Reverse Dependencies of Wand
The following projects have a declared dependency on Wand:
- aiverify-environment-corruptions — Part of AI Verify image corruption toolbox. This package includes algorithms that add environmental corruptions (rain, fog and snow) to images at 5 severity levels, to test the robustness of machine learning models.
- amc2moodle — A tool to convert automultiplechoice quizz to moodle questions
- apklisparser — Apklis apk parser
- asciilove — Convert images to ASCII art in your command line
- astrow-images — An image manipulation module for Astrow.
- AvatarsGenerator — Random avatars generator
- bankruptcy — A bankruptcy document parser.
- bierstadt — Library and command line tool to handle CK2 portrait files
- blurry-cli — A Mistune-based static site generator for Python
- botc-tokens — A collection of command line utilities for creating, updating, and grouping tokens for Blood on the Clocktower.
- burgher — Burgher - a static site generator focused on galleries
- camcops-server — CamCOPS server
- cannlytics — 🔥 Cannlytics is a suite of tools that you can use to wrangle, standardize, and analyze cannabis data
- cardlatex — cardlatex is a XeLaTeX wrapper which compiles TeX from specific templated .tex and .xlsx files.
- cdrc — no summary
- computer-use-modal — Anthropic Computer Use with Modal Sandboxes
- constituent-treelib — A lightweight Python library for constructing, processing, and visualizing constituent trees.
- crackenpy — Library for detection of cracks on test specimens of building materials
- disclosure-extractor — A data extraction tool from judge financial disclosures.
- django-filingcabinet — no summary
- dramasub — script to generate accompanying visuals for voice dramas from .ass subtitle files
- duplicate-images — Finds equal or similar images in a directory containing (many) image files
- Dyn4py — DynPy is a Python module designed for engineering calculations on dynamical systems. It provides a comprehensive framework for modeling, simulating, and analyzing dynamic mechanical systems.
- elifecleaner — Clean and transform article submission files into a consistent format.
- eniam — Cross-platform python wrapper around ENIAM (
- epicbot-images — An image manipulation module for EpicBot.
- excon — Extract and convert data from PDFs
- ezpz — Easy pan-zoom crop-resizing
- favico — No description has been added so far.
- flaggart — Package for retrieving, creating, and performing operations on flags
- Flask-ImageAlchemy — SQLAlchemy Standarized Image Field for Flask
- flickrsync — A command line tool to synchronise pictures between the local file system and Flickr
- flowtask — Framework for running Tasks and from CLI and API for orchestation. Component-based Task builder/Runner for non-programmers.
- foliage — Foliage: a tool to do bulk changes in FOLIO using the OKAPI API
- fonduer — Knowledge base construction system for richly formatted data.
- FotoKilof — Nice gui for ImageMagick and Pillow
- GBARPGMaker — a program that helps with development of GBA games
- hoi4dev — HOI4DEV: Hearts of Iron IV Development Tools
- html2pdf-server — HTTP server that renders HTML to PDF
- icplot — Utilities for generating plots and graphics for technical reports.
- image-to-psd — A library for processing images and saving layers as PSD
- imagenet-c — Access to ImageNet-C corruption functions
- imgdb — A command line IMDb search application that can also download movie posters.
- invenio-iiif — IIIF API for Invenio.
- invenio-records-resources — Invenio resources module to create REST APIs.
- itils — A Python CLI for transforming images.
- jcvi — Python utility libraries on genome assembly, annotation and comparative genomics
- jupyterngsplugin — Jupyter notebook plugin for Bioinformatics NGS data analysis
- knowledge-repo — A workflow for contributing company knowledge, in the form of RMarkdowns, iPythons, and Markdowns, rendered and organized to magnify research impact across teams and time
- land.copernicus.content — Custom Content-Types for Land Copernicus
- latex2plos — Console app and Python API for automated preparation of your LaTeX paper for submission in PLOS journals
- liq — Limit Image Quality, pre-commit hook
- medmnistc — This Python library aims to evaluate model robustness under corrupted test sets and to enhance domain generalization through domain-specific augmentations.
- meine-stadt-transparent — A website to bring municipal politics to citizens
- methyltree — High-resolution, noninvasive single-cell lineage tracing based on DNA methylation epimutations.
- misp-modules — MISP modules are autonomous modules that can be used for expansion and other services in MISP
- mlx-nougat — A CLI tool for OCR using the Nougat model
- modelw-preset-django — Model W preset for Django
- nat — Module to use the annotations created with NeuroCurator.
- national-memographic — The one and only Twitter meme bot
- nbnode — A python package for non-binary trees and simulation of flow cytometry data.
- neurocurator — Application to perform curation of neuroscientific literature.
- oarepo — CESNET, UCT Prague and NTK wrapper around Invenio v3.
- odoo8-addon-l10n-ch-account-statement-base-import — Swiss bank statements import
- odoo9-addon-l10n-ch-bank-statement-import-postfinance — Swiss bank statements import
- openlut — OpenLUT is a practical color management library.
- palette-generator — `palette_generator` is here to turn your images into beautiful palettes
- pdf-to-scan — A small script to make your pdfs seem like scanned
- pdf2images — Convert PDF file to image files ROBUSTLY.
- pdf2png — CLI utility to convert PDF pages to PNG images
- pdfplumber-i — Plumb a PDF for detailed information about each char, rectangle, and line.
- PDFScraper — PDF text and table search
- pdftotree — Convert PDF into hOCR with text, tables, and figures being recognized and preserved.
- pdftotree-mercurial — Convert PDF into hOCR with text, tables, and figures being recognized and preserved. (Without sklearn in dependencies)
- picture-comparator-muri — Finds similar images in chosen directory.
- plotextractor — Small library for extracting plots used in scholarly communication.
- pointcyto — Add a short description here!
- pptu — Python P2P Torrent Uploader
- project-to-installer — no summary
- psutils — Manipulate PDF and PostScript documents
- py-pdf-parser — A tool to help extracting information from structured PDFs.
- pydngconverter — Python Interface for the Adobe's DNG Converter
- pyfeyn2 — PyFeyn is a package which makes drawing Feynman diagrams simple and programmatic. Feynman diagrams are important constructs in perturbative field theory, so being able to draw them in a programmatic fashion is important if attempting to enumerate a large number of diagram configurations is important. The output quality of PyFeyn diagrams (into PDF or EPS formats) is very high, and special effects can be obtained by using constructs from PyX, which PyFeyn is based around
- pylaroid — Fake self-developing film generator
- PySciVisToolKit — a simple toolkit for scivis
- python-core — there is no description available
- pytmosph3r — Pytmosph3R, generating transmission spectra from 3D atmospheric simulations
- qat-core — Module qat-core [39e3b975] - Compiled by Eviden
- realswift — AI automation tool leverages a cognitive approach inspired by the human brain's intuitive understanding of web interfaces
- receipt-parser-core — A supermarket receipt parser written in Python using tesseract OCR
- robotframework-doctestlibrary — A library for Visual Document Testing
- shark — Django based billing application
- signature-detect — A package for the signature detection
- simpledms — no summary
- slidegrubber — Back up your SlideShare presentations to PDF.
- sorl-thumbnail — Thumbnails for Django
- sphinxnotes-any — Sphinx domain for documenting anything
- SQLAlchemy-ImageAttach — SQLAlchemy extension for attaching images to entity objects
- stapomog — Tool to quickly create Static Portrait Mods for Crusader Kings 2
- straug — Data Augmentation for STR