Reverse Dependencies of where
The following projects have a declared dependency on where:
- argsloader — Configuration Parsing and Management Based on ChainLoader
- cheesechaser — Swiftly get tons of images from indexed tars on Huggingface.
- dghs-imgutils — A convenient and user-friendly anime-style image data processing library that integrates various advanced anime-style image processing models.
- dghs-realutils — A convenient and user-friendly image data processing library that integrates various advanced image processing models.
- DI-toolkit — A simple tool for opendilab.
- DI-treetensor — A flexible, generalized tree-based tensor structure.
- fake-html — Library for generating fake html page.
- gchar — Game character manager.
- grafanimate — Animate timeseries data with Grafana
- hbayes — Bayesian Optimization package
- hfmirror — Mirror for resources to local and huggingface.
- hfutils — Useful utilities for huggingface
- jentry — Python CLI which can find the entry of java project.
- lighttuner — A simple tool for automatic parameter tuning.
- LightZero — A lightweight and efficient MCTS/AlphaZero/MuZero algorithm toolkits.
- pji — Python library which can do complex test in educational area.
- plantumlcli — An easy-to-use plantuml cli for everyone.
- potc — Python object to code module.
- potc-dict — Pretty dict generating plugin for potc.
- potc-torch — Torch support of potc.
- potc-treevalue — Treevalue support of potc.
- potc-typing — Pretty dict generating plugin for potc.
- pyanimeinfo — Python anime information grabber.
- pycivitai — Python Client and Model Management for CivitAI.
- pynyaasi — Python client for and
- pyspj — Python library which can build special judge for running result judging.
- pysyslimit — Python library which can manage linux permissions.
- pytest-httpx-recorder — Recorder feature based on pytest_httpx, like recorder feature in responses.
- pytest-shell — A pytest plugin to help with testing shell scripts / black box commands
- pyuutils — Python wrapper for Uppaal UUtils.
- sci-igm — Intelligence Guidance Manager for AI.
- sdeval — Evaluation for stable diffusion model training
- tbsync — Sync tools for tensorboard logs.
- treevalue — A flexible, generalized tree-based data structure.
- v2raycli — Python CLI for v2ray and subscription.
- xtor — Manage Tor instances