Reverse Dependencies of vulture
The following projects have a declared dependency on vulture:
- a-sync — async helper library.
- abilian-devtools — A curated set of dependencies for quality software development
- art — ASCII Art Library For Python
- birdhouse-finch — A Web Processing Service for Climate Indicators.
- bitstruct-annotated — Annotate fields with bitstruct un/packing instructions
- blackhole — Blackhole is an MTA (message transfer agent) that (figuratively) pipes all mail to /dev/null.
- bpyutils — A collection of various common Python utilities.
- capiche — A Library for Throttling Requests to Functions
- ccapi — Python API for Cell Collective
- cdm_reader_mapper — Common Data Model reader and mapper toolbox
- Click-Pathlib — 'A Python click type which is similar to click.Path but returns a pathlib Path'
- coala-bears — Bears for coala (Code Analysis Application)
- cobrafuzz — Coverage-guided fuzz testing for Python
- dado — Dado: Data Driven Test Decorator.
- demisto-sdk — "A Python library for the Demisto SDK"
- dfetch — Dependency fetcher
- diator — Diator is a Python library for implementing CQRS pattern in your Python applications.
- din — Dunder Mixins
- directory-components — Shared components library for Great services.
- directory-validators — Django validators for GREAT.
- doccmd — Run commands against code blocks in reStructuredText and Markdown files.
- docker-volume — Management tool of VirtualBox Volume for Docker
- earchive — Set of tools for electronic archivists
- elroy — no summary
- ezzat223_health_indices — A unified collection of health indices and indicators eg: bmi, bai ...
- fhirspec — Python representation of FHIR® specification.
- gadd — Sort imports, remove unused imports, run Black, flake8, pylint, vulture in one go for al staged .py files
- gasflux — A package to calculate gas emissions fluxes from natural and anthropogenic sources
- great-components — Shared components library for Great services.
- guardrails — guardrails
- histdatacom — A Multi-threaded/Multi-Process command-line utility and python package that downloads currency exchange rates from Imports to InfluxDB. Can be used in Jupyter Notebooks.
- hivipy — Package accelerateur de developpement sur python à l'aide de FLASK
- hspf-utils — Command line script and Python library to develop water balance from HSPF models
- ihs29x — Spec-driven minimalist parser for IHS 297 and 298 formats
- insyde — GUI wrapper for static code analysis and visualization tools.
- jetline — Automated Pipeline Builder
- kazu — Biomedical Named Entity Recognition and Entity Linking for Enterprise use cases
- kili — Python client for Kili Technology labeling tool
- langflow-base-nightly — A Python package with a built-in web application
- langinfra-base — A Python package with a built-in web application
- lazystuff — Lazy-ish list-like objects for streaming APIs.
- lintception — Runs a few popular linters in series (mypy, vulture, vermin, pylint), and also does some other checks.
- mediaserver-api-client — A python3 reference implementation of an UbiCast MediaServer API client
- miris-manager-client — A Python3 client to use Miris Manager remote control
- mypy-strict-kwargs — Enforce using keyword arguments where possible.
- nagato-ai — no summary
- nasty — NASTY Advanced Search Tweet Yielder
- nasty-utils — Independent useful utilities created during NASTY's development.
- network-wrangler — no summary
- nncli — NextCloud Notes Command Line Interface
- nornir-collection — Nornir-Collection contains network automation functions and complete IaC workflows with Nornir and other python libraries. It contains Nornir tasks and general functions in Nornir style.
- numerous.sdk — no summary
- nvtripy — Tripy: A Python Programming Model For TensorRT
- obelist — A CLI tool for generating standard annotations for linting tools, tests, and so on (including support for GitHub Actions)
- odata-query — An OData query parser and transpiler.
- omaster — A Python package release tool that automates the entire release process with built-in quality checks and AI-powered features.
- omniopt2 — Automatic hyperparameter optimizer based on Ax/Botorch
- osintbuddy — OSINTBuddy - mine, merge, and map data for novel insights
- p1ufcg — P1 UFCG
- package-name-to-install-with — A small example package
- pattern-feedback-tool — Design Pattern Feedback Tool
- plugger — Plugger: A simple setuptools-entrypoints-based plugin manager.
- pocketwalk — Pocketwalk: Watch/Run/Commit.
- prospector — Prospector is a tool to analyse Python code by aggregating the result of other tools.
- psutil — Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python. NOTE: the syntax of this script MUST be kept compatible with Python 2.7.
- py-orca — Python package for connecting services and building data pipelines
- py-uds — UDS (Unified Diagnostic Services) protocol handler.
- pyaud-plugins — Plugin package for Pyaud
- pycommons — A package with utility functionality for Python projects.
- pylama — Code audit tool for python
- pyrgo — no summary
- pyslice — Specialized templating engine do develop a parameterized set of model data sets
- pytest-ndb — pytest notebook debugger
- pytest-vulture — A pytest plugin to checks dead code with vulture
- PyUpyog — A collection of various common Python utilities.
- qoptcraft — A package for the design and study of linear optical quantum systems.
- qtpygraph — A pythonic interface to the Qt Graphics View Framework using qtpy
- query-package-documentation — A package to explore documentations
- requests-mock-flask — Helpers to use requests_mock and responses with a Flask test client.
- rewritebody — HTML Rewrite Body
- rototiller — no summary
- runaway — Coroutine runner
- seedflow — no summary
- sigopt — SigOpt Python API Client
- snekchek — Linter/formatter/test-tool wrapper for python modules
- sphinx-combine — Extension for Sphinx which enables combining code blocks.
- sphinx-confluencebuilder-bridge — Extension for Sphinx which enables using directives and roles from Atlassian® Confluence® Builder for Sphinx in other Sphinx builders such as HTML.
- Sphinx-Substitution-Extensions — Extensions for Sphinx which allow for substitutions.
- super-rag — Super-performant RAG pipelines for AI apps
- swmmtoolbox — Command line script and Python library to read Storm Water Management Model binary output.
- sybil-extras — Additions to Sybil, the documentation testing tool.
- taskforceagents — Domain Specific Agents - customized to work in teams to plan and solve real-world problems for real people
- thoughtspot-tml — Library for manipulating ThoughtSpot Modeling Language (TML) files
- tidypy — A tool that executes a suite of static analysis tools upon a Python project.
- tmp-fat-pdocs — A simple program and library to auto generate API documentation for Python modules.
- Toisto — Toisto is a command-line terminal app to practice languages.
- tomte — A library that wraps many useful tools (linters, analysers, etc) to keep Python code clean, secure, well-documented and optimised.
- tzcity — Module to translate city names to time zone names
- usda-api — no summary