platform.
- django-composed-configuration — Turnkey Django settings for data management applications.
- django-core-api — no summary
- django-etna — Django middlewares and helpers for ETNA
- django-heroku — This is a Django library for Heroku apps.
- django-lc-utils — Utilities for Django application
- django-linear — Django app for importing Linear issues into the Django admin site.
- django-on-heroku — This package simplifies running a Django app on Heroku platform.
- django-peertube-runner-connector — A django application to connect to a peertube runner and transcode videos
- django-polaris — An extendable Django server for Stellar Ecosystem Proposals.
- django-politico-minutes-editor — no summary
- django-postcss-modules — Bring `postcss-modules` to your django project, transpiling static .cssm files on the fly, without NodeJS require!
- django_production — django-production gets your project production ready
- django-qlued — Django packages that enables validated cloud access to quantum hardware.
- django-simple-media-manager — Simple django rest media manager
- django-simple-saml — Django app for managing multiple SAML Identity Providers.
- django-singlefile — A library to make single-file Django apps easier
- django-smart-admin — no summary
- django-spa — Simple Django configuration to serve a single-page app
- django-space — This package is setup a django project in quick way.
- django-telethon — Telethon for django
- django-webp — Serves a webp version of static images to browsers instead of jpg, gif or png
- django-wedsite — A simple open-source django wedding website
- django-zero — Zero-configuration django projects.
- djing — djing admin panel
- djing-admin — djing admin panel
- docker-compose-control-center — Docker Compose Control Center is a small utility web application. It allows for control of docker containers, and specifically services created with docker-compose
- drf-yasg2 — Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Framework code
- dukhi — Dukhi Bumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- dumbo-marek — Dumbo Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- dummy-framework — Dummy Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- dyne — A light weight Python async framework with batteries included.
- eb808 — eb808 Python Web Framework built for learning purposes.
- eclectic — Eclectic Python Web Framework built by Eclecticlly.
- Faloodeh — this package is alpha version of faloodeh framwork from iran
- fastango-v1 — Python Web Framework build for learning purposes