Reverse Dependencies of websocket-client
The following projects have a declared dependency on websocket-client:
- aat — Algorithmic trading library
- abb-robot-client — Python client library to access ABB robots using RWS and EGM
- abstra-cli — Abstra CLI
- abstra-runtimes — Abstra Runtimes Lib
- accomate — Accoladez + Automate = Accomate
- acfunsdk-ws — acfunsdk - websocket
- acryl-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- actionsMCP — This package provides the necessary parameters to perform actions on MCP
- adfsmail — Библиотека для работы с почтой ADFS
- adsbee — Utility software functions for interacting with an ADSBee 1090 open-source ADSBee receiver.
- agavepy — SDK for Tapis
- agent-gpt-aws — AgentGPT CLI for training and inference on AWS SageMaker
- agentic-kit-eda — EDA agent framework based on Langgraph
- agentic-kit-flow — About agent flow&pattern based on Langgraph
- agenticos — Tapping into the power of AI agents
- agentlabs-sdk — AgentLabs SDK for Python
- Agentx — AgentX: Seamlessly integrate intelligent agents into your projects. Empower your applications with advanced AI capabilities.
- agixt — An Artificial Intelligence Automation Platform. AI Instruction management from various providers, has an adaptive memory, and a versatile plugin system with many commands including web browsing. Supports many AI providers and models and growing support every day.
- AGVlinkhou — learn
- ahrli-huobi-client — no summary
- ai-python — Microsoft AI Python Package
- aibro — Serverless model training
- aidockermon — Monitor system load of the server running the nvidia/cuda docker containers.
- aigc-comfyui-tools — ComfyUI TEST Tools Set.
- ailabs-asr — Package to utilize the speech to text API powered by
- aineko-plugins-nodes-websocket-client — Aineko plugin for running a WebSocket client
- aiosubstrate — A library for interacting with Substrate node (py-substrate-interface fork)
- airclick — airclick 相关python包
- airflow-yeedu-operator — Submission and monitoring of jobs and notebooks using the Yeedu API in Apache Airflow.
- airmise — The native experience of calling remote functions, like local ones.
- airosentris — A sentiment analysis platform with AI runner and trainer components
- aiwaifu-vts-controller — no summary
- aiwolf-nlp-common — aiwolf-nlp-common
- aiy-worker — aiy worker
- alarmdealerscrape — scraper for
- alephzero — TODO: description
- alfred-python — Python library designed to simplify and streamline interactions with the Alfred API
- alga — CLI for remote controlling LG webOS TVs
- algo-bus-sdk — YunChi Algo Bus SDK
- algodojo — A automatic trading application of package
- algonautsutils — A private repo for maintaining Algonauts utils/tools
- algotradepy — Python Auto-Trading Framework
- alice-blue — Official Python library for Alice Blue APIs
- alice-blue-sdk-codifi — Official Python SDK for Alice Blue API
- aliot-py — Aliot-py is the python implementation of the Aliot library, an IOT library made to work with the ALIVEIoT ecosystem (see
- alpaca-trade-api — Alpaca API python client
- alphatools-jv — Wrapper over angel broking smartapi to read cached options market data
- alphatrade — Python APIs for SAS Online Alpha Trade Web Platform
- AltTester-Driver — Python bindings for the AltTester® framework. AltTester® is an open-source UI driven test automation tool that helps you find objects in your game and interacts with them.
- — Library for Amino by Anime Empire. Discord -
- amino.fix — Library for Amino. Discord -
- amino.fix-async — Amino 2.0.3 fix lib. Discord -
- amino.fix.fix — Unofficial library to work with Aminoapps
- — A library to create Amino bots.
- — Library for creating amino bots and scripts.
- Amino-Socket — Python API to Connect Amino wss
- ango — Ango-Hub SDK
- anji-core — Core of AnjiProject, desctibuted ChatOps system
- antgrid-server — A package for registering servers in Antgrid.
- anydb — Manage dotfiles with stow
- anypayx — A CLI and library for APIs
- AnyRun — malware submissions client
- aori-sdk-py — python sdk
- apache-airflow-zack — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- ape-alchemy — ape-alchemy: Alchemy provider plugins
- ape-infura — ape-infura: Infura Provider plugins for Ethereum-based networks
- apexomni-arm — Python3 Apexpro omni HTTP/WebSocket API Connector
- apexomni-x86 — Python3 Apexpro omni HTTP/WebSocket API Connector
- apexpro — Python3 Apexpro HTTP/WebSocket API Connector
- apifiny — This is a library that works as a connector to Apifiny OPEN API.
- apifiny-futures — This is a library that works as a connector to Apifiny Futures OPEN API.
- app-common-libs — Mobilads common libs and functions for backend application
- appsync-ws-client — A package for connecting to AWS AppSync WebSocket API using graphql subscriptions
- aqara-iot-py-sdk — A Python sdk for Aqara Open API, which provides IoT capabilities, maintained by Aqara official
- arc-ai — Economies of models
- archerysec-cli — A commandline tool that wraps the Archerysec REST API for controlling Archery and executing quick, targeted scans.
- arcnet — Economies of models
- arcor2-arserver-data — ARCOR2 ARServer data
- arcor2-execution-rest-proxy — REST Proxy for ARCOR2 Execution service.
- arcor2-logger — ARCOR2 Logger service.
- arcos — Economies of models
- ArcProbeInterface — Python API to use Redive Arcaea prober
- argussight — An addition to MXCuBEWeb enabling simultaneous video streaming and distributed computer vision tasks.
- aria2p — Command-line tool and library to interact with an aria2c daemon process with JSON-RPC.
- arqLogger — Python websocket logger for Arquant's Strategies.
- arquants — arquants strategy engine
- artificienlib — Library for artificien, abstracts federated learning processes
- artran-sgqlc — Simple GraphQL Client. This is a fork that supports newer WebSocket servers.
- asciiRyver — Ryver for the terminal
- ascript — airclick 相关python包
- asgi_redis — Redis-backed ASGI channel layer implementation
- astersay — This is a Python library for Asterisk to work with Yandex voice models.
- atc2txt — Automatic speech recognition and transcription of ATC (Air Traffic Control) streams
- atf-docker — ATF for docker
- atlas-uiautomator2 — SIDIA ATLAS customization for Python Wrapper for Google Android UiAutomator2 test tool
- atlasai-sgqlc — Simple GraphQL Client
- atshop — A Python wrapper for the Atshop API
- auto-learn-gpt — autoML for training and inference Deep Learning model
- autoauditor — Semi-automatic scanner and vulnerability exploiter
- autogen-agentchat-um — Enabling Next-Gen LLM Applications via Multi-Agent Conversation Framework