Reverse Dependencies of webargs
The following projects have a declared dependency on webargs:
- abrechnung — Abrechnung - feature complete payment management and bookkeeping.
- aiohttp-apigami — API documentation and validation for aiohttp using apispec
- aiohttp-apispec — Build and document REST APIs with aiohttp and apispec
- aiohttp-apispec-acapy — Build and document REST APIs with aiohttp and apispec
- aiowrpr — no summary
- anitya — A cross-distribution upstream release monitoring project
- apifairy — A minimalistic API framework built on top of Flask, Marshmallow and friends.
- apiFlask — A lightweight web API framework based on Flask and marshmallow-code projects.
- AutoMD — AutoMD is a documentation library for Flask APIs build with FlaskRESTful and Webargs.
- backplate-auth — RESTful API Auth Helpers
- benji — A block based deduplicating backup software for Ceph RBD, image files and devices
- cornflow — cornflow is an open source multi-solver optimization server with a REST API built using flask.
- cornflow-core — REST API flask backend components used by cornflow and other REST APIs
- cruet — A simple toolkit for building microservices with flask
- deepaas — DEEPaaS is a REST API to expose a machine learning model.
- django-smorest — Use flask-smorest for django project.
- evision-lib — eVision Common Python Library
- faradaysec — Collaborative Penetration Test and Vulnerability Management Platform
- fate-flow — no summary
- filteralchemy — Declarative query builder for SQLAlchemy
- flask-apispec — Build and document REST APIs with Flask and apispec
- flask-fantasy — A lazy web-framework based on Flask
- Flask-Muck — Batteries included framework for generating RESTful apis using Flask and SqlAlchemy.
- flask-rest-api — Build a REST API with Flask
- flask-restplus-patched — Extends Flask-RESTplus so it can handle Marshmallow schemas and Webargs arguments.
- flask-restplus-patched-aher93 — Extends Flask-RESTplus so it can handle Marshmallow schemas and Webargs arguments.
- flask-restx-marshmallow — A successful practice combining flask_restx with marshmallow
- flask-smorest — Flask/Marshmallow-based REST API framework
- flask-smorest-sqlalchemy-odata — Odata filtering and sorting with flask-smorest
- flask-taxonomies — no summary
- flask-taxonomies-es — Elasticsearch extension for Flask-Taxonomies
- Flaskel — Skeleton for flask applications
- flaskforge — A CLI tool for generating Flask resources
- flexmeasures — The *FlexMeasures Platform* is the intelligent backend to support real-time energy flexibility apps, rapidly and scalable.
- freediscovery-stabilizer — Open source software for E-Discovery and Information Retrieval
- gramps-webapi — A RESTful web API for the Gramps genealogical database.
- gridder-rest — REST-ful API for Gridder.
- hobbit-core — Hobbit - A flask project generator.
- infiniguard-api — Infiniguard API
- invenio-rest — "REST API module for Invenio."
- kitica — Kitica Devicepool.
- krake — no summary
- labthings — Python implementation of LabThings, based on the Flask microframework
- marshenum — Use enums with marshmallow
- marshmallow-helpers — Ease marshmallow schema creation
- neocortex — no summary
- nickw-flask-utils — A set of utilities to make working with flask web applications easier.
- oarepo — CESNET, UCT Prague and NTK wrapper around Invenio v3.
- opsy — A multi-user/role inventory system
- picobrew-server — A reverse-engineered server for the Picobrew homebrewing machines
- playwithmpv — A server to support playing videos with mpv
- pyape — The Python Application Programming Environment.
- pygrest — Build REST APIs with Neo4j and Flask, as quickly as possible!
- rapydo-http — HTTP API server working on top of the RAPyDo framework
- regcore — no summary
- rostful — REST API for ROS
- sdss-marvin — Toolsuite for dealing with the MaNGA dataset
- shakenfist — Shaken Fist: an opinionated minimal cloud
- shortipy — Shortipy is a RESTful Web API, written in Python language and based on the Flask micro-framework, designed to manage shortened links.
- specargs — A library for request parsing and response serialization that generates OpenAPI Specification files
- SQLMatches — SQLMatches, match & demos recorder.
- teal — RESTful Flask for big applications.
- testabc — no summary
- webargs — Declarative parsing and validation of HTTP request objects, with built-in support for popular web frameworks, including Flask, Django, Bottle, Tornado, Pyramid, Falcon, and aiohttp.
- webargs-quixote — webargs support for quixote
- webargs-sanic — webargs-sanic provides integration of Webargs with Sanic applications
- webargs-starlette — Declarative request parsing and validation for Starlette with webargs