Reverse Dependencies of uuid7
The following projects have a declared dependency on uuid7:
- airbyte — PyAirbyte
- asyncio-foundationdb — FoundationDB drivers for asyncio
- clicksign_lib_v2 — Add your description here
- django-promotion-counters — Django app to handle promotion and marketing events.
- egpy — package for integrating with eg runtime
- fa-common — CSIRO Geoanalytics FastAPI Common Framework. Standardises Data access, authentication, task execution and provides a number of utilities and helper classes.
- fastapi-cruddy-framework — A holistic CRUD/MVC framework for FastAPI, with endpoint policies and relationships
- glean-helper — Helper models, classes, and functions for interacting with the Glean Indexing and Client APIs. This is an unofficial module, and is not supported or endorsed by Glean.
- humbldata — open-sourcing the math behind major financial institutional investors/banks. this package connects data analysis to the humblFINANCE website.
- hyrex — Hyrex is the open-source COLD task orchestration framework built on Postgres.
- machinable — A modular configuration system for research projects
- medwave-extended-sql — SQL utilities
- mexican-sign-language-toolkit — Manage visual language with msl
- mfid — MFID: a Mighty Fine Identifier
- mikkoo — Mikkoo is a PgQ to RabbitMQ Relay
- nshsnap — no summary
- nshutils — no summary
- odigos-opentelemetry-python — Odigos Initializer for Python OpenTelemetry Components
- openbb-core — OpenBB package with core functionality.
- openbb-nightly — OpenBB
- py-identity — no summary
- pydentity-core — no summary
- pydentity-core-sqlalchemy — Database adapter for SQLAlchemy.
- pymongo-crud-use — A package for MongoDB CRUD operations using PyMongo
- ScopeFoundry — a platform for laboratory equipment control and scientific data analysis
- surrealdb-rpc — A Python library for interacting with SurrealDB via RPC.
- timbal — A strongly opinionated framework for building and orchestrating agentic AI applications