Reverse Dependencies of uuid
The following projects have a declared dependency on uuid:
- a8logging — A utility for logging events in Python projects
- abtestools — AB Test Framework for Python
- ai01 — AI Agent SDK on Huddle01 dRTC Network
- alecto — Alecto is an advanced command-line tool for password hashing. With support for various hashing algorithms, including MD5, SHA-256, SHA-512, Argon2, and bcrypt, it offers flexibility and security. Users can choose algorithms, include custom salts, and specify hash lengths, making it a versatile solution for password hashing needs.
- anaml-helper — A helper library for working with features and featuresets programmatically leveraging the existing anaml_client SDK.
- anubis-policy-api — The main module of anubis
- anuvaad-auditor — A package to standardize and manage audit details and errors in anuvaad dataflow pipeline
- anuvaadAauditor — A package to standardize and manage audit details and errors in anuvaad dataflow pipeline
- aq-dbmigration — a database migration tool
- autilsy — A brief utils of scripts
- AutoAgent — Autonomous AI Agents Framework with Asynchronous Agent Loop Running Environment
- axabc — library that defines abstractions for some repeated essences
- axsqlalchemy — SQLAlchemy-based library that allows you to implement a uow pattern based on this library
- batch-processor-custom — Um pacote para processamento em lote usando MongoDB
- bing-results-scraper — Bing Search Scraper - A Python library for retrieving search results from Bing
- bitbootpy — no summary
- blossom — A simple evolution simulator
- camerahub-tagger — EXIF tagger for CameraHub
- carasdk — Cara Application Framework
- cepton-sdk — Cepton Python SDK
- cervmongo — An (even) higher-level MongoDB client
- cgbeacon2 — A beacon supporting GA4GH API 1.0
- cherryblossom — CherryBlossom: an API for Nosedive AI
- cla — An integrated Python toolkit for classifiability analysis.
- cm2py — Circuit Maker 2 save generation and manipulation package
- CO2-Info — A simple alert app for indoor air quality.
- cod-api — Call Of Duty API.
- cognitrix — Package for creating AI Agents using llms
- comfy-ui-client — A simple WebSocket client for Comfy UI
- conduit-forge — Python library to model, project and analyse piping and pumping systems
- ConStrain — ConStrain is a data-driven knowledge-integrated framework that automatically verifies that building system controls function as intended.
- ContentAssistant — Manipulação do assistente de conteúdo
- cord-client-python — Cord Python SDK Client
- correlation-logger — Python logger for logging using correlation id in production.
- crudrouter — no summary
- cryptic-game — Microservice handler for cryptic-game
- cryton — Advanced scenario orchestrator
- cryton-core — Advanced scheduler for attack scenarios
- csv-to-dynamodb — A library for automatically creating DynamoDB tables from CSV files and, optionally, automatically populating those tables.
- cvrmap — CVRmap is an opensource software to compute maps of Cerebro-Vascular Reactivity
- DACBench — Dynamic Algorithm Configuration Benchmark
- data-prep-toolkit-transforms — Data Preparation Toolkit Transforms using Ray
- DataHive — DataHive is a Python library and tool for managing and querying JSON-based file system databases (FSDB). It provides a simple and efficient way to work with structured data stored in JSON format on your -mlocal file system.
- datastew — Datastew is a python library for intelligent data harmonization using Large Language Model (LLM) vector embeddings.
- dbmsbenchmarker — DBMS-Benchmarker is a Python-based application-level blackbox benchmark tool for Database Management Systems (DBMS). It connects to a given list of DBMS (via JDBC) and runs a given list of parametrized and randomized (SQL) benchmark queries. Evaluations are available via Python interface, in reports and at an interactive multi-dimensional dashboard.
- DDPCL — no summary
- deatrisdev — Deatris Software Tools
- deeppype — The AWS based Deep Learning Pipeline Framework
- devchat-ask — no summary
- DGTL_db_connector — AWS DynamoDB python wrapper with backward compatibility
- dgtl-logging — DGTL Health BV NEN7513 compliant logging objects
- dgtl-pyqldb — AWS DynamoDB python wrapper with backward compatibility
- dguard — Speech Diarization and Speaker Embedding
- dguard-cann — Speech Diarization and Speaker Embedding
- did-endpoint — did-endpoint python
- dims-client — Raspberry Pi Client Registration
- DistriLockPer — Distributed Lock with using Redis
- docs-agent — no summary
- DolibabyPhp — An authenticated RCE exploit for Dolibarr ERP/CRM CVE-2023-30253.
- downerhelper — Collection of functions to wrap the Azure SDK
- dtu-hpc-cli — CLI to make it easier to work with the HPC cluster at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
- duckbot-matrix — A simple Matrix bot.
- dummy-data-generator-id — A library for generating realistic dummy data for Indonesian context
- dynamic-process-pool — no summary
- earthcube-utilities — A package of utilities for NSF Earthcube Geocodes Project
- ecstremity — An ECS Library based on the JavaScript geotic library.
- Emonic — Discover a user-friendly Python web framework designed to empower developers in building both standard and high-level applications. Crafted with simplicity in mind, this framework provides an intuitive environment for creating web applications that adhere to industry standards. Whether you're embarking on a straightforward project or aiming for a sophisticated application, our framework streamlines the development process, offering flexibility and tools to match your goals.
- EnergyDataModel — Data model for energy modelling.
- EPIC-API-Client — EPIC API Client including authentication flow and some wrapped API calls
- esayRedis — esayRedisTest
- espapp-pkg — ESP applicaion
- EtlWorkers — A Data Engineering package
- eulith-web3 — A compatible wrapper library for Eulith clients
- evonik-apitest — Helpers for testing APIs
- evonik-openapi — Generate and merge client/server stubs using openapi-generator
- FalconEye — Toolset for Data Exploration
- faultybot — Faultybot Discord Handler
- fdrtd-datashield — Federated Secure Computing
- featureform-enterprise — Package for the Featureform Enterprise Feature Store
- federatedsecure-server — server middleware for Federated Secure Computing
- fhirizer — Mapping GDC's and Cellosaurus schema to FHIR schema.
- Filechunker — A utility for chunking large files into smaller ones.
- fincept-terminal — A Terminal for Financial Market Analysis and Fetching all kinds of Data.
- flare-bypasser — no summary
- flaskpaypallib — Easy to use library for making your payments
- forest-of-thoughts — Paper - Pytorch
- fusion-tools — Modular visualization and analysis dashboard creation for high-resolution microscopy images
- gamerinsta — Instagram Android Api For Login
- gbv — A package to get videos from Bilibili
- geo-vallarisGIFT — A package to processing Vallaris Maps
- girder-job-sequence — Utility package for running Girder jobs in a sequence.
- goalEDP — Library for processing goal-oriented agents. Processing is done on an event-driven mechanism. Events are saved to be used by explanation generating methods.
- gymie — WebSocket server that exposes an API to train AI agents on OpenAI Gym and gym-api-like Environments
- hacktcha — no summary
- hailuo-tts-api — A simple Wrapper for Hailuo TTS
- hbez — Healthbot Python Client
- HelloBikeLibrary — test framework
- HelloLinker — A Python Library For Kamibot
- hologres-vector — no summary
- huuid — library to convert uuids forth and back to a human-readable and pronounceable format