Reverse Dependencies of vtk
The following projects have a declared dependency on vtk:
- itk-vtkglue — This module contains classes that bridge and ITK and VTK image processing and visualization pipeline.
- jdvv — Jupyter Dash Viewer for VTK
- JHVIT — Code to perform seismic hypocenter location on tetrahedral meshes
- jupedsim — JuPedSim is an open source pedestrian dynamics simulator
- krak — KraK Python Library
- ladybug-vtk — Provides methods for translating ladybug-geometry objects to VTK PolyData.
- lbaf — Analysis framework for exploring, testing, and comparing load balancing strategies
- lightquakevisualizer — A collection of scripts to visualize SeisSol output using pyvista
- lithikos — A package supporting analysis of stone tools.
- m2g — Neuro Data MRI to Graphs Pipeline
- magellanmapper — 3D atlas analysis and annotation
- mahautils — Python tools for research at the Maha Fluid Power Research Center
- markit-gateway — IMU message broker
- markit-tcpbroker — IMU message broker
- matflow-damask — Matflow extension for DAMASK.
- MDANSE-GUI — MDANSE GUI package - the graphical interface for MDANSE
- mechanoChemML — A machine learning software library for computational materials physics
- membrain-pick — membrane protein localization for cryo-ET
- mesher — Landsurface model mesh generation
- meshplex — Fast tools for simplex meshes
- mia-processes — mia_processes
- microquake — Python library that is an extension/expansion/adaptation of ObsPy to microseismic data
- miningpy — python tools for mining engineering
- ml4h — Machine Learning for Health python package
- mne-connectivity — mne-connectivity: A module for connectivity data analysis with MNE.
- mne-pipeline-hd — A Pipeline-GUI for MNE-Python from MEG-Lab Heidelberg
- Moirepattern — A lib to generate Moire patterns
- molde — no summary
- morphapi — A lightweight python package to download neuronal morphologies
- morphonet — Python API to interact with MorphoNet
- MpNM — My short description for my project.
- MPSPlots — A matplotlib wrapper for defered plots and plotting styles.
- mskt — vtk helper tools/functions for musculoskeletal analyses
- mstarpypost — M-Star CFD Python Post Utilities
- multivariate-view — RadVolViz-inspired multivariate volume visualizer using VTK
- myVTKPythonLibrary — no summary
- napari-curviewer — A plugin to unroll organs along their curved central line
- ndmg — Neuro Data MRI to Graphs Pipeline
- netcdf2vtu — Mapping data from netCDF files on VTU.
- neurocaps — Co-activation Patterns (CAPs) Python package
- neurocollage — A tool to create 2D morphology collage plots based on matplotlib.
- NeuROM-Py — NeuROM, a NN-PGD architecture based on the HiDeNN Framework (Finite Element Neural Network Interpolation)
- ngawari — A simple and functional toolkit for working with data in VTK.
- nvidia-modulus — A deep learning framework for AI-driven multi-physics systems
- nvidia-modulus.sym — A deep learning framework for AI-driven multi-physics systems
- oai-analysis — Image analysis for the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) knee magnetic resonance image (MRI) dataset.
- Octopost — Octopost contains a pool of python3 tools for post-processing data obtained with the TDDFT code OCTOPUS.
- ogs5py — ogs5py: a python API for OpenGeoSys5
- omfvtk — A VTK interface for the Open Mining Format package
- open-darts — Delft Advanced Research Terra Simulator
- openalea.plantconvert — Convert a plant to / from a `mtg` format to a wide range of other formats
- OpenGeodeWeb-Viewer — OpenGeodeWeb-Viewer is an open source framework that proposes handy python functions and wrappers for the OpenGeode ecosystem
- openmc-dagmc-wrapper — Perform a set of standard neutronics simulations with OpenMC and DAGMC
- openmc-mesh-tally-to-vtk — A Python package for converting OpenMC mesh tallies to VTK files and optionally converting the units
- openmc-plotter — Plotting tool for OpenMC models and tally data
- openride — no summary
- OpenRS — Open Residual Stress analysis suite
- opentps-gui — Open source TPS for advanced proton therapy
- OptiPRISMS — Identifies Crystal Plasticity (CP) parameters by inverse analysis based on CPFEM simulations performed using PRISMS-Plasticity
- opyf — OpyFlow - Python package for Optical Flow measurements.
- ormir_xct — Scripts HR-pQCT for joint space and bone microarchitecture analysis
- pan3d — Utility package for processing and visualizing 3D datasets
- pancax — no summary
- pandem — A python package for converting between DEM code output formats
- panel — A high level app and dashboarding solution for Python.
- PAOFLOW — Utility to construct and operate on Hamiltonians from the Projections of DFT wfc on Atomic Orbital bases (PAO)
- parsli — Earth data viewers
- pcdl — physicell data loader (pcdl) provides a platform independent, python3 based, pip installable interface to load output, generated with the PhysiCell agent based modeling framework, into python3.
- Pegamoid — Orbital viewer for OpenMolcas
- pfse_starterkit — A module to designed to perform package installations, and verification of install,
- phenotastic — 3D plant phenotyping.
- pistl — Python library to generate STL format files for common shapes and geometries.
- piv2hdf — Tool for the conversion of PIV measurements into HDF5 files
- platipy — Processing Library and Analysis Toolkit for Medical Imaging in Python
- polymesh — A Python package to build, manipulate and analyze polygonal meshes.
- postopus — Postopus (the POST-processing of OctoPUS data) is an environment, written in python, that can help with the analysis of data that was computed using the Octopus package.
- proteusPy — proteusPy - Protein Structure Analysis and Modeling Tools
- purple-mri — purple_mri: Penn Utilities for Registration and ParcelLation of Ex vivo MRI
- PVGeo — Geoscientific visualization tools for PyVista
- py-3d-modeler — no summary
- py-caelus — Caelus Python Library
- py2vtk — Low dependency module to export to VTK from python
- pyARG-dep — This is the official PyPi repository for ARG dependencies.
- PyAWD — A Pytorch dataset for Acoustic Wave Propagation
- pybaqus — A Python library for the visualization and post-processing of Abaqus ASCII result files
- pycad-medic — A medical imaging library for Python
- pycfs — Python library for automating and data handling tasks for openCFS.
- pyCGNS — pyCGNS - Python package for CGNS (CFD General Notation System)
- pydelling — Package providing a variety of utility methods for mathematical modelling
- pyFCST — python library developed for use with OpenFCST
- PyFLOTRAN — Package to pre-process PFLOTRAN (and other software) files
- pyg4ometry — Geometry package for high energy physics (Geant4, Fluka)
- pygmtsar — PyGMTSAR (Python GMTSAR): Powerful and Accessible Satellite Interferometry
- pyHMT2D — Two-dimensional hydraulic modeling tools in Python
- pylabolt — A single phase 2D lattice Boltzmann solver
- pymatgen — Python Materials Genomics is a robust materials analysis code that defines core object representations for structures
- pymeshup — Make volume meshes the easy way
- PyMoCapViewer — A once-simple 3D motion capture visualizer that is becoming more advanced over time.
- pymoskito — Python based modular simulation & postprocessing kickass toolbox
- pymytools — Tools used in my pystops project.