Reverse Dependencies of unyt
The following projects have a declared dependency on unyt:
- abb-assetvista-avtypes — Package defining the classes and methods required for using the ABB AssetVista library on the Genix Streaming Calculation Engine.
- ceviche-challenges — no summary
- cis_interface — A framework for combining interdependent models from multiple languages.
- flow360 — no summary
- galaxy-dive — A general analysis suite for hydrodynamic galaxy simulations.
- gizio — A light-weight Python package for GIZMO snapshot IO
- ha7000d — Python interface to Holzworth HA7062D Phase Noise Analyzer
- let-me-scroll-it — A command-line utility for placing figures in a static webpage
- libtalley — A collection of helpful functions and doodads.
- materia-spectra — Toolkit to analyze spectra.
- materia-structure — Streamlined interface for managing atomistic structure data.
- mathusla-tracker — MATHUSLA Tracking Algorithm
- measpy — Measurements with Python
- nitdms — A pythonic reader for TDMS files generated by LabVIEW
- openpnm-test — A framework for conducting pore network modeling simulations of multiphase transport in porous materials
- osier — osier: A justice oriented energy system optimization tool
- pageplot — no summary
- planetboundmass — Toolkit to find and analysis bound particles from planetary SWIFTsim simulations
- py-extrema — Find extrema and their mergers in N dimensional fields.
- pyjanitor — Tools for cleaning pandas DataFrames
- pythonplot — Automation of python plotting using matplotlib.
- pyVBRc — python utilities for working with the VBRc
- pyXSIM — Python package for simulating X-ray observations from astrophysical sources
- QuasarCode — A general purpose library for Python applications.
- rsfsup — Communication with Rohde&Schwarz FSUP Signal Source Analyzer
- sirepo-bluesky — Sirepo-Bluesky interface
- swiftemulator — Gaussian process emulator for creating synthetic model data across high dimensional parameter spaces, initially developed for use with the SWIFT simulation code.
- swiftgalaxy — Code abstraction of objects (galaxies) in simulations.
- swiftpipeline — Pipeline for producing galaxy scaling relation plots.
- swiftsimio — SWIFTsim ( i/o routines for python.
- tekinstr — Communication with Tektronix oscilloscopes
- unit-system — SI unit system implementation enabling physical quantity math
- velociraptor — Velociraptor catalogue reading routines.
- yggdrasil-framework — A framework for combining interdependent models from multiple languages.
- yt-napari — A napari plugin for loading data from yt
- ytree — An extension of yt for working with merger tree data.