Reverse Dependencies of watchdog
The following projects have a declared dependency on watchdog:
- 3lc — 3LC Python Package - A tool for model-guided, interactive data debugging and enhancements
- 4i-framework — no summary
- a2y-handy — A module that contains kinds of little functions and classes that are not easy to classify.
- ablog — A Sphinx extension that converts any documentation or personal website project into a full-fledged blog.
- ActivityRelay — Generic LitePub relay (works with all LitePub consumers and Mastodon)
- adeploy — Universal deployment tool for Kubernetes that supports rendering and deployment of lightweight Jinja templated k8s manifests as well as complex Helm charts.
- adeso — Application for Decryption, Encryption and Steganographic Operations
- adhoc-python — Auto Document Codebase Changes in LaTeX, Markdown, or Word
- aerospace-chatbot — Aerospace engineering chatbot and AI tools.
- ai-talks — A ChatGPT API wrapper, providing a user-friendly Streamlit web interface
- aiconsole — Run and expand your personal AI tools
- aider-chat — Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- aiearth-core — AIEarth Engine Python SDK Core
- aiidalab — Implements core functions of AiiDAlab.
- aim — A super-easy way to record, search and compare AI experiments.
- aimos — An easy-to-use modular observability for AI Systems. Extensible, scalable and modular.
- aind-watchdog-service — Generated from aind-library-template
- aiohttp-debugmode — Run aiohttp server in subprocess ,automatically reload while dependencies/statics modified , debugtoolbar included. - GoodManWEN/aiohttp-debugmode
- aiohttp_runserver — Development server for aiohttp apps.
- aiotg — Asynchronous Python API for building Telegram bots
- airflow-fs — Composable filesystem hooks and operators for Airflow.
- airtestProject — no summary
- akimous — An intelligent Python IDE
- algovera-ocean-lib — 🐳 Ocean protocol library.
- allencell-segmenter-ml — A plugin to leverage ML segmentation in napari
- aloso — Lib
- alpacloud-ansible-builder — This tool automatically builds and installs Ansible Collections
- ALPSS — Program for the automated analysis of photonic Doppler velocimetry spall signals with uncertainty.
- Alteza — Super-flexible Static Site Generator
- alxhttp — A better base server for AioHTTP
- am3 — Application Manager written with python 3
- amarillo — Aggregates and enhances carpooling-offers and publishes them as GTFS(-RT)
- amarillo-enhancer — FastAPI app to enhance carpool offers from Amarillo
- amarillo-grfs-generator — FastAPI app providing GRFS generation for Amarillo carpools
- amarillo-gtfs-generator — FastAPI app providing GTFS generation for Amarillo carpools
- ampalibe — Ampalibe is a lightweight Python framework for building Facebook Messenger bots faster.
- anim-community-auoie — Animation engine for explanatory math videos.
- ansible-rulebook — Event driven automation for Ansible
- antiweb — antiweb literate programming tool
- AoikLiveReload — Detect module file changes and reload the program.
- apt-local — Simple symlink-based package manager for local installations (without sudo)
- arb-watchdog — A process monitoring and alerting tool that keeps an up-to-date status of processes in Redis
- ArchivViewer — Archive viewer for use with Medical Office AIS by Indamed
- arctic-ai — Python package for Arctic Workflow. Mirrors jupyter developments.
- argus-rico — Transient alert generation and database interaction for Argus and Evryscope
- arisu — no summary
- arxiv-rename — arxiv-rename: a python package for renaming files downloaded from arXiv
- asn-nmap — Get status service from a ASN.
- assetbot — A generalized, extensible hot reloader tool in Python
- astrality — A dynamic configuration file manager.
- astrodatautils — Utility functions from UCLA Astrophysics Data Lab
- async-download — Uses coroutines to download files
- ateto — This is a set of tools to write templates outside of Anki.
- atm — Auto Tune Models
- attr-sync-thing — Sync MacOS extended attributes through tools that do not support them (like nextCloud or ownCloud).
- AuDoLab — With AuDoLab you can do LDA on highly imbalanced datasets.
- auto-file-sorter — A file sorting automation
- auto-obsidian — A layer on top of your OS that understands what you're doing
- auto-rsync — Auto RSync by watch filesystem events.
- autobahn — WebSocket client & server library, WAMP real-time framework
- autobazaar — The Machine Learning Bazaar
- autocheck — Improved unittest test runner
- autocut3d — a 3D segmentation algorithm based on cellular automata.
- autoed — no summary
- autologbook — A python toolkit for the automatic generation of elog entries of SEM analysis.
- autopytest — Autotest python code
- autotokubackup — Commandline tool written in Python3 for using Percona TokuBackup
- AutoWriterLLM — Automatic book writing tool using Large Language Models
- aws-sam-cli — AWS SAM CLI is a CLI tool for local development and testing of Serverless applications
- aws-sam-rw-cli — AWS SAM CLI is a CLI tool for local development and testing of Serverless applications. This build allows lambda to write to the mounted filesystem.
- azpype — A native Python interface wrapping AzCopy for bulk data transfer to and from Azure Blob Storage.
- backer — Continuously back up files
- backkr — A backend framework the web
- backup-collector — no summary
- badger-proxy — mDNS-based reverse proxy for naming services on a local network.
- ballet — Core functionality for lightweight, collaborative data science projects
- bat — Zeek Analysis Tools
- batik — batik
- beaker-kernel — no summary
- beancount-import — Semi-automatic importing of external data into beancount.
- beepy-web — The modern frontend web framework for Python
- beer-garden — Beergarden Application
- Beetle-Preview — Local test server plugin for Beetle
- bernard — Bot Engine Responding Naturally At Requests Detection
- Bestatic — A simple but powerful static-site generator
- beta9 — no summary
- bib-watch — A LaTeX bibliography manager that automatically organizes references
- bib4llm — Extract text and figures from BibTeX library attachments into LLM-readable formats for AI-assisted research
- bibli-ls — A simple LSP server for your bibliographies
- BigchainDB — BigchainDB: The Blockchain Database
- bigpipe-response — Bigpipe, Pipelining web pages for high performance, django response object
- binopt — Categorisation of labeled data
- biolinkml — Biolink Modeling Language
- bioscan-dataset — PyTorch torchvision-style datasets for BIOSCAN-1M and BIOSCAN-5M.
- birdhouse-birdy — Birdy provides a command-line tool to work with Web Processing Services.
- biscuit-api — The uncompromising code editor
- biscuit-editor — A lightweight, fast, and extensible code editor with a growing community
- bitswan — Bitswan is a framework for building automations and pipelines in Jupyter
- biuletyn-bip — Polish BIP (Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej) as Flask application
- bktest — bktest - A simple backtester by CrunchDAO