Reverse Dependencies of vosk
The following projects have a declared dependency on vosk:
- anaouder — Breton language speech-to-text tools
- artbox — ArtBox is a tool set for handling multimedia files.
- ASRscsvmv — This package recognizes and translates your words
- audio-curation — Some scripts for checking and curating audio file contributions to the Mahabharata audio project.
- AudioNest — Convert any audio file to text with AudioNest
- bro-listen — Interact with openAI API with voice
- come-again-question-mark — Transcription tool for video or audio to text
- comeagainquestionmark — Transcription tool for video to text
- jarvis-toolkit — Jarvis Toolkit
- lemonpepper — A real-time audio transcription and AI interaction tool
- localstack — LocalStack - A fully functional local Cloud stack
- mahnamahna — Media (text/audio/video) analysis and manipulation
- neweraai — NewEraAI - New Era Artificial Intelligence
- omglib — OMEGAPy Python Toolkit all projects need
- openav — OpenAV
- openwillis-transcribe — digital health measurement
- ovos-stt-plugin-vosk — A vosk stt plugin for mycroft
- ovos-ww-plugin-vosk — Kaldi wake word plugin for mycroft
- phonegpt — Make interactive phone call, using Twilio and OpenAI
- python-voice-assistant — Create your own voice assistant like jarvis
- pytranscript — CLI to transcript and translate audio and video files
- qedit — A CLI for automatically editing videos using word detection
- rcute-ai — Simple wrapper over some python libs for image/audio detection/recognition etc
- Redreader — RedditReader - Let your stories come to life
- rqle-ai-langchain-util — Library facilitating the integration of different LLM providers in LangChain (e.g. `ollama`, `Google Gemini`, etc).
- speech_user_interface — A universal speech user interface for wrapping applications to provide them with a user interface that uses speech rather than text commands or traditional user interfaces
- SpeechFast — Transcriber audio/video to text
- stark-engine — S.T.A.R.K - Speech and Text Algorithmic Recognition Kit. Modern framework for creating powerfull voice assistants.
- tgctoolbox — Comprehensive toolbox with all of the utils and tools used in various TGC projects.
- transkription-vosk — Ein Paket zur Transkription von Audiodateien mit Vosk-Modellen, lokal auf dem Rechner.
- tts-stt-tools — A package for text-to-speech and speech-to-text tools
- VidFlow — making videos at lightspeed
- voice-commands — Allows mapping commands to your voice
- voice-stream — A streaming library for creating voice bots using LLMs. Connects LLMs to speech recognition and speech synthesis APIs.
- vosk-cli — A command line interface for Vosk. It generates subtitles (WebVTT files) from video and audio sources.
- voskIntentVoiceConvertHanzi — Offline open source speech recognition API based on Kaldi and Vosk
- YWP — This is a library to simplify the Python language for beginners while adding some features that are not found in other libraries