Reverse Dependencies of uv
The following projects have a declared dependency on uv:
- idlemypyextension — Mypy daemon extension for Python IDLE
- interlocutor — Interlocutor is a set of utilities for describing the structure and contents of a repository.
- ix-pu-utils — Random stuff to help writing Pulumi scripts easier
- json5 — A Python implementation of the JSON5 data format.
- juv — A toolkit for reproducible Jupyter notebooks, powered by uv.
- kozmoai — A Python package with a built-in web application
- kraken-build — no summary
- kraken-wrapper — no summary
- laminci — Lamin's CI tools.
- langflow — A Python package with a built-in web application
- langflow-install — Simple langflow installer powered by uv
- langflow-nightly — A Python package with a built-in web application
- laser-core — Core functionality for the Light Agent Spatial modeling for ERadication toolkit (LASER).
- layerpack — A Python library for simplifying AWS Lambda deployment
- libcomponent — Shared Component Library
- libres — A library to reserve things
- licensecheck — Output the licenses used by dependencies and check if these are compatible with the project license
- lima-api — Lima-API is sync and async library that allows implements Rest APIs libs with python typing.
- llmcode-install — Installer for the llmcode AI pair programming CLI tool.
- lpw — Using Local Packet Whisperer (LPW, Chat with PCAP/PCAPNG files locally, privately!
- maco — no summary
- meerschaum — Sync Time-Series Pipes with Meerschaum
- meltano — Meltano is your CLI for ELT+: Open Source, Flexible, and Scalable. Move, transform, and test your data with confidence using a streamlined data engineering workflow you’ll love.
- messageformat2 — Python implementation of Unicode MessageFormat 2.0
- milieux — Tool to assist in developing, building, and installing Python packages.
- miniogre — miniogre: from source code to reproducible environment, in seconds.
- moccasin — Pythonic smart contract development framework using Titanoboa
- moonai — Cutting-edge framework for orchestrating role-playing, autonomous AI agents. By fostering collaborative intelligence, moonai empowers agents to work together seamlessly, tackling complex missions.
- multi-crypto-exchanges-api — Ce projet se compose d’une API côté serveur et d’une application client (Streamlit et WebSocket) permettant d’interagir avec plusieurs exchanges. L’API offre divers endpoints pour obtenir des données historiques, gérer l’authentification, exécuter des ordres (TWAP), streamer des carnets d'ordres, et bien plus encore.
- my-collection — A Python package for text processing and argument parsing
- neuro_api — Neuro-API SDK for Python
- neuro-api-tony — Graphical implementation of the Neuro API in Python
- Nidam — Nidam: Self-hosting LLMs Made Easy.
- nomad-dos-fingerprints — An implementation of DOS fingerprints for the NOMAD Laboratory.
- nox — Flexible test automation.
- nrp-devtools — NRP repository development tools
- nyaml — A tool to convert yaml NeXus application definitions (nyaml) to nexus definitions language (nxdl).
- omuserver — Add your description here
- OpenLLM — OpenLLM: Self-hosting LLMs Made Easy.
- orchestr8 — A versatile collection of independent components crafted to simplify task automation, particularly for AI workflows.
- otripy — A tool to plan your next trip
- — Create pep517 compliant packages from the meson build system, OZI-maintained fork.
- packse — no summary
- peeler — A tool to use a pyproject.toml instead of a blender_manifest.toml to build Blender add-ons
- peepsai — Peeps AI is a platform for decentralized AI agents, designed to provide individuals and communities with accessible, transparent and collaborative AI solutions.
- phiton — no summary
- pip-deepfreeze — A simple pip freeze workflow for Python application developers.
- piptegrator — Piptegrator - Tools for managing requirements-driven projects
- plm-utils — Random stuff to help writing Pulumi scripts easier
- polars_iptools — Polars extension for IP address parsing and enrichment including geolocation
- pre-commit-uv — Run pre-commit with uv
- prefect-cloud — Package for easily deploying to Prefect Cloud.
- protocol-implements-decorator — Adds the 'implements' decorator to make using protocols easier and more explicit
- pspm — A simple Python package manager
- pu-utils — Random stuff to help writing Pulumi scripts easier
- pvenv — Easy python virtual environment management
- PyAutoGen — A programming framework for agentic AI
- pycaputo — Evaluate fractional integrals and solve fractional ODEs
- pycgdescent — Python wrapper for the CG_DESCENT library
- pycomex — Python Computational Experiments
- pyElli — An ellipsometry analysis tool for reproducible and comprehensible building of optical models.
- pyfloyd — A parser generator and interpreter framework for Python.
- pymittagleffler — High performance implementation of the Mittag-Leffler function
- pyMOR — Library for building model order reduction applications with Python
- pynxtools-apm — Make atom probe tomography and field-ion microscopy results interoperable via NeXus
- pynxtools-em — Make electron microscopy results interoperable via NeXus
- pynxtools-xps — A reader for transferring XPS data from vendor formats to NeXus and NOMAD.
- pyprojectx — Execute scripts from pyproject.toml, installing tools on-the-fly
- pyrgo — no summary
- pytest-ansible — Plugin for pytest to simplify calling ansible modules from tests or fixtures
- python-jsx — JSX transpiler for Python
- python-pack — A modern Python project template
- python-snap7 — Python wrapper for the snap7 library
- pyvv — Python 多版本
- qik — Tame your monorepo. Make CI fast again.
- quadplots — Create animations of simple numerical integration methods.
- rcrab — Simpe python project template
- replace-pip-with-uv-pip — Replace pip with uv pip.
- reqs-cli — no summary
- safeguards — no summary
- sedate — Date/time helper functions used by various Seantis packages.
- seekwellpandas — SQL queries on Pandas data frames
- service-template — Add your description here
- shotgrid-mcp-server — A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server implementation using fastmcp
- slap-cli — Slap is a command-line utility for developing Python applications.
- snapbox — Draw boxes over images.
- soufi — no summary
- sparrow-cvat — no summary
- sparrow-datums — no summary
- sparrow-mlpipes — Tools for Nvidia DeepStream
- sparrow-static — no summary
- sphinx-no-pragma — Strip pragmas from your docs.
- stamina — Production-grade retries made easy.
- StringDataDeque — Useful when building a string from data that can be converted into a string, in parts.
- superparams — Programmatic space search with a focus on flexibility
- sybil-extras — Additions to Sybil, the documentation testing tool.
- tabsdata — Tabsdata System
- tavern — Simple testing of RESTful APIs
- tecton — Tecton Python SDK
- ten8t — Tool for generic infrastructure linting.