Reverse Dependencies of uvloop
The following projects have a declared dependency on uvloop:
- navigator-auth — Navigator Auth is an Authentication/Authorization Toolkit for aiohttp.
- nb-workflows — Schedule parameterized notebooks programmatically using cli or a REST API
- nekozee — nekozee
- nero — The uncompromising code formatter. Single Quotes version.
- NIKEbot — Lobby bot.
- nlip — Natural Language Interaction Protocol
- nodestream — A Fast, Declarative ETL for Graph Databases.
- noir — The uncompromising code formatter.
- nonecorn — A ASGI Server forked from hypercorn with more extra feature beyond ASGI
- nteu-translation-engine — NTEU translation engine
- NTQBOT — The Best Fortnite LOBBYBOT with the latest features
- nttai-faust-streaming — Python Stream processing.
- nubium-faust — Python Stream processing.
- nuka — provisioning tool focused on performance.
- ofscraper — automatically scrape onlyfans
- olvid-bot — An high-level module to create bots in Olvid application
- online-choir — A tool to sing together online
- openapi3 — Client and Validator of OpenAPI 3 Specifications
- openapi3v1 — Client and Validator of OpenAPI 3 Specifications. Forked from dorthu/openapi3 ad modifications made on top of it
- openbayes-serving — Framework for Openbayes Serving
- os-aio-pod — A container of aio components.
- os-copilot — An self-improving embodied conversational agents seamlessly integrated into the operating system to automate our daily tasks.
- osintbuddy — OSINTBuddy - mine, merge, and map data for novel insights
- osom-api — osom api
- outline-sdk — Async Python SDK wrapper for Outline Manager VPN
- own-knowledge-gpt — Custom Knowledge GPT
- pangeamt-toolkit — h1 align="center">
- parrot-rcc — Zeebe external task Robot Framework RCC client
- passenger-asgi — Enable ASGI support on a Passenger-Server
- photofinish — Microservice for uploading images and avatars
- piccolo — A fast, user friendly ORM and query builder which supports asyncio.
- PikaTgBot — A Secure and Optimized Python-Telethon Based Library For Pikachu UserBot aka Pikabot.
- pillars — Collection of helpers for building asyncio daemons.
- pip-timemachine — Add your description here
- Pirxcy — PirxcyBot in a PyPi package form to easily be ran on repl. Or in a simple py file
- PirxcyAdmin — PirxcyBot in a PyPi package form to easily be ran on repl. Or in a simple py file
- PirxcyAnime — A Multi Action Discord Bot Based On Anime
- PirxcyBot — PartyBot in a PyPi package form to easily be ran on repl.
- PirxcyBotFinal — PirxcyBot in a PyPi package form to easily be ran on repl. Or in a simple py file
- PirxcyMethod — PartyBot in a PyPi package form to easily be ran on repl.
- PirxcyPackage — PirxcyBot in a PyPi package form to easily be ran on repl. Or in a simple py file
- plascode — Planning As Code
- platform-gen-ai — This is pipeline code for accelerating solution accelerators
- playbacker — Live music performance playback
- pms-inference-engine — Inference Engine for pms
- polyaxon-deploy — Polyaxon deployment and serving tools: streams, sandbox, ML-API, and spaces.
- Polygon — A Complete Python Wrapper for APIs.
- pop-loop — Plugins that allow alternate io loops to be used to run asynchronous code in pop projects
- postblog — The kickerly fast site management
- postfix-mta-sts-resolver — Daemon which provides TLS client policy for Postfix via socketmap, according to domain MTA-STS policy
- postreal — PostgreSQL to Surreal relay server
- pproxy — Proxy server that can tunnel among remote servers by regex rules.
- pproxy-ext — Proxy server that can tunnel among remote servers by regex rules.
- pqcow — no summary
- PrivatePirxcy — PirxcyBot in a PyPi package form to easily be ran on repl. Or in a simple py file
- promptz — A Python package for interactive prompts
- propan — Propan framework: the simplest way to work with a messaging queues
- proton-api-client — Proton Mail API
- proxylists — Package for getting useful proxy servers, can use lists like hidemy or proxydb.
- proxyrotation — automatic free proxy rotation
- psychopath — File System Utils For Data Science Projects
- ptw — Pooling TLS Wrapper
- PublicBot — PirxcyBot in a PyPi package form to easily be ran on repl. Or in a simple py file
- PublicPartyBotFinal — PirxcyBot in a PyPi package form to easily be ran on repl. Or in a simple py file
- purerpc — Native, async Python gRPC client and server implementation supporting asyncio, uvloop, trio
- py-helios-node — Python implementation of the Helios Protocol Node
- Py-Lav — A Lavalink WebSocket & API wrapper for
- py-spring-core — PySpring is a Python web framework inspired by Spring Boot, combining FastAPI, SQLModel, and Pydantic for building scalable web applications with auto dependency injection, configuration management, and a web server.
- pyadtpulse — Python interface for ADT Pulse security systems
- pyalicat — Python API for acquisition and control of Alicat mass flow meters and controllers.
- pyasyncserver — Modular asynchronous application service
- pybrook — PyBrook - a real-time cloud computing framework for the Internet of Things.
- pydatacq — A package for asynchronous data acquisition
- pyGascard — Python API for acquisition and control of Edinburgh Sensors Gascard
- pyink — Pyink is a python formatter, forked from Black with slightly different behavior.
- pyjabber — A Python XMPP server
- pymars — MARS: a tensor-based unified framework for large-scale data computation.
- pyncette — A reliable distributed scheduler with pluggable storage backends
- pynumaflow — Provides the interfaces of writing Python User Defined Functions and Sinks for NumaFlow.
- pyOMRON — Python API for acquisition and control of OMRON G3PW Power Controller.
- pypipeflow — a simple library that you can set up service based on different kinds of MQ
- pyrepositoryminer — Efficient Repository Mining in Python
- pyroblack — Pyrogram, but black. Elegant, modern and asynchronous Telegram MTProto API framework in Python for users and bots
- pyroexalt — Fork of pyrogram. Elegant, modern and asynchronous Telegram MTProto API framework in Python for users and bots
- PyroFork — Fork of pyrogram. Elegant, modern and asynchronous Telegram MTProto API framework in Python for users and bots
- pyrogramv1 — Fork of Pyrogram v1.4.16
- pyrogramv2 — Fork of Pyrogram v2.0.106
- pyrotgfork — Fork of Pyrogram. Elegant, modern and asynchronous Telegram MTProto API framework in Python for users and bots
- PySimultanUI — no summary
- pytest-aio — Pytest plugin for testing async python code
- python-datamodel — simple library based on python +3.8 to use Dataclass-syntaxfor interacting with Data
- python-rmq — Redis based message queue
- python-xdoc — no summary
- pythonsdk — Python Software Dev Kit
- pytranscoding — Python Transcoding Tools
- qbchemchef — LLM-based tools for information retrieval
- qpool — Trait based multiprocessing with queues
- quality-estimation — no summary
- quantease-binance — This project provides a Python API for fetching historical data from the Binance exchange. It includes functionalities for retrieving Klines, trades, aggregate trades, book ticker data, funding rates, and metrics.
- quickbolt — Asynchronously make and validate requests!