Reverse Dependencies of urdf-parser-py
The following projects have a declared dependency on urdf-parser-py:
- adam-robotics — Automatic Differentiation for rigid-body-dynamics AlgorithMs
- eagerx-franka — EAGERx interface to franka robot arms.
- eagerx-interbotix — EAGERx interface to interbotix robot arms.
- forwardkinematics — "Light-weight implementation of forward kinematics using casadi."
- general-robotics-toolbox — General robotics toolbox developed by RPI
- hello-robot-stretch-body — Stretch Body low level Python API
- krecviz — Visualisation utilities for krec files
- pyoptas — An optimization-based task specification library for task and motion planning (TAMP), trajectory optimization, and model predictive control.
- pyrobolearn — A Python framework for roboticists and machine learning practitioners
- skidy — Symbolic kinematics and dynamics model generation using Equations of Motion in closed form.
- torchkin — Torch extension for differentiable kinematics.
- urdf2casadi — Module for tuning a chain in a URDF to a casadi function.