Reverse Dependencies of uwsgi
The following projects have a declared dependency on uwsgi:
- actinia-core — Actinia Core is an open source REST API for scalable, distributed, high performance processing of geographical data that uses mainly GRASS GIS for computational tasks
- aether.sdk — A python library with helpful django tools for Aether
- affo-email-service — no summary
- affo-event-service — no summary
- affo-sms-service — no summary
- affo-user-service — no summary
- aldryn-django — An opinionated Django setup bundled as an Aldryn Addon
- aleksis-core — AlekSIS (School Information System) — Core
- aliceoverwatch — ALICE OVERWATCH: Online Monitoring via the HLT
- anime-quiz — Anime Themes Quiz for people with taste.
- appenlight — appenlight
- arxiv-base — no summary
- auth-satvadev — Registration with confirmation by code and token authorization
- auto-uwsgi — Auto deploy django project on linux using nginx and uwsgi
- ballotapi — REST API server for U.S. election ballot information
- bluedot-rest-framework — no summary
- bokku — A small PAAS to deploy Flask/Django, Node, PHP and Static HTML sites using GIT, similar to Heroku
- bos-mint — BOS Manual intervention module for PeerPlays
- bs-drm-adapter — Beenius DRM Adapter
- CameraHub — App for cataloguing vintage cameras, lenses, films, negatives & prints
- Cilantropy — Cilantropy is a Python Package Manager interface created to provide an "easy-to-use" visual and also a command-line interface for Pythonistas.
- corgy-erp — An opensourse ERP developed on django framework
- daka — A very small PaaS to do git push app deployments to your own servers, similar to Heroku
- datapusher-plus — A standalone web service that parses the contents of a CKAN site's data files (CSV, TSV, Excel and ODS) and pushes them into its DataStore. Accelerated by qsv.
- dcomputationaltool — no summary
- dcor-control — CLI for maintaining DCOR installations
- dgenome — no summary
- django-bubblehouse-slackbot — Create a Slack bot inside a Django application
- django-eha-sdk — A python library with helpful django tools
- django-restit — A Rest Framework for DJANGO
- django-uwsgi — uWSGI stuff for Django projects
- django-uwsgi-admin — Django related examples/tricks/modules for uWSGI.
- django-uwsgi-alt — uWSGI stuff for Django projects
- django-uwsgi-ng — uWSGI stuff for Django projects
- django-uwsgi-taskmanager — Django application to manage async tasks via admin interface, using uWSGI spooler.
- django-websocket-redis-plus — Websockets support for Django using Redis as datastore
- django-websocket-redis-up — Websockets support for Django using Redis as datastore
- dmethylation — no summary
- dngsmgmt — no summary
- document-merge-service — Merge Document Template Service
- dummyrest — Dummy API for testing REST functions
- ebau-gwr — GWR synchronisation for ebau projects
- emeis — user management
- enerpi — AC Current Meter for Raspberry PI with GPIOZERO and MCP3008
- engineering-session-packaging — test project to illustrate some python packaging
- ermini — no summary
- fdi — Flexible Data Integrator
- flask-gws — High-performance WebSockets for Flask apps powered by uWSGI and gevent
- flask-modular-login — A modular login framework for Flask
- Flask-uWSGI-Sockets — High-performance WebSockets for your Flask apps powered by uWSGI.
- flask-uwsgi-ws — Flask WebSocket extension for uWSGI
- flaskexample — This is a Python demo project with Flask
- fluidly-flask — Flask helpers.
- formsnake-api — Open Source alternative to Google Forms.
- garpixcms — no summary
- gator-eda — Hierarchical job execution and logging
- gokku — A small PAAS to deploy Flask/Django, Node, PHP and Static HTML sites using GIT, similar to Heroku
- google-yubikey — Generate Google Service Account tokens with your YubiKey
- graphene-healthchecker — Python library for RPC-healthchecking for graphene blockchains
- grimoirelab — Tool set for software development analytics
- grimoirelab-core — Core of GrimoireLab
- httpobs — HTTP Observatory: a set of tests and tools to scan your website for basic web hygeine.
- httpobs-alt — HTTP Observatory: a set of tests and tools to scan your website for basic web hygeine.
- ilmo-app — Django app for event registration
- image2ascii — Fancy image to ASCII/ANSI converter
- INGInious — An intelligent grader that allows secured and automated testing of code made by students.
- invoicing — Generate invoice PDF from LaTeX template
- kinto-dist — Kinto Distribution
- kube_shields — kube shields flask frontend.
- licenseware — Common utilities for licenseware.
- liveprofiler — Package for profiling WSGI applications on production
- lizzy — REST Service to deploy AWS CF templates using Senza
- make-post-sell — Make Post Sell
- matriz — Networked Music Performance software
- mitama — no summary
- mlpiper — An engine for running component based ML pipelines
- money-to-prisoners-common — Django app with common code and assets for Money to Prisoners services
- monitor-server-api — A REST API that can be used a central point for collecting metrics from pytest-monitor.
- MousikoFidi — MousikoFidi: Your Music Cloud
- mtls-server — A short-lived certificate tool based on the Zero Trust network mode
- narrow — Naive throughput measurements for Python web apps and servers
- nest-server — A server for NEST Simulator with REST API
- oarepo-micro-api — OARepo REST API microservice
- octo-drf — Django apps for OctoberWeb.
- open-api-framework — A metapackage for registration components, that bundles the dependencies shared between these components and provides generic settings
- papermerge-core — Open source document management system for digital archives
- photodb — App for cataloguing vintage cameras, lenses, films, negatives & prints
- pifpaf — Suite of tools and fixtures to manage daemons for testing
- prediction — Django skeleton project
- prestoweb — Prediction for Surgical Treatment and Oncology (PRESTO)
- proper — A web framework optimized for programmer happiness
- pwbus-http — HTTP Server for PWBUS
- pyprometheus — Prometheus python client and instrumentation library
- pyramid-notebook — Embed IPython Notebook shell on your Pyramid website
- PytSite — The Rapid Web Application Development Framework
- reloadex — Restart WSGI server on code changes
- remarkbox — remarkbox
- rookie — A small PAAS to deploy Flask/Django, Node, PHP and Static HTML sites using GIT, similar to Heroku
- ruki — A small PAAS to deploy Flask/Django, Node, PHP and Static HTML sites using GIT, similar to Heroku
- samba — A very small PaaS to do git push app deployments to your own servers, similar to Heroku