Reverse Dependencies of versioneer
The following projects have a declared dependency on versioneer:
- actinet — Activity detection algorithm compatible with the UK Biobank Accelerometer Dataset
- ads-log-daemon — Daemon for translating TwinCAT ADS Logger messages to JSON for interpretation by logstash.
- africanelephantdatabasedatadownloader — Download data from the African Elephant Database
- age — Actually good encryption. In Python.
- algotradepy — Python Auto-Trading Framework
- apihelpers4py — Helpers for API development
- archstats — EPICS Archiver Appliance statistics IOC
- AssetBundleFramework — Framework for managing Aptible Asset Bundles
- autopew — Automating target selection for laser ablation.
- batchutils — Methods and functions that support the overall operations of code based on Hail Batch.
- bertagent — Quantify linguistic agency in textual data.
- capcalc — Tools for performing coactivation pattern analysis on fMRI data.
- catline — Simple job queue
- ccinput — Computational Chemistry Input Generator
- cge-modeling — Computable general equlibrium models and policy simulation via autodiff with Pytensor
- CherwellAPIClient — Zenoss API client module
- cmip6-data-citation-generator — CMIP6 auxillary tool to generate data citation files from output data files
- cogsys — cogsys package
- condition — A user friendly way to construct conditions for pandas dataframe query and sql
- connector2 — Provides the default template for creating Python Package.
- connPFM — no summary
- datatracker — Methods to help track the scripts and datafiles in a project.
- daybook — daybook is a reading log cli app
- dcore — DMFT software for CORrelated Electrons
- ddmra — A Python package for distance-dependent motion-related artifact (DDMRA) analysis.
- desert — Deserialize to objects while staying DRY
- django-sites-microsoft-auth — Simple app to enable Microsoft Account, Office 365 Enterprise, Azure AD, and Xbox Live authentication as a Django authentication backend on a per-site basis.
- django-sodar-core — SODAR Core framework and project management apps
- doodler-engine — Imports into Dash-Doodler and Holo-Doodler labeling programs
- doodleverse-utils — Imports into the Doodleverse
- doorbell — A visitor pattern implementation for Python
- drb-impl-eurostat — DRB Eurostat implementation
- drb-impl-file — DRB File implementation
- drb-impl-ftp — DRB Ftp implementation
- drb-impl-image — DRB Image implementation
- drb-impl-java — DRB Java implementation
- drb-impl-netcdf — DRB Netcdf implementation
- drb-impl-s3 — DRB aws3 implementation
- drb-impl-tar — DRB Tar implementation
- drb-impl-zarr — DRB Zarr implementation
- DS2STAC-Ingester — A python-based module to ingest STAC metadata catalogs into STAC-databases like pgSTAC
- earthchem — Data slurper for getting stuff from Earthchem services
- ethyca-fides — Open-source ecosystem for data privacy as code.
- exactonline-prefect-tasks — no summary
- fidesctl — CLI for Fides
- findhere — Locate paths using relative path names locally and in the Cloud.
- finscraper — Web scraping API for Finnish websites
- flowetl — FlowETL is a collection of special purposes Airflow operators and sensors for use with FlowKit.
- flowpyter-task — no summary
- full-fred — Full interface to Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED)
- fvgp — Python package for highly flexible function-valued Gaussian processes (fvGP)
- fwd — fwd: forward
- gbfs-client — Python client for discovering and capturing GBFS bikeshare feeds.
- gdrive — Google Drive simple client
- git-app-version — CLI tool to get Git commit informations and store them in a config file
- godspeed — Python Boilerplate Project contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.
- granola — Generating Real-time Autonomous N-device Output without Linked Apparatuses
- GSELogger — Python logging model for any python application.
- gte — gte: ground truth establisher
- hmclab — A numerical laboratory for Bayesian Seismology
- icecube-tools — Python tools
- ipyflow-core — Backend package for ipyflow's dataflow functionality
- kalib — A comprehensive set of advanced utilities for Python programming, e.g. HTTP communication, string handling, logging enhancements, introspection, dynamic importing, property caching descriptors, data class extensions, serialization, etc.
- KernelsPython — A Python library to generate 2D-kernels for convolutions, mathematical morphology and more
- knowlify — Add context dependent information to a html file
- kovol-language-tools — Classes and functions for manipulating data in the Kovol langauge of Papua New Guinea.
- lts_workflows — SciLifeLab long-term support workflows
- mapreader — A computer vision pipeline for the semantic exploration of maps/images at scale
- margot — An algorithmic trading framework for PyData.
- mario-addons — More commands for Mario.
- meld-sandbox — M3LD data privacy as code.
- meltingplot.duet_simplyprint_connector — connector for 3D printers running Duet firmware.
- meltingplot.rpi-camera — RPi Camera MJPEG Streamer.
- mipa — Python Misskey Bot Framework
- mipac — A Python wrapper for the Misskey API
- mvn — mvn: nvm
- neurolang — "NeuroLang: Probabilistic Logic Programming for NeuroScience Research"
- nvm — Plenty little helpers.
- oftools-compile — A general-purpose build tool that is designed to be flexible to support compilers and tools available in the OpenFrame environment.
- oximachinerunner — Run the oximachine
- pamai — Package for PAMAI written by Arthur Zucker and Chris Rauch.
- pips3 — A handy package for creating a simple pypi repo in S3 compliant object storage.
- plotneat — A simple library to make cleaner plots.
- pubpub — "A package to turn jupyter notebooks into pdfs"
- py2tf — Convert Pydantic Models into Terraform Variables
- py4ai-core — A Python library of data structures optimized for machine learning tasks
- py4ai-data — A Python library of data structures optimized for machine learning tasks
- pycbg — Python scripts able to generate easily CB-Geo mpm input files
- pyccolo — Declarative instrumentation for Python
- pyconcr — Python Boilerplate Project contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.
- pycookiecutter — Starting template for creating a Python package.
- pyepal — PyePAL implemented the epsilon-PAL active learning algorithm
- PyFstat — a python package for gravitational wave analysis with the F-statistic
- pygyver — Data engineering & Data science Pipeline Framework
- pyiron-database — pyiron_database - Database support for pyiron_workflow.
- pymagicc — Python wrapper for the simple climate model MAGICC
- pymgl — Python wrapper for MapLibre Native
- pyrolite — Tools for geochemical data analysis.
- pyrolite-meltsutil — pyrolite extension for working with alphaMELTS and its outputs.
- pytensor_ml — A(nother) deep learning library, built on top of Pytensor