Reverse Dependencies of webencodings
The following projects have a declared dependency on webencodings:
- a2grunnerp — A2G Runner for Local Workflow
- abracadabra — Making hypothesis and AB testing magically simple!
- accomate — Accoladez + Automate = Accomate
- adversarial-labeller — Sklearn compatiable model instance labelling tool to help validate models in situations involving data drift.
- AEngineConsole — Console applications engine.
- ai-economist — Foundation: An Economics Simulation Framework
- ai-python — Microsoft AI Python Package
- aibro — Serverless model training
- aiorequest — Package provides asynchronous user-friendly HTTP client with clean objects.
- ak-sw-benchmarker — AK_SW_BENCHMARKER that makes it possible to apply different sizing algorithms and allometric yield prediction models to manually labeled color and depth tree images.
- amazon-login — Log into amazon seller central or vendor central using selenium.
- ananse — A python package to partially automate search term selection and writing search strategies for systematic reviews
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- apidriver — api test framework cli
- arrakis-nd — Arrakis module for near detector data.
- AskFlow-CLI — AskFlow is a command line tool for automating debugging your code. This CLI allows you to search StackOverflow for answers to errors in your code without ever leaving the terminal.
- asyncrepo — A library for providing a unified asyncio API for various data sources
- ategpt — ATE-GPT ('Ask, Think, Evaluate', powered by GPT) is a lightweight module for guiding a GPT-based LLM through a comprehensive thought process on any subject.
- auth-token-django — Django token authentication
- autodiffing — A package for Automatic Differentiation
- autoMLF — autoML for training and inference Deep Learning model
- autopc — An image recognition framework running on a computer
- autopilotml — A package for automating machine learning tasks
- azure-arm-nb-extensions — Jupyter notebook extensions for azure arm.
- bastion-key-client — FABRIC Bastion host key rotation utility
- beepbeep — data pipeline utility functions for
- bermuda-ledger — A module for manipulating insurance loss triangles
- bgameb — Board Game Builder
- big-graph-dataset — A collection of graph datasets in torch_geometric format.
- bildkedde — Lightweight sensor modeling package
- bitfount — Machine Learning and Federated Learning Library.
- Bitmasher — Bit rotational encryption with steganography
- bitmex-websocket — Bitmex websocket API
- blacksea-tester — ATG Blacksea Test Framework client package
- blazekit — UI to interact with Kubernetes Clusters
- bleach — An easy safelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool.
- bock — Small cli - tool to support GAMS4+ local development
- boilee — An easy way to create a tool to generate code boilerplates like "npm init" and "vue create" for any programming language.
- bookkeywords — Library To Check Keywords Using From User Input Pre-Define Library Book Keywords.
- box-oauth — Box headless OAuth2 client
- bruin — Command line tool made by python for various toolbox used in UCLA
- buildrunner — Docker-based build tool
- calendruparser — Parser for a list of official and unofficial holidays from
- can-box-chw — Learn Python Packaging
- chat-async-client — description
- chat-async-server — description
- ChemScraper — Scraping chemical vendors for pricing/availability info.
- chicken-coop — An environment for reproducing dominance hierarchies in RL agents
- Chronix2Grid — A python package to generate "en-masse" chronics for loads and productions (thermal, renewable)
- cimren-wkmeans-geo — Weighted KMeans Clustering for Geolocational Problem
- circles-file-iterator — Allows to iterate over CyVerse CIRCLES files
- CIxTools — Cheminformatics Tools
- cleanapi — Pretty tornado wrapper for making lightweight REST API services
- cloud-io — Handle I/O from cloud buckets
- cloudscript — Implementation of the cloudscript specification in python.
- cnx-publishing — Application for accepting publication requests to the Connexions Archive.
- CobWeb-lnx — CobWeb is a Python library for web scraping. The library consists of two classes: Spider and Scraper.
- colorizexl — Colorize and recolorize large images
- combnetdep — Dependencies for Combnet.
- commitgen — no summary
- commondtools — Common D-tools.
- compiloor — no summary
- ComSeg — single cell RNA profiling analysis of imaging-based spatial transcriptomics data
- confo — Confo is a configuration manager, built to support multiple backend systems
- convertool — <short description for the tool>
- coref — Functional, Namespace-based application CORE
- corellia-preprocessor — Corellia data market Preprocessor package
- corens — Functional, Namespace-based application CORE
- corradin-opioid-project — no summary
- cosmicdb — An easy way to setup a database site.
- cosmicdbsemantic — An easy way to setup a database site.
- costsekondi — A CLI tool for CoST Sekondi-Takoradi in Ghana West Africa to make the general public access their Infrastructure Transparency Initiative data
- courts-api — no summary
- cpquant — A python package developed by the Cal Poly Quantitative Finance Club for dealing with financial data (California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo)
- cssselect2 — CSS selectors for Python ElementTree
- ctextinct — Educational Cyber Security Chatbot - Working to Making Cyber Threats Extinct
- culting — Culting package manager.
- custom-bgr — Customized background removal app
- cvefinder — A simple commandline app for searching and looking up opensource vulnerabilities
- dali_renderer — Powerful rendering of your source code.
- DalineUnit — daline unit generator and runner
- DashboardServerReportWebsiteSide — A website monitoring tool for performance, security, SEO, and UI
- data-science-common-core — Data Science Common Core
- databricks-runtime-python-env — Python dependencies installed on Databricks Runtimes
- datahunters — library for collecting data
- datati — Download and preprocess your dataset from any source, all in one place.
- deligence-django-docusign-connect — installable django app to integrate with docusign APIs.
- demo-package-python — This is a sample package which follows the instructions for publishing a Python package to PyPI.
- dexteritysdk — Client for Dexterity - a modular derivatives decentralized exchange reference implementation
- dfio — no summary
- dg-itest — 接口自动化测试框架
- dhapi — 동행복권 비공식 API
- digitalarztools — Digital Arz tools for applications
- distill-trainer — Knowledge distillation toolkit
- djumail — no summary
- dlg-home-content — model to identify tv sizes using images
- domaps — Python library for dynamic organellar maps
- donpeterlibs — An id generator that generated various types and lengths ids
- doopass.libs — Libraries for project
- dop-python-pip-package — Python utils library